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What is my username and password?

What is my username and password?

I'm so confused right now. I created my spotify account via facebook connect. But now I need my username and password in order to connect my spotify account to mint or just to be able to sign into my account without facebook. But I can't! I can't login to my spotify without facebook. WHat do I do?


I never set up a username or password for my account. So how do I find said username or password or something? I'm majorly confused.


Can anyone help?

14 Replies

Hello and welcome to the community!
Have you tried using your facebook credententials as username and password (so, when it asks for a username you type your facebook email username and for password the one you use to log in to facebook)?

Hope this was helpful!



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Nope. That didn't/doesn't work. 😞

It just keeps saying "Incorrect username or password."

Hello! So you still can't log in?

Have you tried logging in from another browser?

I'm giving you this thread here to read as it is related to your issue and could help.



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But I CAN log in. But only with facebook connect. Without that, I'm basically screwed. So that forum didn't help at all...

Hello again!

When you create an account with facebook it's quite different from creating an account with only Spotify. First case, your info is with Facebook, so you don't need to create a seperate password/username. Second case, your info, registers directly to Spotify. So if you registered with Facebook, logging in will work through facebook connect. Otherwise, you have to create an account with Spotify, with a username/password of your choosing.

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Basically, what I'm saying is, you can't log in without facebook, if you registered for a Spotify account through Facebook connect.

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So then what am I supposed to do about my account? I need to be able to actually LOGIN into my account without facebook connect. So basically I have to create a new account and manually move ALL my stuff over to the new account? Are you kidding me? That doesn't even make sense!

So you can see your username but you have to use a PC Login then you have to login to your account the same way meaning Facebook Login. Then click on your Display Name on left top corner  then click on Account and then you can see your username present right there.

If you're facing any problem reply here.


That's right top corner I think please see accordingly.

Scratch all that just open Spotify in your mobile browser and then login and then click on your profile photo right on top right corner and then it opens account overview and there you can see your username. If you want a separate password inform me here by replying.


Hey there folks,


Thanks for reaching out to us. Also, thank you @TYiYT for stepping in and helping out 🙂


As @TYiYT mentioned, you can check your username on your account overview page. If you signed up with Facebook, you'll need to create a new Spotify password in order to be able to log in with your username or registered email address. Head here for more info on that. 


In case you no longer have access to the email address registered to your account, we'd recommend taking a look at this Spotify Answer for what to do next.


Hope this helps. We'll be here if you have any other questions.

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I'm sorry. I didn't get what test meant here.

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