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problem in signin

problem in signin







 Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Operating System

 Windows 10


My Question or Issue

First of all Spotify signed me out from device and system at same time an gave me error code 17 on system.
I changed my pass 2 timed but it doesnt still work . please give me help to know what can I do.

the other thing is my premiume account . I live in Iran so we havnt creadit card for pay so we use intermediary for these things . I used premiume account for afew days after that Spotify known me as a free user but I had charge for tow month more I thing.

P.s : thank you for your helping



3 Replies

Hi @hannahhomayoon, thanks for posting in the Community!


For your first problem, please look at this post, if that doesn't work then try this thread, there are many different solutions in there to solve error 17 and hopefully one of them will work for you. If none of these work either, please contact the Spotify Support and they will be happy to hepl you through your problem.


For your second problem, if you contact the Spotify Support they should be able to help you resolve your problem. 


Please reply if you need anything else 🙂


Im sorry but it doesnt work . I reinstalled my Spotify on system and it changed error that I attach photo with this message

It looks like you have the wrong country set on your Spotify account. Have a look at this to see how to change it.

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