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"Account is used somewhere else" message after changing password/sign out everywhere twice

"Account is used somewhere else" message after changing password/sign out everywhere twice

While using the desktop web player, sometimes my music will pause and say that my account is being used somewhere else. I've changed my password to something long and random using LastPass, and clicked the sign out everywhere link, but my music still pauses with the message about my account being in use. I haven't shared my password with anyone, and it doesn't make sense that I would still be getting this error even after changing my password and signing out everywhere.

Thanks for the help

3 Replies

Hey @TheStageIsOver! Welcome to the Spotify Community. ^^

That doesn't sound quite right.

Have you tried reinstalling your app? If not here's a step by step tutorial.

Let us know if that helps, thanks! ^^



Hmmmm. I uninstalled the Android app from my phone, and then opened the web player on my desktop to listen to something. While the app was uninstalled, it paused with the same message.

I'm wondering if an application that I gave access to my account is doing something without me realizing it. Apparently there's no way to view third party apps that have access to your account.



It could be an offline device that is blocking your account.

Try to delete all of your offline devices on this site.  It should be fixed after that.

But keep in mind that you need to download the songs again after you've deleted the device from the list.

Let us know if that helps, thanks! ^^



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