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Headset: triple press to previous song

Headset: triple press to previous song

Why triple press in the headset button doesn't play the previous song like any other music apps?

It's skiping 2 songs instead.

Why someone would like have the ability to skip two songs instead of repeating the song or listening the previous one?
Why we don't have this option? It's very frustrating!

There's a workaroud for this without using another application like JAYS?

5 Replies

This is an old complaint:


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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

This is an old complaint, along with countless others you robots are ignoring. People have been shouting at your dumb, blank, robot faces for years. You just don't GAF. We are PAYING for this.


Screw this, i'm migrating to AppleMusic.

Hey everyone,


Thanks for reaching out, we appreciate your feedback on this.


We'll make sure to pass it along to the right team. We also recommend that you post an idea that requests a change in how the triple press works on our Idea Exchange. You can learn how to do this here


The Idea Exchange is a great way for us to see what our users are interested in and how many people like a certain idea. You can read more about it here.


Hope you find this useful. Keep us posted if you have any questions.

Mihail Moderator
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Another generic, soulless, chatbot reply. You are doing everything you can to be repulsive.

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