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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
PlanPremiumDevicelg g4 My Question or Issue so i love the repeat one
(song) function, however if I set it for song A and if i swith to a
difrent song it toggles the setting to no repeat (the grey one). I know
it's an intentional choice but i find it ...
Plan Premium Device lg g4 My Question or Issue so i love the repeat one (song) function, however if I set it for song A and if i swith to a difrent song it toggles the...
I want to watch the vertical video (bts). But I don't know where it is.
I tried searching for the artist, even the playlist that was supposed to
have that video but I still can't see it. I've tried reaching installing
the app and logging off and in a...
I want to watch the vertical video (bts). But I don't know where it is. I tried searching for the artist, even the playlist that was supposed to have that video but I still can't see it.&...
PlanFree DeviceGalaxy S7, Windows 10 My Question or IssueI can't find
where to toggle Shuffle and Repeat.Is this feature gone? Because then
the whole Remote thing is kinda useless, imo
Plan Free Device Galaxy S7, Windows 10 My Question or Issue I can't find where to toggle Shuffle and Repeat. Is this feature gone? Because then the whole Remote thing is kinda u...
PlanPremiumCountry Denmark DeviceOneplus 6Operating SystemAndroid 8.1 My
Question or Issue Hey all.Just got this nice phone. I like the spotify
controlls. But can i disable the spotify allbum art.? Regards Daniel and
Plan Premium Country Denmark Device Oneplus 6 Operating System Android 8.1 My Question or Issue Hey all. Just got this nice phone. I like the spotify controlls. But can...
FreeUKSamsung Galaxy A5 (2017)Android Oreo My Question or Issue Since
the new update I haven't been able to access my downloaded podcasts
anywhere. Please help.
Free UK Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) Android Oreo My Question or Issue Since the new update I haven't been able to access my downloaded podcasts anywhere. Please help.
My Question or IssueMy premium Spotify suddenly shuts dow 10-30 minutes
after upstart on my new HP laptop. No internet problems. I have
reinstalled without any results.
My Question or Issue My premium Spotify suddenly shuts dow 10-30 minutes after upstart on my new HP laptop. No internet problems. I have reinstalled without any results.
Hi there i jst recently knew thar spotify has a videos option and it
says i can find it in browse but there is no videos option in my browse
tab so please help i really love the concept of videos in spotify
Hi there i jst recently knew thar spotify has a videos option and it says i can find it in browse but there is no videos option in my browse tab so please help i really love the concept of v...
Because of the recent problems with last.fm-scrobbling I deactivated the
internal scrobbling-feature in Spotify. It works very well with the
desktop app but my Android-App doesn't save the option and reminds me
again and again that my last.fm name an...
Because of the recent problems with last.fm-scrobbling I deactivated the internal scrobbling-feature in Spotify. It works very well with the desktop app but my Android-App doesn't save the option and...
So even the help section is borked- I tried to start a topic only to
have the "cannot verify" experience- just like on the app!I have tried
to get this app to work on 3 different devices- all choke after "login"
and go to a black screen.This so isn't...
So even the help section is borked- I tried to start a topic only to have the "cannot verify" experience- just like on the app! I have tried to get this app to work on 3 different de...
Nexus 6 with family premium .Everytime I try radio or home its says not
working have another go . Uninstalled reinstalled logged out then in
cleared data and cache . Library and search works just fine . I can play
music its just annoying and not wort...
Nexus 6 with family premium .Everytime I try radio or home its says not working have another go . Uninstalled reinstalled logged out then in cleared data and cache . Library and search works ju...
DeviceMotorola Moto G3Operating SystemAndroid 6.0 My Question or IssueI
have a SD card set as Internal Storage, and I download my playlists to
it. At some point, the playlists are shown as not downloaded (the
download switch appears as off). It's occ...
Device Motorola Moto G3 Operating System Android 6.0 My Question or Issue I have a SD card set as Internal Storage, and I download my playlists to it. At some point, the playlists are sh...
Anyone know why my radio icon is missing from the spotify app on my
samsung s8 phone? The only options i have are playlists, home and
search. If i log on on my laptop it is there but i need it on my phone.
I havr uninstalled it and reinstalled it and...
Anyone know why my radio icon is missing from the spotify app on my samsung s8 phone? The only options i have are playlists, home and search. If i log on on my laptop it is there but i need it on my ...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryFrance Device Asus Zen FoneOperating
SystemAndroidMy Question or IssueSpotify (sous Android) ne reconnait pas
ma carte SD que j'ai pourtant formaté plusieurs fois.. Je l'utilise pour
enregrister les sons hors ligne.. Merci d'av...
Plan Free/Premium Country France Device Asus Zen Fone Operating System Android My Question or Issue Spotify (sous Android) ne reconnait pas ma carte SD que j'ai pourtant format...
As of the most recent update, Spotify will no longer shuffle-play. I
have the free version, so usually shuffle is that all that's available.
Now, however, all of my playlists play by artist or in random clusters
of specific songs that repeat over and...
As of the most recent update, Spotify will no longer shuffle-play. I have the free version, so usually shuffle is that all that's available. Now, however, all of my playlists play by artist or in ran...
Hello.I have a problem with imported music. I follow the procedure when
in PC app I take an absolutely correct mp3 in local files and add it to
a playlist. If I play it in the desktop app, it plays correctly and I
can skip (move time bar) in the song...
Hello. I have a problem with imported music. I follow the procedure when in PC app I take an absolutely correct mp3 in local files and add it to a playlist. If I play it in the desktop app, it plays...
PlanPremiumCountry United StatesDeviceKindle Fire HD 8 I recently played
the playlist "Behind the Lyrics: Hits" , which I believe should have
behind the lyrics. However, it didn't appear. On other devices I have
seen it work, and I was surprised.
Plan Premium Country United States Device Kindle Fire HD 8 I recently played the playlist "Behind the Lyrics: Hits" , which I believe should have behind the lyrics. Howeve...
Hallo, Ich benutze seit januar Spotify Premium. Meiner Meinung nach ist
das rundum packet sehr gut nur 1ne sache stört mich gewaltig: Ich kann
meine lokalen MP3 dateien die ich auf meinem pc gescpeichert habe nicht
auf meinem Android handy abspielen....
Hallo, Ich benutze seit januar Spotify Premium. Meiner Meinung nach ist das rundum packet sehr gut nur 1ne sache stört mich gewaltig: Ich kann meine lokalen MP3 dateien die ich auf mei...
I have selected SD-Card to save offline-music. Despite that every
Android-Update failes due to lack of memory. After unistalling Spotify
the 1.4GB of memory saved on the SD-Card is available as additional ram.
Is this a bug or my mistake? RegardsThom...
I have selected SD-Card to save offline-music. Despite that every Android-Update failes due to lack of memory. After unistalling Spotify the 1.4GB of memory saved on the SD-Card is available as addit...