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New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS


New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS

Hello Spotify users,


This thread is for the community who have been selected to test the new web player design.


I've noticed that there is a great change probably hinting at spotify getting rid of some features and adding new ones. It is very important that the users of spotify give feedback to these new changes.



- Save feature needs to be added. The save feature needs to be added back on albums and singles. 

- Interactive profiles. Profiles arent interactive anymore. I seen the riddence of public playlists on profiles and what artists users are listening too. It would be nice to actually improve the profiles picture and make contacting and connecting to other users easy.

- Make accessibility to playlists and customization to playlist easier. Because of the new bulky UI it is hard to find what you're looking for.

- Make the UI less bulky-- the colors are nice, the design is nice, but it would be easier if it was efficient. The UI is too bulky, like the songs get overcrowded when listening to an album or playlist.


Any more feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments are welcomed. If you are a visitor, it is nice to see your feedback as you will be using this UI or help develop it. 🙂


THE NEW WEBPLAYER: Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png


Please, like I said, leave feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments. They are all welcomed.


You can contact me or follow me on these various platforms:

Spotify - @Yxngmeezy

Instagram - @Yxngmeezy

Snapchat - @Yxngmeezy

Twitter - @Yxng_meezy

E-mail -


thank you. 🙂

Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png

Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

Layout is awful.

Left-side bar is too big.

Too much wasted space.

Album artwork too small.

Artists page only contains artists that I followed (in a completely random order)????

Looks terrible.

'+' icons next to songs are gone. Why?

Too much functionality taken away.

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Marked as solution

I was wondering why I had so many emails from the Spotify Community overnight, but then I went to listen to Spotify at work, per usual, and I see Spotify once again broke the UA switcher workaround and are forcing their new """improved""" version of the webplayer. I sincerely hope this only lasts a day or so like last time because the new version is even more garbage than I remembered. I won't list the numerous features that have been gutted because everyone else already has, but I have to ask: why? Who thought removing features and having a jumbotron UI that takes up 98% of screen real estate were what people were clamoring for? And why aren't they fired? 

View solution in original post

686 Replies

Thanks for sharing this @yxngmeezy! I have yet to be switched over to the new Web Player Interface, but it looks nice in terms of the playbar now being located at the bottom.


I am going to miss the Icons for Browse, Radio, and Your Music, but I suppose those are all located under the new Browse text link in the left sidebar. If so, then it's no big deal.


I'll just have to wait and see what the new UI brings when I get it.

Yeah. It's a nice new design. I'm just worried about leaving the old features that I used the most. I can't find those features yet. I'm sure that spotify is looking for feedback given that I have this new experimental design.

Looks like Radio is gone completely. As is right-click functionality, the play-queue system, and even the time of the song playing. Not to mention how ridiculously big everything is, feels like it was made for a tablet and without PCs in mind.


Any way to be "unselected" for the new player and keep using the old one for now?



I do NOT like the new UI.  I didn't think there was much that needed to be changed from the old one in the first place.  There is no way to SORT things anymore. Period.  Not sure who thought a sort function wouldn't be necessary but it is the dumbest idea ever.  It is a huge problem to not be able to do something as simple as SORT.  I can see them MAYBE removing that function for a free user but not for a premuim one.  I am not able to install the desktop app on every computer I use this from so forcing people to do that is outrageous as well.  I agree that it seems like this is some sort of tablet/mobile version that was accidentally ported to a desktop--and done terribly bad.  We don't need a size 24 font for the song titles so now only 9 of the fit on a screen either!  This sucks.

Thanks for starting this thread! I strongly dislike the new UI for the web player and I hope Spotify will listen to community feedback on the new design.


Problems I see:

- Visually, it seems designed for a tablet. The large font and large images are overwhelming and mean that I can see fewer songs/playlists/etc. at a time. Very much dislike this.

- No sorting option anymore! I used this extensively and dislike having it gone.

- There doesn't seem to be a way to explore friends' profiles and playlists anymore.

- In general I find it much harder to discover new music this way. It seems like the amount of content on the screen has been streamlined, which makes it harder to see and then explore options for things to listen to.


Good things:

- The backgrounds are pleasant.

- The tile format for the images looks nice, but again, the size makes it harder to see everything at once. So on balance, I would rather have more items on the screen in list format, instead of fewer items in tile format.


I'm a Premium user now, but I am considering cancelling my subscription. I just don't see that I will get enough use and enjoyment out of the platform to justify paying for it, if this new design/UI is made permanent.



Any way to be "unselected" for the new player and keep using the old one for now?


It looks like you can still access the old design in browsers that aren't Firefox or Chrome. The old design is showing up for me in IE. Not sure how long that will last though.

As pretty as the new desktop interface is IT DOESNT WORK FOR ME. Every time I try to play anything, it has trouble connecting and won't load a thing. It doesn't help I'm behind a corporate firewall but the old version works just fine in IE11 (thankfully)

And if you refresh the player page in IE11 with F5 or Ctrl+F5, the old web player still shows up?

First impressions:


Things I like:

It works with Spotify Connect, so I can (in theory) hand off what I'm playing to/from my phone. (in practice it seems buggy).

It feels more app-like, which I guess is a good thing?


Things I don't like:

If feels designed for touch, so there is so much wasted space...

As has been mentioned, no way to sort things.

Along with that, my playlists are no longer in the folders I set in the app.

Not scrobbling to

No settings, so I can't reconnect to


Long story short, more simple is good, *too* simple is very bad. 

Radio gone, discover tab gone. This is why I listen to spotify to discover new music which I will like, that has been totally taken away and now the only option is to listen to the immediately visible suggested through genres and moods. I really hate it.

Also don't see any option to add a song to a queue (or actually see the queue, for that matter)



Where is the option to connect last fm?

A few issues I've had since the update:

- No scrobbling to

- Sometimes unable to click on the three dots options for tracks

- Shuffle is deselected if you manually move to a different song

- Every few songs, 'trouble with playback' pops up

I have also noticed another problem. Spotify needs to make my saved songs and albums universal throughout every platform of spotify. I find that some of my music isnt saved from the mobile version.

Looks like another downgrade TBH. I recommend this be an opt-in/opt-out interface that your users (us) can selectively use.


If not... You guys should open up your Web API to allow play/retrieval of full songs and just let the community handle making desktop apps.


Don't forget a large portion of your userbase selected Spotify due to the range of features available. Keep chopping it down and your service will eventually be a Pandora clone.

Really disappointed with the amount of features removed.

Been getting angrier with Spotify recently, no lyrics - say you're working on it all you want..., no year in music for me - what marketing execs decision was it to only have it sent out by email and not advertise that that was happening? And now this.

As a premium user I am looking at alternatives - seems like spotify is just cutting features left and right that aren't core to the product, but are the differentiating factors. /end that part of the rant.

I want a seemless experience when I go from mobile app, to desktop app on a machine where I can have it installed, to the web player - that I only use in the case that I can't have the app installed.

No ability to sort or manage playlists are dealbreakers.

Also when I listen to an artist from their page I just want to see a list of their songs, not have to click into albums all the time. I don't always know what album the song I want to listen to is on, and I may want to listen to songs from different albums without having to switch through them.

Really hope this gets rolled back / doesn't get rolled out.

Would also love a way to opt out.

I absolutly LOVE the new design, I have it, and it's so intuitive and beautiful. Now it would be prefect if this new design would rolled out to the iOS and macOS App 🙂


Ps: please replace the Flash webplayer with a HTML5

Aha, Off--white I love your username! I love that streetwear brand as well.

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