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New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS


New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS

Hello Spotify users,


This thread is for the community who have been selected to test the new web player design.


I've noticed that there is a great change probably hinting at spotify getting rid of some features and adding new ones. It is very important that the users of spotify give feedback to these new changes.



- Save feature needs to be added. The save feature needs to be added back on albums and singles. 

- Interactive profiles. Profiles arent interactive anymore. I seen the riddence of public playlists on profiles and what artists users are listening too. It would be nice to actually improve the profiles picture and make contacting and connecting to other users easy.

- Make accessibility to playlists and customization to playlist easier. Because of the new bulky UI it is hard to find what you're looking for.

- Make the UI less bulky-- the colors are nice, the design is nice, but it would be easier if it was efficient. The UI is too bulky, like the songs get overcrowded when listening to an album or playlist.


Any more feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments are welcomed. If you are a visitor, it is nice to see your feedback as you will be using this UI or help develop it. 🙂


THE NEW WEBPLAYER: Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png


Please, like I said, leave feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments. They are all welcomed.


You can contact me or follow me on these various platforms:

Spotify - @Yxngmeezy

Instagram - @Yxngmeezy

Snapchat - @Yxngmeezy

Twitter - @Yxng_meezy

E-mail -


thank you. 🙂

Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png
686 Replies

Well... hello! I didn't had the new UI until yesterday... i was reading this thread for a long time. I said "what is so awful in this new UI they are all talking about?" but since yesterday i have the new UI too, i tested... i will not write my opinion about something that is not functional, you can't even press play or shuffle, repeat etc. and don't mention that with other chrome browsers not working at all. The old UI leaving just 8-10mb in the cache and the new 350-400mb... if i keep saying more the forum will put so many "bleeps". I am premium user for years with family pack. I have my reasons i don't use the app i don't even using the mobile app. I am in a place should i leave or should i stay? I am looking the Deezer option others mentioned very seriously.


Shame, shame and shame... we deserve to learn the developers names to mock them. Yes i am serious they need mocking.

And for the UX designers:

we use laptops and screens which have a 16:9 resolution ratio. We do not need such a wide bar at the bottom: we need to vertically scroll through loads of songs (Spotify is not Soundcloud), this is why the previous player placed on the right side of the screen was just excellent. Please bring it back.


Thank you 

This new Web Player is absolute garbage. The UI is rubbish, I can't make the player to shuffle the songs. **bleep**, I cant even view the full-list of songs from the artist and have to manually browse albums individually. 

Are u kidding! Dang, that's like literally the ONLY thing that was wrong with the old UI

I don't think the best thing is to go away. I personally think that Spotify is one of the best music streaming services. I actually think they are taking our improvements. We said that when you go into an album, the songs are too wide, Spotify Developers lessened that for us.

It does change color - however it's too faint....and what's with the override of repeat and shuffle. I click shuffle and repeat dissapears. I click repeat and shuffle dissapears. Odd. Since music applications existed, you could shuffle an album/playlist and have it repeat once all songs were played. Guess we gotta be "holistic" (spotify's words) and not have basic necessary functions anymore. Hold on tight everyone! Soon, they are going to "increase flow" and take away the pause button.

It look okay, but also a little bit confusing.. probably just because it's new and I have to get used to it. BUT I can't play music??? 😞

its terrible

This layout is absolutly horrible for all the reasons stated in the previous replies on this thread and more. I'll be cancelling my subscription before the next renewal if this new layout isn't canned and removed. 


You couldn't of asked people whether or not they wanted to opt in first ?!?

shuffle link doesn't work.  it only works for 1 song and then goes back off and you have to reclick it again.

  • You can no longer sort your albums by 'recently added.'
  • On-the-fly playlists seem to have been removed (there is no longer a way to 'add next' or 'add to queue')
  • Radio stations are all gone. In fact there's no longer a radio button at all, you can only begin radio by right clicking a song and pressing start radio.


Anyone can get over the new UX changes (which I agree are not information-dense enough) but removing functionality is very unfortunate.


I think based on reading some of this thread, that functionality that was missing before was added in, people a few pages back are complaining about not seeing the 'discovery' tab anymore but it's there for me, so hopefully it will roll out in a future update.

I hate this new Spotify layout. I have a huge Ads bar above the play bar. And I hate it that i can no longer see the playlist. 

I hope someone really is going through these responses for feedback because this update is serious trouble. No longer listing all of the songs for an artist, not listing the length of an album, getting rid of time for the progress bar (for songs) overall, the removal of the play queue feature (which was my favorite), and most recently shuffle isn't even working. I've been using Spotify for a long time and have a lot of time invested into it, I'd hate to have to find something new. Please, listen to the people. I've not met anyone happy with the update, which does not bode well for the direction the company is taking this in. 

En la nueva versión no pueden verse el número de reproducciones de cada canción. Sólo muestra las 5 canciones más populares, en vez de las 10 de antes.

Tampoco se muestra la lista de canciones de cada album. Si quiero buscar una canción que no sé en qué álbum está, hay que ir álbum a álbum buscándola.

Son las mayores pegas que le encuentro.



Thanks for this thread.

I'm a user since day one, and as much as I appreciate your constant efforts, I find myself completely smacked in the face with this redesign. It is getting harder and harder to just look for your own saved music, being unable to filter and having to find them either on a long, bulky list, or by the covers of the container album, which is not a standardized item.

Moreover, as many users have written, the whole bulky style, in fonts, padding and graphics, doesn't favor browser navigation. One could argue that this is all to lure people into downloading the app.

I am considering to stop using the service completely.

Terrible browser redesign. Much more difficult to navigate. No add to queue. Why? 

If I pause a song, I can't restart it.  I have to choose a different song and then restart the original song.  Pause/Play functionality isn't something that should be removed from your music player.

I have a problem with the volume resetting to 100% everytime the music switsches to an ad. And when it switsches back to the music it's reset to 100% volume again 😞

I hate the new UI! There's no queue menu and no sort option when I go into artists! Also, there's no obvious way to move between screens. If I'm listening to my library and want to go into an album's playlist, I have to go all the way back to your music and then to the appropriate menu to get back, I can't just go back. It wouldnt be as weird if I was using a touch screen but with a mouse it makes it awkward.

This new format is the update all over again.  Tons of new unintuitive junk, huge loss of utility, less accessible.  This whole update looks like it's been specifically built to be more accessible for mobile users but it looks awful on anything larger than a phone.


The gigantic search bar alone almost makes me laugh out loud it's so ridiculous.

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