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Ability to Change the Folder Image

Hello, I recently found out about folders again on Spotify! It's such a great feature to organize my 50+ playlists that have either been made myself, made by others, or made by Spotify. Another great feature is changing the playlist picture on desktop!




It gives me the creative freedom to spruce up my playlists in the best way; however, it is an eyesore on mobile. 


I believe that Spotify should implement a feature to let users modify folder pictures on desktop (Hopefully they will implement changing either on mobile...) along with playlist pictures. Yes, this idea has been submitted many times, but I hope that this time it can have enough kudos! Thank you for reading!

Updated on 2020-10-14

Hey folks,

We appreciate you coming to the Community, and adding your votes and comments to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


A much needed progression for the software across all platforms. Any development needs to include ALL folders as using sub-folders only gives the awful bland standard folder icon. IE top folder Genre with sub-folders for Punk, Rock, Pop etc gives an uninspiring view in the display section. As they say, "A picture paints a thousand words". 

An addition to this would be for the text listing (yes there is the drop down arrow) for the playlists to be bold / another colour for folders.


This would make my life so much easier. People are more reactive to an image than words. 


Yes, this is exactly what I want in a future Spotify update!


Love this idea


Do it


YES. 🙌 it shouldn't be too difficult of a feature to implement, considering we're already able to upload cover art for a playlist. (and i'm hoping that when they roll out this feature, they also create the option to make the folder viewable on your public profile!!)


Please also do this on mobile, organising playlists in folders is such a great thing and it's a pity this feature isn't here yet!


I got tired of Spotify ignoring the folder system so I made a petition. Please sign!


please make this a possibility, it allows more people to express their creative freedom.



PLEASE DO THIS! I love being able to personalize my stuff!