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[All Platforms] Customize Start Screen

This is not a new idea, but I haven't found any practical reply to it, so I think it needs to be repeated. I completely agree with Rennestein (screen capture below), we need to stop seeing irrelevant suggestions because it is annoying. Why can't it be possible to decide what we first see when we open Spotify on any device? (playlists, recently played, artists we're following, etc), and enjoy better our Spotify experience?
Please Spotify, let us have the home screen as we'd like. :)) Thank you!
SPOTIFY customize screen.JPG

Updated on 2023-02-23

Hey folks,

We appreciate you sharing your feedback on the Community and showing your support to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Update from the 23rd of Feb 2023:
A new feature was recently introduced in the mobile app which you may find interesting as it allows users to remove content recommendations from the subfeeds (Music and Podcasts & Shows) of their Home screen, thus expanding upon the current customization options and offering a improved, more personalized experience. You can find more info about it in the Status update here.

Why is this set to 'not right now'? This is the 3rd most liked idea on your community page. LISTEN TO YOUR USERS!!!!! The spotify interface is terrible.


People consider different things explicit and I don't like a lot of the artwork that is presented without my searching for it. Especially since one of my kids could be starting it up while just searching for one of the playlists I've made for them.


Just let me start on my library and this problem is solved.


Its amazing they haven't given this any priority yet.  The functionality doesn't even have to be that intense, and the database calls would be minimal.


Probably never going to come. It is way more lucrative for Spotify to decide what shows up on you Home, so they can stuff content down your throat that you "really" want, based on the money making algorithm.


Yes, I've come to realise I entirely ignore the home page/screen, because there is nothing useful on it for me. Podcasts are a particularly bad example.


Please do this one, so annoying what is being selected for me. 


Agreed with above: podcast content is awful. More than choosing which episodes or channels or whatever to follow, I want the ability to disable them entirely. I will literally never intentionally listen to a podcast on any topic. It's garbage content on a music app.


I've been a premium subscriber for years now. Use my money for something useful and remove this tasteless, useless, stupid garbage from my music app.


I could really puke! Now Spotify has disabled the function to hide podcasts and uninteresting albums again.

Spotify, what's wrong with you guys? So it became tolerable because you could hide the sh*t podcasts...and now again not.

It's just annoying!!!!


I am a teacher who uses Spotify in my classroom, paying for my own account, and some of the lists on the home/start screen show some inappropriate shows/songs. I want to have a clean screen! Let me do that.


Nobody is doing anything at Spotify seemingly. What a **bleep**!