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[All Platforms] Customize Start Screen

This is not a new idea, but I haven't found any practical reply to it, so I think it needs to be repeated. I completely agree with Rennestein (screen capture below), we need to stop seeing irrelevant suggestions because it is annoying. Why can't it be possible to decide what we first see when we open Spotify on any device? (playlists, recently played, artists we're following, etc), and enjoy better our Spotify experience?
Please Spotify, let us have the home screen as we'd like. :)) Thank you!
SPOTIFY customize screen.JPG

Updated on 2023-02-23

Hey folks,

We appreciate you sharing your feedback on the Community and showing your support to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Update from the 23rd of Feb 2023:
A new feature was recently introduced in the mobile app which you may find interesting as it allows users to remove content recommendations from the subfeeds (Music and Podcasts & Shows) of their Home screen, thus expanding upon the current customization options and offering a improved, more personalized experience. You can find more info about it in the Status update here.

The worst thing to happen to me was when this really horrible **bleep** face of a ghost stared at me in the middle of the night - coz I was recommended this "Asian Ghost Stories" which was totally out of the blue. I immediately deleted the Spotify app from my phone. What I wanted was just to listen to some nice soothing music but what I got was a big fright and a nightmare.  I contacted Spotify and was told there's nothing they could do about it...really? It's a shame. I'm never ever going to use the app on my phone in the middle of the night, ever again. 


URGENT Spotify: We are PAYING $ for the service. *MAKE THE HOMEPAGE CUSTOMIZABLE ASAP!* We need control to be able to delete, order, opt out; should contribute to the algorithm. Please get to work and fix this problem, you are letting your customers down and making the app unpleasant to use. Some of us are hosting parties**bleep** homepage is an embarrassment. How many more years of comments do you plan to ignore? We can go elsewhere and our money too. What exactly are you waiting for? 

Skype is an example of an app that dropped the ball and did not keep itself current nor listen to its customers and improve usability, now they're done.

Show us you care about us Spotify, we're just here for the music, for now.



This is what I'm always getting:

Daily Mixes are in my top 3 Recently Played. Thanks, they are quite good, but I very rarely listen to them, but they seem to be in Recently played, and the Ryan Bingham radio I listened to a few months ago.  I don't want Recently Played anyway, because I just recently played the f'ing things.


And, Top Shows is always there.  I don't listen to podcasts, I did to some for a few minutes when you introduced this feature, but never since, but it's the 2nd section.


I know what you're doing, Spotify is pushing hard to make us listen to podcasts because they paid Joe f'ing Rogen $100 M for exclusive, so they now want us all to listen to podcasts so that their investors think that it was a good deal.  Cheap tricks Spotify, you guys used to be cool




3 years later, and you still won't let us customise the Home page (the most important one) instead make it something you prescribe to us.  


I love your service, I've been a member since the very early beta days, but this is really becoming such a joke now


i have never listened to podcasts on spotify, I will NEVER listen to podcasts on spotify.





**bleep** you spotify, you don't **bleep** about what your customers want.


so goodbye from this premium user.


Heck, add an additional fee, call it Premium Plus, and give subscribers the ability to do this.


Honestly, I now rarely visit my home page. It's like a spam folder.


I understand it's possible to import my lists to Pandora now. Clock is ticking. 




I also would like to be able to delete items! For instance, sometimes spotify suggests new releases that are absolutely not my cup of tea (like thousand in a dosen singer-songwriters ....). If I can delete those, spotify could learn from my preferences and do better suggestions in the future!


I have been your premium user for years, and it is very disappointing to see such 'smart' feature as a bunch of podcasts on my homepage. I don't even listen to any of them, nor I will listen to them in future.


If you want to push podcast to your premium users in such a way, I think I will reconsider switching to Apple Music or some other platform.


Lastly, "Stories Worth Repeating" is a JOKE, especially with those ghost stories appearing out of nowhere. Are you guys promoting Haloween? or is this a ghost story season? Please remove it! It a SUPER DUPER unwanted feature!

You should try to promote more things related to Xmas or New Year if you want to be more creative!


With so many complaints about the start page being filled with non requested podcasts etc, all you can say it’s that we will not be addressing this problem now! That is such a blatant **bleep** you to your clients and really unacceptable.