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[All Platforms] Customize Start Screen

This is not a new idea, but I haven't found any practical reply to it, so I think it needs to be repeated. I completely agree with Rennestein (screen capture below), we need to stop seeing irrelevant suggestions because it is annoying. Why can't it be possible to decide what we first see when we open Spotify on any device? (playlists, recently played, artists we're following, etc), and enjoy better our Spotify experience?
Please Spotify, let us have the home screen as we'd like. :)) Thank you!
SPOTIFY customize screen.JPG

Updated on 2023-02-23

Hey folks,

We appreciate you sharing your feedback on the Community and showing your support to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Update from the 23rd of Feb 2023:
A new feature was recently introduced in the mobile app which you may find interesting as it allows users to remove content recommendations from the subfeeds (Music and Podcasts & Shows) of their Home screen, thus expanding upon the current customization options and offering a improved, more personalized experience. You can find more info about it in the Status update here.

Absolutely agree with this, allow us to curate our own home screen. The home screen has been bad since forever ago and is perpetually getting worse as dumber and dumber things get recommended, released or promoted for whatever reason.


For example I made the mistake of to listening to what I was told was a particularly disgusting couple of minutes of CALL HER DADDY and ever since then it has been front and center every time I open Spotify. This should be the easiest fix in the world, you are a hugely successful premium subscription app, sort it out already.


I'm so confused at why such a simple thing can be ignored by spoitfy. I played one stupid podcast and now I'm reminded every single day of my life about this podcast in the Your Shows section. Get rid of it! I don't listen to podcasts at all and its soooooooooo annoying seeing these single played podcasts appear daily.


This seems really counter-intuitive as it displays podcasts that I have maybe listened to once or twice and have zero interest in seeing again. A simple "Remove this from Home" button, like a circle X in the upper right hand corner that appeared when you hovered on the item would make a ton of sense.


The ability to customize your home screen, with the option to both add and remove things, would be even better. But to not allow someone to remove content from the screen is an extremely poor UX choice.


Even just letting users customize the grid at the top of the start screen to choose which albums playlists podcasts etc they want quickly available would be such a nice addition. There’s just way too much algorithm on the home page, it’s chaotic and because of that I end up just immediately jumping to my library whenever I open the app - at least there I can pin things.


I'm fed up with constantly having to have this eye sore blow up in my face every time I open the app. LET ME DELETE IT LIKE DANG!



48 pages of testimony that Spotify doesn't give a flying f*u*c*k about their users. You know, paying customers..


I guess there's money to be made somehow in those**bleep** podcasts, but I wanna listen to MUSIC, not any godddammit spoken word salad!


They don't want to implement this, because we aren't clients to them, we're cattle. And if the marketing team decides "we want more users to use podcast" to justify the decision of putting them there in the first place. they will shove it down your throat no matter what.



Maybe starting to report the app as inappropriate would work (at least for these who get the near-NSFW podcasts suggested)?


This is gonna be my first time posting here, cause the podcasts they keep shoving down my throat when I open Spotify is getting very annoying now. It's a complete eyesore, and I'm not even remotely interested in them. it used to be only a problem with the desktop version but now even my mobile has it now. It's the first thing you see, and it takes up half your screen. There's no way to hide them or even just order what you want to see when you open Spotify. We pay for this damned thing, at least give us some bit of control over what we see. I want to see the colorful album art of new releases from artists I follow when I start it up, not f***ing 'Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History'. It's just really aggravating now at this point, and the worst part is that they don't give a rat's ass about it


@srebrnafh: great idea, I reported it at the MS and Android stores!