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[All Platforms] Light Mode option



The new white text on black design physically hurts my eyes and gives very bad ghosting (i.e. persistent image like those in optical illusions that make you stare at particular color combinations and then look away). I know I'm not the only one with this issue because I've researched it in the past. Without an option to switch back to the old design (White background/black text), I'll need to delete my Spotify account and find another service. Please add an option to switch between the two (because I know many prefer black backgrounds). Myself and a host of others, however, cannot use these color combinations. Please let me know if there is a work-around; it would be much appreciated. It's basically unusable to me in it's current state.




Updated on 2023-03-18

Hey folks,


This idea has been moved to a wrong place in the forum but is now back in its place.


We're keeping the status of Not Right Now as we still don't have any immediate plans to implement this, however, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status if we have any news to share.



 Casual Listener
 19m ago

Hi everybody, I've enjoyed following this thread for the last couple years and seeing the sporadic bursts of activity as more and more people complain about it. I'm sorry that Spotify is not planning on fixing this, as I'm sorry about a lot of things Spotify has done lately like adding "Stories" and perverting podcasts. I'll continue to celebrate when new comments come in just to be ignored by Spotify, but in the meantime I want to remind everybody that there is *already* a very good option that is not too difficult to use which is explained here


A more productive use of this thread might be to share spicetify themes?


I disagree. It is quite important the Spotify team to understand the lack of a light mode affects a lot of people and even may make them to drop Spotify for good.

The usage of such thing as Spicetify will only make them to deprioritize this request. Perhaps they will never implement this, since people are using something that already "fix" their problem.


I don't know you guys, but I'd like an official fix to this problem instead of using some third-party fix.

It should not take an unofficial plugin to help out things when such as BASIC request has been going on for SO MANY years. The Spotify team are pathetic. They won’t ever get a penny from me. Nothing. Zilch. That plugin also doesn’t apply to phones and as it is unofficial, not only can it break, but it could also violate terms.

Op I appreciate you providing a workaround, it is nice to help the community.


With that said, this complete disregard for customers (from Spotify) is enough for me to say forget Spotify altogether. I've never cancelled a trial so quickly. Sure maybe the actual customer loss is only in the hundreds from this, but what a stubborn stupid approach to take after years of feedback. I refuse to support such a company and am voting with my dollars. 


I think I'll move away from Spotify to Qoboz:


It has a much better sound quality and a light mode!


Unfortunately, the skins available at Github only work for PC & MAC. My wife uses phone and can't read Spotify so no use to her sadly.


Trying this out since google play ended. Is there seriously not a light theme setting for the browser/web or the app after this has been open for over 5 years? Its graphics not music discovery algos come on. Its not looking good for me keeping it after the trial is over as is.


This is an accessibility issue and it is deeply concerning that it's marked as "Not Right Now." This doesn't even affect me as I prefer the dark mode but even I can see that this is something that should be implemented.


Just adding my voice to the chorus - I would love a light mode, which would be much easier on my eyes when using Spotify during the day at work. 


if i look at spotify for more than about 1 minute and look away i can still see it burnt in to my eye balls, it hurts my head and makes me feel weird... the white text with black background has to go!!!


It is very difficult to find the edges while using Zoom at the same time. Is it beyond reasonable to expect to be able to customise the appearance?