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[All Platforms][Other] 2-Factor Authentication

Spotify should, as a matter of good practice and safety, implement 2-step authentication.


Previously, Spotify enabled the option to log out other sessions other than the current session.


This would prevent hackers from stealing accounts, which would additionaly lead to less account hacks and less work for Spotify employees to assist in these cases.


More info:

Updated on 2018-10-18

Hi everyone, thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange. We’re ready to mark this idea as ‘Under Consideration’. 


We are currently investigating various solutions for account security for our users, e.g. 2-factor authentication. Any news regarding user-facing security updates will be posted to this thread as a status change.


If you'd like further information about protecting your account please visit our Support Site here.


since I last posted in this thread in september, I've had 32 e-mails to reset my password. I requested a grand total of ZERO of those e-mails.


this means that on average, someone makes an attempt to "get" my username once every three days. so far, my account is secure, but it's frankly ridiculous that beyond a password there is zero additional security protecting my account.


7 years later and it's still under consideration. Absolutely awful


I write an email to Spotify support. Here is their reply.


" Thanks for reaching out. 

You can set up 2-factor authentication on your PayPal account. When logging in, please follow the next steps and make sure 2FA has been set up:

  1. Login to PayPal account
  2. Click the Settings Icon next to ‘Log Out’
  3. Click Your Profile
  4. Click on Login and Security
  5. Click Update next to ‘2-Step Verification
  6. Choose ‘Use an authenticator app’
  7. Click Set Up
  8. Scan the QR code below or manually enter the secret key into your authenticator app on your mobile
  9. Add the code from the authenticator app to activate the 2FA.

We hope that helps. If you have other questions, please feel free to email again.

All the best, 


Spotify Customer Support"

Wanna get traction on this?
Goto the support section and start a webchat. ask for 2fa. Once you
get past the bot, link to this thread, say you want 2fa this year.

end the chat. then mark the issue as not resolved, very diss-satisfied etc.
When NPS scores drop, management notices. Lots of agents getting
negative support scores? management notices.

Hit them where it hurts
Honestly I think they’ll sooner fire the agents before actually responding
to the issue
Yeah I could try that, my only concern would be that they just end up
firing the support staff and not addressing the issue. This is spotify
we're dealing with here but it could be worth a shot. Surely they can't
fire all their support agents

Get two step verification approved ASAP. I’m tired of having to create new passwords anytime somebody hacks into my account.


It's 2022, almost 7 years to the day that this was originally posted.  Over seven THOUSAND people went out of their way to come here and voted to agree this was a good idea.
Why does Spotify still not have Multi-Factor Authentication?  Securing my account by only letting me change my password and sign out of current sessions does nothing to prevent future security breaches..

Because 2fa too hard to implement, takes a lot of time ;-;

Fr though. Just don't use Spotify until they get in it. That'll show them.
Get your friends in in it.
  • Because 2fa too hard to implement, takes a lot of time ;-;

Actually there are so many turnkey solutions for 2fa from companies like Google, that it's literally a plug and play solution. Far easier to implement than all the stupid features they keep adding that I see nobody asking for.