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[All Platforms][Other] Romanized Lyrics for Songs Not In Latin Alphabet

Recently, Spotify (at least in my iOS app) has added a very helpful feature which is lyrics. It finally collaborated with Musixmatch (thanks God why haven't you done this sooner).


Problem is, I am an Indonesian listener who is familiar with Latin alphabet. I loved many Asian songs, which we know, are not written in language using those Latin alphabets, namely K-Pop, J-Pop, or you name it. Those songs' lyrics are still shown in their original alphabet (K-Pop in hangeul, J-Pop in kanji and hiragana, etc). Usually, foreign listeners are able to sing-a-long by looking at the romanization version.


Now I know that Musixmatch indeed does not have that romanization lyrics, but Genius does and I know Spotify has partnership too with Genius, I guess? So, why not give a choice for listeners to choose between Genius or Musixmatch?



1. We want romanized lyrics to Asian songs or any songs not using Latin alphabet

2. Give options for Spotify listeners to choose which version to show

3. If Spotify can no longer show Genius' service, push Musixmatch so that they make romanized lyrics available.



Global Spotify member.


A comment below notified me that Musixmatch has provided options for translations and indeed they are now shown in Spotity. I see this as a nice improvement! However, what we wanted is a romanized version of the original language so we can do sing-along 😞 Please make this happen! 


Updated on 2025-03-01

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Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Votes

Updated on 2021-03-23

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 Hello I'm very ike spotify, I'm very like a kpop song I hope there are romaized kpop song lyrics so I can sing along and I can memorize the song on spotify thank you that's my idea so much


Japanese song lyrics are in kanji, i would like to have an option to see it as romaji as it can be more readable and understandable compared to kanji version also musixmatch website has romanized japanese so i thought it might be doable hopefully

Im gonna put an example below




The idea is to implement switch for some songs for example korean, japanesse that have their own alphabet, so the lyrics will be translated to phonetic notation, which will be readable to sing-along for people that don't know how to read kanji, hangul etc. 


Hi Spotify, can u please work to provide a romanized version of k-pop songs and another language song to English at least... If not the romanized version at least the meaning(translation) of the other language songs in English.

Hope u incorporate this idea of mine.

Thank you.


My suggestion, please provide japanese lyrics in latin romanji form. I see almost all Japanese lyrics use kanji and for non-Japanese people it is quite difficult to sing along. I beg you please 🙂


Would love to have this as an option! 


Maybe make it a thing inside Settings, so we can turn in on/off to avoid conflict with people that doesn't like the idea, I really want my Romanized lyrics.


Yes ! As a french speaker I would like to sing my favorite japanese and korean songs

I still need to search for romanized lyrics on google.. 

Making it optional is the best idea, in the settings or directly on the song (and make it valid on all versions (TV, smartphone, PC))

Thx !!

Ps: Today I saw one japanese song with lyrics in romaji, so I think it's possible, right?
