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Fix the awful shuffle

When I think of the word shuffle I think I will listen to every song in my playlist before I hear the same one again. Not for Spotify, they think it means play whatever songs they want. Even if you skip it everytime it still plays before a song I haven’t heard in a year. Give us a shuffle that plays every song before it repeats. Switch it up, I don’t want to hear the same 10 songs to start my shuffle everytime I reopen the app and start listening again.


Shuffle is an absolute joke. I'm subscribed to a playlist that has close to 7k songs (50hrs). There's absolutely no reason why I should be hearing the same songs over and over again, very frustrating. 


I need every single spotify user to see this!! I made an account just to vote on this its the most irrelevant thing to ever exist 😤


Agree...the shuffle isn't great.


I too have some large playlists where there's songs in it I've never heard and then other songs I seem to hear a lot.


The shuffling could use some work.


They probably have bigger problems than that on their agenda though with stuff like HIFI for example.  They're seriously lagging behind their competition in that area.


YES please this is very very needed. GIVE US THE OPTION FOR TRUE RANDOMIZATION 


Yes, and why is it that you have hundreds on artists and yet the same ones keep coming up every ten tracks or so?