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[Other] Lyrics support for Apple TV app

Lyrics have been a great addition to Spotify apps across several of my devices, but on the latest Spotify app for my Apple TV 4K, the feature doesn’t seem to be available. Roku and Xbox already appear to have support, so it would be great to have this feature on Apple’s streaming platform as well.

Updated on 2022-04-04

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


One year later and it’s time to change to Apple Music


Apple tries to force us using Apple Music, but I won't! 
Drawback of secured OS...😪







Apple TV 4k (2022)

Operating System

tvOS 16.1 or whatever the newest non beta version is

My Question or Issue

Can you please implement lyrics in the Apple TV app? I'm using that feature a lot and now not having it on a 200 Euro device is just unacceptable. Also can you implement the advanced futuristic feature to fast forwards a song? No idea how that is not a thing.


13 months and counting since lyrics were released. “Incompetent” doesn’t even begin to describe the state of Spotify’s tvOS development.

very odd decision to exclude apple tv users from having lyrics…


Please Spotify, I enjoy your service and have had family Premium plan for years.  Please turn on the lyrics in the Apple TV implementation of your application.  Please resolve whatever pissing match you are having with Apple and turn this on.  I don't want to switch to Apple music just for this one feature.


2023 and this still hasn’t been implemented, it’s just ridiculous at this point, this is a feature I use a lot and I’m on the brink of switching to Apple Music to get it.

It would be nice if Spotify could at least just provide an update?! Yes (and timing) or no....

Please add lyrics.. i dont want to switch to apple music..


The tvOS app really is the ugly duckling of the Spotify ecosystem.