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[iOS] Implement Native HomePod Support


Just this week at WWDC (June 22, 2020), Apple announced support for third party music services on the HomePod.  I'm requesting that Spotify implement native support for the HomePod such that one or even multiple HomePods will appear in the "Connect to a device" menu on any Apple device WITHOUT having to connect through Airplay.  This will also allow users to ask Siri to play songs from Spotify on their HomePod(s). 


Apple is opening up the HomePod, and I know there are many other HomePod users that would love to have native Spotify support on their speaker. 




Please upvote this idea to garner attention for it.  Thank you Spotify and the Spotify community.  Let's get this implemented so it's ready for general iOS 14 release this September!

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I check this thread from time to time to see if it has any status updates but of course it doesn't.

I don't understand why keeping people from using all the features provided by Apple should bring more users to Spotify. In fact, it is the opposite: if someone has a HomePod or AirPods Pro or any other Dolby-Atmos enabled listening device, using Spotify is very frustrating.

I am sticking to Spotify only for the few social features that it has over Apple Music, it is literally the only reason why I don't switch to Apple Music; and every day it gets worse and worse.


Please, stop behaving childish and give your people what they have been asking for 4 years now.


meanwhile YouTube Music has native homepod support and better sound quality. spotify comes with nothing but lame excuses. 


Stop with the childishness, Spotify.


Time to catch up Spotify ... Enough to make me reconsider my families go to Music Streaming app. 


Any update @Spotify? At least a public reason why this doesn’t work but you’re fiddling with the UI again? Set your priorities right!


My dad pays for my YouTube music family and I pay for my Spotify by myself coz I’m in college. I might as well stop paying you guys as I get native support, better quality and everything paid if I use YouTube music. Grow up. 


Can't understand your policy, Spotify. Could you do us the favor and implement a native Spotify Support for HomePod and HomePod mini? I don't talk from the AirPlay function, by the way - the worst way to play music via homepodmini, because it's not working on itself, you need an external device to stream to the HomePod and there is such a delay between start and stop music from the external devices.


We need a fully supported Spotify app on the HomePod, which could play Music on their own, like Amazon EchoDot can do it.  


Please Spotify. It's 2024 now and still no support. This original thread is from 2020 by the way 😂. JUST DO IT.


please just enable Home pod support 😭 literally, I wanna keep using Spotify but you’re making it really hard 😕


I continue to be highly critical of this decision. I’ve gradually moved my podcast listening over to Apple Podcasts since it will run right off the HomePod and I don’t have to worry about my phone’s battery wear and tear from using the AirPlay workaround for Spotify. 

The only excuse I can even reasonably come up with is that integrating Spotify Connect (which continues to be a key differentiator between Spotify and any other music streaming service) is not as easy as just allowing for native HomePod use the way YT music has. When starting YT music from the HomePod, it is completely separated from your devices. The phone app will act like it doesn’t realize you are playing music on the HomePod. If you start from your phone and then put it on your HomePod it will run off AirPlay and drain your battery in the background. This is similar how Apple Music works. No one has figured out an equivalent to Spotify Connect (or has engineered their way around a patent). 

All that being said, I’d still accept a non-Spotify Connect implementation of Native HomePod support with an explanation over the complete radio silence and non support we have now. 



Funny enough I just received this email from Spotify:
The price of Premium Family is changing from A$20.99/month to A$23.99/month.
We’re increasing the price of Premium Family so that we can continue to invest in and innovate on our product offerings and features, and bring you the best experience.

So how about using this money to innovate on our product offerings and enable native support for home pods... 

Absolute Dcks! Increase the price of the subscription to keep offering the same sht as before!