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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
spotify has recently stopped working with my BMW idrive, the spotify app
does not show any more on the BMW car screen, it worked ok until last
week, i think there is an issue with the latest spotify update on my
iphone?how can this be corrected?
spotify has recently stopped working with my BMW idrive, the spotify app does not show any more on the BMW car screen, it worked ok until last week, i think there is an issue with the latest spotify ...
My Question or IssueI subscribed for a family premium plan with my
family in Peru, but I’m current in England for visit and my premium plan
was reconfigured and now I have free plan, I don’t know what to do
because I’m paying for family premium plan....
My Question or Issue I subscribed for a family premium plan with my family in Peru, but I’m current in England for visit and my premium plan was reconfigured and now I have free plan, I d...
PlanFamilyCountry UK/France Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI signed up in the UK a few years back and now I've
moved to France (I signed up via goog...
Plan Family Country UK/France Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I...
My premium family plan expires on May 1, 2023. On my account page, the
message says "Your Premium Family ends on 01/05/23. Subscribe now to
keep the music going without top ups." and then gives me a button below
that for "Subscribe". When I go throug...
My premium family plan expires on May 1, 2023. On my account page, the message says "Your Premium Family ends on 01/05/23. Subscribe now to keep the music going without top ups." and t...
a member was removed from my premium family plan without my consent, now
she has free plan and I’ve been trying to join her again but Spotify
doesn’t allow her, it’s says that she can’t join other plan in 12 months
but she was in this same plan as al...
a member was removed from my premium family plan without my consent, now she has free plan and I’ve been trying to join her again but Spotify doesn’t allow her, it’s says that she can’t join other p...
HiI am on a family plan and a family member has logged out of their
account and can not log back in as they don't have that email address
anymore, How can they log into their account and save their Spotify
information,Premium Family plan AustraliaIph...
Hi I am on a family plan and a family member has logged out of their account and can not log back in as they don't have that email address anymore, How can they log into their account and save t...
I have a premium family plan but when my relatives (who live with me )
try to log in and confirm the address with the link of the invitation I
just sent, Spotify indicates that they are trying to log in to a family
plan in another country.
I have a premium family plan but when my relatives (who live with me ) try to log in and confirm the address with the link of the invitation I just sent, Spotify indicates that they are trying to l...
Al agregar a un miembro de mi familia me dice que : Tenes que vivir en
la misma dirección , parece que estas intentando unirte a Premium
Familiar desde un pais diferente. Premium Familiar solo esta disponible
para familiares que viven juntos. Inténta...
Al agregar a un miembro de mi familia me dice que : Tenes que vivir en la misma dirección , parece que estas intentando unirte a Premium Familiar desde un pais diferente. Premium Familiar solo esta ...
deseo añadir a mi hijo pequeño que ya tiene movil por priimera vez y no
me reconoce la dirección . Donde puedo encontrar como he escrito
exactamente mi dirección?
deseo añadir a mi hijo pequeño que ya tiene movil por priimera vez y no me reconoce la dirección . Donde puedo encontrar como he escrito exactamente mi dirección?
premiumGermany Hello,I suppose this question has been asked a hundred
times, but I couldn't find a solution, so I'm going to ask you one more
time:Can I convert my premium account subscribed to iTunes into a family
account? and if so, how? If I cance...
...ubscribed to iTunes into a family account? and if so, how? If I cancel the subscription on Itunes, are my playlists all gone? Or do they persist? I hope you can help.
I recently just created a family premium and so the payment information
I used was from another country i lived in, and now that ive moved it
stayed as that country (i cant change my country and I dont want to
either) but i wanted to add my family me...
I recently just created a family premium and so the payment information I used was from another country i lived in, and now that ive moved it stayed as that country (i cant change my country and I d...
I want to set up a new member on my family plan via an old cell phone.
There's no email or other messaging apps that we can send the invite
link to. How can I set this up without that?
I want to set up a new member on my family plan via an old cell phone. There's no email or other messaging apps that we can send the invite link to. How can I set this up without that?
I made my payment about a week ago and the app is still saying I haven't
paid. I talked to an agent through the support chat and they confirmed
my payment had posted. Following the suggestions he gave (log out,
restart phone, and log back in again) d...
I made my payment about a week ago and the app is still saying I haven't paid. I talked to an agent through the support chat and they confirmed my payment had posted. Following the suggestions he gav...