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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
There are no nearby landmarks or the like. All of the addresses are for
other establishments, homes, or otherwise. This is for a Family Plan.
Family on the plan both have older accounts that have successfully
registered their address, made their acco...
There are no nearby landmarks or the like. All of the addresses are for other establishments, homes, or otherwise. This is for a Family Plan. Family on the plan both have older accounts that have s...
Hello, i started my account in Czech republic and now i live in
Slovakia. I want to join my husbands family subscription but it won’t
let me change country to slovakia even though i change my card to Slovak
card… I dont know what to do.. tried everyt...
Hello, i started my account in Czech republic and now i live in Slovakia. I want to join my husbands family subscription but it won’t let me change country to slovakia even though i change my card t...
Hallo, ich habe seit Ewigkeiten Premium Family Abo, aber ich habe
plötzlich in meinem Profil keinen Zugriff mehr, es wird angezeigt, dass
ich nur Spotify free haben. Was kann ich tun? Es werden jeden Monat
17.99 Euro v. konto abgebucht.
Hallo, ich habe seit Ewigkeiten Premium Family Abo, aber ich habe plötzlich in meinem Profil keinen Zugriff mehr, es wird angezeigt, dass ich nur Spotify free haben. Was kann ich tun? Es werden j...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceiPhone XR, iPhone 16, PCOperating SystemiOS
18, Windows 10 My Question or IssueI own a duo plan but will be
switching to a family plan. I’ve changed my address on my information,
billing, and duo plan to match the family pl...
Plan Premium Country USA Device iPhone XR, iPhone 16, PC Operating System iOS 18, Windows 10 My Question or Issue I own a duo plan but will be switching to a family plan. I...
Hi everyone, I´m a Spotify Premium user since a few years. Soon we will
get an premium family account in my house but I´m not the one who is
creating it. So my question is if I need to cancel my premium account so
I don´t pay for it anymore because I...
Hi everyone, I´m a Spotify Premium user since a few years. Soon we will get an premium family account in my house but I´m not the one who is creating it. So my question is if I need to c...
I wanna change my subscription from Family to Duo but I don't wanna lose
my music or playlist. Beasuse when I try to change plan one of the info
that appear is "Members of your Spotify Premium Family plan will
immediately lose access to Premium"
I wanna change my subscription from Family to Duo but I don't wanna lose my music or playlist. Beasuse when I try to change plan one of the info that appear is "Members of your Spotify Premium Family...
Plan Premium Duo Country US Device Pixel 7, Asus Zenbook Operating
System Android, Windows 11 HomeMy Question or Issue: As with most tech
things, my kids are the early adopters. My son set up Duo Account as
manager and I joined as a member. Now I wan...
PlanPremiumCountry\Portugal My Question or IssueI am experiencing
difficulties adding my daughter, who lives with me, to our Spotify
Premium Family plan. When I send the invitation and she tries to confirm
her participation, we receive an error messa...
Plan Premium Country\ Portugal My Question or Issue I am experiencing difficulties adding my daughter, who lives with me, to our Spotify Premium Family plan. When I send the i...
I am not the plan manager on our family plan and when I try to listen to
an audiobook I get the following message... Request audiobook listening
hours from your plan manager What happens when I click request hours. My
plan manager hasn't been able to...
I am not the plan manager on our family plan and when I try to listen to an audiobook I get the following message... Request audiobook listening hours from your plan manager What happens w...
My Question or IssueI'm part of a premium family account and mine has
stopped working as premium for about the past month, but mines the only
account to be doing this. Everyone else's has been working fine and this
has never happened before, how do I...
My Question or Issue I'm part of a premium family account and mine has stopped working as premium for about the past month, but mines the only account to be doing this. Everyone else's has been w...
PlanPremiumCountryUSA DeviceSamsung s24+My Question or IssueYesterday,
the mobile app showed a pop-up: "Tis the season to share Premium...".
Today, I want to take advantage of this offer -- unfortunately, I can't
find the pop-up and I can't find an e...
Plan Premium Country USA Device Samsung s24+ My Question or Issue Yesterday, the mobile app showed a pop-up: "Tis the season to share Premium...". Today, I want to take advantage o...
something must be going on that new family members cannot select correct
address as mineI myself cannot even modify it to another one that they
can also use, because all addresses that show are very far away.please
something must be going on that new family members cannot select correct address as mine I myself cannot even modify it to another one that they can also use, because all addresses that show are v...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryNew ZealndDeviceiphone 13My Question or
IssueI'm trying to add a member who is aged under 13. I've followed the
instructions to login on my phone, go to settings / account / Premium
Family / add members to your plan. The inst...
Plan Premium Family Country New Zealnd Device iphone 13 My Question or Issue I'm trying to add a member who is aged under 13. I've followed the instructions to login on my phone, go to s...
Hi, we've bought our kids alexa echo dots for their respective rooms,
and we've just upgraded to the family plan in Spotify, so now we'd like
to link the kids Spotify profiles to the Amazon kids profile. Not sure
if this is something you can do or if...
Hi, we've bought our kids alexa echo dots for their respective rooms, and we've just upgraded to the family plan in Spotify, so now we'd like to link the kids Spotify profiles to the Amazon kids p...
Hello,I just joined Spotify Family plan but my husband is unable to
join. He inputs the same address as me and gets a message saying he has
to be in the same country. We live together and both in Ireland. He has
a free account and I had premium. Can ...
Hello, I just joined Spotify Family plan but my husband is unable to join. He inputs the same address as me and gets a message saying he has to be in the same country. We live together and both in I...
PlanPremiumCountryslovakia/czechia i am trying to set my card as the one
that is going to pay for my family’s plan, they live abroad. I have a
slovak card and they are in czechia. Now i read it’s an issue, so how
can i pay for their family subscripti...
Plan Premium Country slovakia/czechia i am trying to set my card as the one that is going to pay for my family’s plan, they live abroad. I have a slovak card and they are in czechia. N...