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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryslovakia/czechia i am trying to set my card as the one
that is going to pay for my family’s plan, they live abroad. I have a
slovak card and they are in czechia. Now i read it’s an issue, so how
can i pay for their family subscripti...
Plan Premium Country slovakia/czechia i am trying to set my card as the one that is going to pay for my family’s plan, they live abroad. I have a slovak card and they are in czechia. N...
My Question or IssueHello. I have a family plan. Works perfect. I just
noticed that only I (administrator), have access to free listening time
for audio books. Im not a fan but my sister is a big listener. Can I
remove myself as admin and switch to m...
My Question or Issue Hello. I have a family plan. Works perfect. I just noticed that only I (administrator), have access to free listening time for audio books. Im not a fan but my sister is a big l...
i have invited my daughter, but when the adress verfication pops up and
i type in the adress i have found on my account it gives me an error
saying that all members must live at the same adress
i have invited my daughter, but when the adress verfication pops up and i type in the adress i have found on my account it gives me an error saying that all members must live at the same adress
When I try to join family premium, the address is not recognised and it
says ‘there is a problem’ which then doesn’t allow me to join. I have
tried various links and browsers but this outcome remains the same.
When I try to join family premium, the address is not recognised and it says ‘there is a problem’ which then doesn’t allow me to join. I have tried various links and browsers but this outcome r...
PlanPremiumeCountrygermany DeviceiPhone 11Operating SystemiOS 18 My
Question or IssueHey I have an issue with adding my family to the plan.
I write down the exact adress thats conected with my subscription, but
it keeps telling me "you have to live o...
Plan Premiume Country germany Device iPhone 11 Operating System iOS 18 My Question or Issue Hey I have an issue with adding my family to the plan. I write down the exact a...
PlanPremiumCountryUSA My Question or IssueSo, I have a family of 7. So,
right there already is over the 6 allowed in a family plan. My daughter
just wanted to listen to spotify on the tv. She says she can't because
my wife is listening to it in the c...
Plan Premium Country USA My Question or Issue So, I have a family of 7. So, right there already is over the 6 allowed in a family plan. My daughter just wanted to listen to s...
I have just discovered I can listen to audiobooks and started to listen
to a book on my Spotify app on my PC. I have a family premium account.
If I look on my phone I can see the audiobook listed in my library but
there is a lock symbol which stops m...
I have just discovered I can listen to audiobooks and started to listen to a book on my Spotify app on my PC. I have a family premium account. If I look on my phone I can see the a...
My understanding is only the main or primary account on a family plan
gets audiobook access. Is there a way to switch which account gets
audiobooks or is there a way to change what account is the main/primary
so they have access?
My understanding is only the main or primary account on a family plan gets audiobook access. Is there a way to switch which account gets audiobooks or is there a way to change what account is the m...
i have family plan and i sent a link to my brother. he entered our
address but and i saw that it's the same address but it's still not
working, we leave in the same house. i'm trying to find Spotify's
support . please help me
i have family plan and i sent a link to my brother. he entered our address but and i saw that it's the same address but it's still not working, we leave in the same house. i'm trying to find S...
Hello! I was on a duo account and upgraded to family premium. My sister
was on my duo account and then re-invited to family account, but when
she joined our family she lost all of her playlist data. PLEASE HELP!
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone ...
Hello! I was on a duo account and upgraded to family premium. My sister was on my duo account and then re-invited to family account, but when she joined our family she lost all of h...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easier it will be for us to try and help.PlanPremiumCountryUnited
KingdomDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late
2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Wind...
...acbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I've upgraded my account to family successfully and have tried to add a family m...
Recently, I was removed from the family plan I have been in for years
without notice. After me and my family plan owner dug through our
emails, we discovered it was due to an address verification issue. After
adding my address to my account, I learne...
Recently, I was removed from the family plan I have been in for years without notice. After me and my family plan owner dug through our emails, we discovered it was due to an address verification i...
Hello everyone, I would like to remove my girlfriend from the Family
subscription as we have split up. My question would be what happens to
her account. Will her playlists etc. still be available or will they all
be deleted? Best regards Gizmo
Hello everyone, I would like to remove my girlfriend from the Family subscription as we have split up. My question would be what happens to her account. Will her playlists etc. still be a...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceSamsung fold 4Operating System For the
last week ive been getting adverts that i have to skip. They are not
part of the podcasts im listening to and are seperate files. Why is this
happening now and how do i contact s...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device Samsung fold 4 Operating System For the last week ive been getting adverts that i have to skip. They are not part of the podcasts im liste...
I did a pause of 2 month in family premium subscription But now I lost
my spotify kid history (playlist and likes)Do I have to explain my kid
it is lost forever ?
I did a pause of 2 month in family premium subscription But now I lost my spotify kid history (playlist and likes) Do I have to explain my kid it is lost forever ?
I used the free trail run where I could not download music. I subscribed
now for the Premium package but my problem is still not solved. Must I
reload the app
I used the free trail run where I could not download music. I subscribed now for the Premium package but my problem is still not solved. Must I reload the app
I’ve been a Spotify Family member for years. I want to open a kids
account for my 3 years old kid, because he loves to hear kids song. I
don’t want to open an email account for a 3 years old. Guess what…
Spotify kids is not available in Turkey. What ...
I’ve been a Spotify Family member for years. I want to open a kids account for my 3 years old kid, because he loves to hear kids song. I don’t want to open an email account for a 3 years o...