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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Meus familiares foram excluídos do plano familiar porque o App não
conseguiu confirmar o endereço dos mesmos, sendo que moramos juntos,
alguém sabe como resolver isso por favor? Caso contrário vou cancelar o
Meus familiares foram excluídos do plano familiar porque o App não conseguiu confirmar o endereço dos mesmos, sendo que moramos juntos, alguém sabe como resolver isso por favor? Caso contrário vou ca...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceSamsung Galaxy Note 8, Desktop and Web
app, Xbox App, Foxtel App, Macbook Pro. iPad Operating SystemiOS 12,
Android Pie, Windows 10, mac os 10.14 My Question or IssueI have been on
paid Family Subscription for 3 years...
...0.14 My Question or Issue I have been on paid Family Subscription for 3 years. Last week was fine - this week when looking to claim free Google Mini it now says frre. Receipt 2...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
In Oct. 2018 I signed up for the Spotify Family plan as part of the
Google Mini promotion. which I never received. si I have spent countless
hours on the phone and chat with support trying many fixes (mostly links
that would not work) and always told...
In Oct. 2018 I signed up for the Spotify Family plan as part of the Google Mini promotion. which I never received. si I have spent countless hours on the phone and chat with s...
Dear Sir or Madam,recently I tried to join the Spotify family and
encountred a problem. Namely, the system keeps showing me the mistake
(see the attachement). Could you please advise me on what I should do or
try to help me solve this problem. I than...
Dear Sir or Madam, recently I tried to join the Spotify family and encountred a problem. Namely, the system keeps showing me the mistake (see the attachement). Could you please a...
Although I live in the same area I set our family premium for, and have,
several times already, had to confirm my address, the family plan has
still been cancelled for no apparent reason whatsoever. I'm quite
frustrated by this fact
Although I live in the same area I set our family premium for, and have, several times already, had to confirm my address, the family plan has still been cancelled for no apparent reason w...
PlanPremium for Family CountryUK My Question or IssueI took up the offer
to get a free Google Home Mini through my Premium for Family account
approximately two weeks ago. I received an email from Spotify with a
link to place the order. This took me t...
Plan Premium for Family Country UK My Question or Issue I took up the offer to get a free Google Home Mini through my Premium for Family account approximately two weeks ago. I r...
I previously had the family plan and I moved. Seeing that the only way
to change the address was to cancel the plan, I did that. The plan just
expired today I so I re-signed up but got no notification or email where
I can input my new address. Please...
I previously had the family plan and I moved. Seeing that the only way to change the address was to cancel the plan, I did that. The plan just expired today I so I re-signed up but got no n...
PlanFamily/PremiumCountryGermanyDevice(iPhone 7)Operating System(iOS
12.2) My Question or IssueSince this afternoon, all family members have
been deleted from the family plan for any reason. Maybe a spotify
update? However, tried to invite them again...
Plan Family/Premium Country Germany Device (iPhone 7) Operating System (iOS 12.2) My Question or Issue Since this afternoon, all family members have been deleted from the family p...
My sister lives in the same house as me and i have put her on the plan,
and today Spotify send a e-mail to her telling that they take her off
the plan because they don't verify the adress. What i do now ?
My sister lives in the same house as me and i have put her on the plan, and today Spotify send a e-mail to her telling that they take her off the plan because they don't verify the adress. What i do ...
I have Spotify Premium at my telephone company (Telia), I will finish
this now. How do I keep my family plan and move over all playlists. Do I
keep my own account or?
I have Spotify Premium at my telephone company (Telia), I will finish this now. How do I keep my family plan and move over all playlists. Do I keep my own account or?
以下信息均不是必需的。但是,您提供的越多,我們就越容易嘗試和幫助。計劃付費國家taiwan設備iPhone 6操作系統iOS 11
我的問題或問題I changed my account and re-submitted to the family premium, but
my family had the error message that the family could only be replaced
once a year.Sorry, my English is very bad...
以下信息均不是必需的。但是,您提供的越多,我們就越容易嘗試和幫助。 計劃 付費 國家 taiwan 設備 iPhone 6 操作系統 iOS 11 我的問題或問題 I changed my account and re-submitted to the family premium, but my family had the error message t...
Bonjour à tous !Il y a maintenant un peu plus d'un mois mon père m'a par
mégarde supprimé du compte family, et depuis ce jour il lui est
impossible de me rajouter dessus.Il a tenté de renvoyer bien 30 fois
l'invitation, de me supprimer des comptes pu...
Bonjour à tous ! Il y a maintenant un peu plus d'un mois mon père m'a par mégarde supprimé du compte family, et depuis ce jour il lui est impossible de me rajouter dessus. Il a tenté de renvoyer b...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueHow do I contact spotify directly? I have a membership
being deducted from my bank account bu...
My Question or Issue Welcome to India, Spotify Your amazing family plan
will be a great addition here in India. Being able to easily, and
cheaply, sign up my family under 1 account would make billing a breeze.
Thanks, PlanFree/PremiumCountry IndiaDev...
My Question or Issue Welcome to India, Spotify 🙂 Your amazing family plan will be a great addition here in India. Being able to easily, and cheaply, sign up my family u...
PlanFamiliar PremiumCountryBrazil My Question or IssueHello.Today my
sister ask for me to look on our family plan because she has seing
merchandising. When I log in, she is not on our plan and have a strange
person on his place, someone I never have ...
Plan Familiar Premium Country Brazil My Question or Issue Hello. Today my sister ask for me to look on our family plan because she has seing merchandising. When I log in, she is not o...
Cordial saludo en la presente quiero manifestar que he intendato en
multiples ocaciones en agregar personas a mi plan familiar y me dice que
no esposible, todos estamos ingresando la misma direccion y el mismo
codigo postal no veo el porque esta fall...
Cordial saludo en la presente quiero manifestar que he intendato en multiples ocaciones en agregar personas a mi plan familiar y me dice que no esposible, todos estamos ingresando la misma direccion ...
PlanPremium familyCountry DeviceVarious Operating System My Question or
Issue Trying to play individual family accounts on different devices
(echo dots) in different rooms I,e. Sons account on sons echo dot in
sons room, daughters in hers, mine in my...
Plan Premium family Country Device Various Operating System My Question or Issue Trying to play individual family accounts on different devices (echo d...
PlanPremium FamilyCountrySingaporeDeviceiPhone XS MaxOperating SystemiOS
12.1 My Question or IssueI received an invitation for Spotify Family
Premium. I click accept invitation.. Input my address and it says
confirmation complete and open spotify. I ...
Plan Premium Family Country Singapore Device iPhone XS Max Operating System iOS 12.1 My Question or Issue I received an invitation for Spotify Family Premium. I click a...
Hola! Estoy intentando agregar a mi familia a una cuenta familiar
preimun, pero no me deja agregar a nadie. Envío todas las invitaciones y
al entrar con cada una de las cuentas y llenar el formulario de ingreso
con nombre, dirección, código postal y ...
Hola! Estoy intentando agregar a mi familia a una cuenta familiar preimun, pero no me deja agregar a nadie. Envío todas las invitaciones y al entrar con cada una de las cuentas y llenar el for...