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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hello, guys! I really live with the guy who invited me for his Family
Account, but when I was writting my address, I put a different addres
because I changed the address where I live with him and the address that
I was (other friend's house). So... S...
Hello, guys! I really live with the guy who invited me for his Family Account, but when I was writting my address, I put a different addres because I changed the address where I live with h...
I have just signed a new premium account when I missed a bill that was
not deducted now I want to get a family account I paid 99kr 2-3 days ago
I have to pay 149 now again if I want to get it started now?
I have just signed a new premium account when I missed a bill that was not deducted now I want to get a family account I paid 99kr 2-3 days ago I have to pay 149 now again if I want to get it s...
Hola! Hace más o menos unos 5 días me llegó un correo diciendo que a mi
familiar le iba a llegar un correo para confirmar sus datos, sin embargo
a mi familair no le ha llegado nada. Este es el correo que me llegó.
Hola! Hace más o menos unos 5 días me llegó un correo diciendo que a mi familiar le iba a llegar un correo para confirmar sus datos, sin embargo a mi familair no le ha llegado nada. Este es el corr...
Hey all, I signed up for Premium Family a month ago and after one month
of figuring out (and paying unnecessarily for multiple accounts) how add
my three daughters and wife to the ONE account; I know have a problem
with devices. When one of the three...
Hey all, I signed up for Premium Family a month ago and after one month of figuring out (and paying unnecessarily for multiple accounts) how add my three daughters and wife to the ONE a...
Hi, I invited one of my friends to join the family premium. But as he
clicks the invitation link and register with the same email adress as I
am, it says that the address he enters is not the same as the main
account holder. help me out here guys. th...
Hi, I invited one of my friends to join the family premium. But as he clicks the invitation link and register with the same email adress as I am, it says that the address he enters is not the same a...
Currently im trying to make an account to access spotify family, the
main account was registered in ireland, but currently we live in the
UAE. When trying to add a new account to the family it makes the
accounts location the US meaning it cant be add...
Currently im trying to make an account to access spotify family, the main account was registered in ireland, but currently we live in the UAE. When trying to add a new account to the family it m...
İyi günler, Bugün telefonumdan öğrenci indiriminden faydalanarak premium
üyelik için ödeme yaptım. Ancak öğrenci olduğuma dair istenen belgeleri
yükleyemedim. Sayfa kapandı. Spotify üzerinden baktım zaman ödememe dair
hiçbir bilgi gözükmüyor. Ancak b...
İyi günler, Bugün telefonumdan öğrenci indiriminden faydalanarak premium üyelik için ödeme yaptım. Ancak öğrenci olduğuma dair istenen belgeleri yükleyemedim. Sayfa kapandı. Spotify üzerinden ...
I have started a Premium Family account, invited my husband. we go
through acceptingt the invitation then it advises he cant be added as
his account needs to be based in the same country as me. It Is. What can
I do?
I have started a Premium Family account, invited my husband. we go through acceptingt the invitation then it advises he cant be added as his account needs to be based in the same country as me....
Hi, I just created my Family account for my wife and my daughter but I
would also like my younger kid to listen to music without impacting my
profile (ie, I don't want the system to propose specific kids' songs to
me after based on what my kids liste...
Hi, I just created my Family account for my wife and my daughter but I would also like my younger kid to listen to music without impacting my profile (ie, I don't want the system to propose s...
Mon fils a un compte premium souscrit via facebook. Comment procéder
pour migrer vers l'offre famille ?Une fois cela fait, comment fait-on
pour que tous les membres de la famille aient son profil ?Merci
Mon fils a un compte premium souscrit via facebook. Comment procéder pour migrer vers l'offre famille ? Une fois cela fait, comment fait-on pour que tous les membres de la famille aient son p...
I send the link to invite my daughter to my Premium Family and after
adding her info it says it wasn't possible to verify that she lives with
me and she couldn't be added! She's 10, of course she lives with me!!!
How can I fix this?
I send the link to invite my daughter to my Premium Family and after adding her info it says it wasn't possible to verify that she lives with me and she couldn't be added! She's 10, of course she l...
Boa noite, eu inclui minha mulher no meu plano familiar, coloquei o
endereço certo, porem depois de uns dias ela foi excluida do meu plano
sem minha autorização e agora não consiguo mais colocar ela no meu
plano. Aparece o erro a seguir em anexo. Oqu...
Boa noite, eu inclui minha mulher no meu plano familiar, coloquei o endereço certo, porem depois de uns dias ela foi excluida do meu plano sem minha autorização e agora não consiguo mais colocar ela ...
Hello, I am now in the old Premium Family so, there's place for 5 but I
want to change for the new one with 6 people. How can i do this without
losing anything?
Hello, I am now in the old Premium Family so, there's place for 5 but I want to change for the new one with 6 people. How can i do this without losing anything?
Merhaba. Umarım sorunumu çözebilecek bir Türk vardır.Premium satın almak
istediğimde kart bilgileri kısmı öylece donup kalıyor.Yani kart
bilgilerini gireceğim ekran bir türlü açılmıyor.Farklı bilgisayarlarda
da denememe rağmen hep bu ekranda kalıyoru...
Merhaba. Umarım sorunumu çözebilecek bir Türk vardır. Premium satın almak istediğimde kart bilgileri kısmı öylece donup kalıyor. Yani kart bilgilerini gireceğim ekran bir türlü açılmıyor. Farklı b...
My son is the premium account holder and has a family account that I
have been a member of for a few months. My registered email is with
Orange and will cease to exist by the end of the month. Can my email
address be changed to my new Google email wi...
My son is the premium account holder and has a family account that I have been a member of for a few months. My registered email is with Orange and will cease to exist by the end of the month. Can m...
so i have been using the family premium with 5 other users but yesterday
one of them is being kicked out from the family premium by spotify. i
have sent her the invitation but i forgot the address details like road
number. because there are no such t...
so i have been using the family premium with 5 other users but yesterday one of them is being kicked out from the family premium by spotify. i have sent her the invitation but i forgot the address d...
Hi, I have a Premium account, I have been using one of the extra
accounts for almost 2 years for mi wife and just a couple of days ago I
invite my daughter but today all my guest accounts were desactivated and
when trying to join them again I get an ...
Hi, I have a Premium account, I have been using one of the extra accounts for almost 2 years for mi wife and just a couple of days ago I invite my daughter but today all my guest accounts were desact...
Hello,I have started my Spotify Family today, but my family can't join
the account because the country is Monaco (i did'nt choose Monaco), but
I live in France... I changed the details in the account when we pay,
but it still not workMoreover, before...
Hello, I have started my Spotify Family today, but my family can't join the account because the country is Monaco (i did'nt choose Monaco), but I live in France... I changed the d...
Hola buenas tardes, yo tengo una duda acerca del plan familiar, ya que
hace 2 meses obtuve el paquete familiar pero las 2 personas que meti en
el plan y que vivimos en el mismo domicilio les dan de baja el servicio,
lo que e estado haciendo es dar de...
Hola buenas tardes, yo tengo una duda acerca del plan familiar, ya que hace 2 meses obtuve el paquete familiar pero las 2 personas que meti en el plan y que vivimos en el mismo domicilio les dan de b...