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3-months subscription for $0.99

3-months subscription for $0.99

Today I received an e-mail that offers me a 3-months premium membership for only $0.99. Is it true or a scam?





27 Replies

Yes, you can use your student discount after the three month promo trail for $0.99. What I did was use my 7 day free trail then I used my $0.99 promo to optimize my benefits from their promotional offers. I believe that as long as your a student you can use he student discounted promotional rate as opposed to the regular premium rate.

It's not true it's a scam. Need to start class action

Recon its  good  the miletary costs  the rest of the world qiet alot alredy
shuldent be  atractive to be in the miletary 


Re: 3-months subscription for $0.99

I paid $0.99 for 3 months premium, but my premium is discontinued after 7 days.  Is it a scam?  The after sales service of spotify is very bad, as you will find no where to contact them, but only read their standard answer from forum or search in google.  

That’s exactly what happened to me. I was looking for the $0.99 offer and clicked free trial by mistake, five minutes later I found the right page but was then told I wasn’t eligible. Not awesome.

I'm curious but why didn't I get an email nor am I eligible to get it? Why? Why Spotify!! 

U can get the 3months at .99 if u take a copy of the email they send u and
forward it to FTC and submit a complaint for false and or misleading
advertisement. Once u do that u will instantly get a reference number. Take
that number and send to Spotify informing them you reported them for
false/misleading practices. They will reply with apology and issue you the
3 months at .99. I did this it works. Should not have to do this though.
This company is maintained by liars and pure scum. Could be free for an
eternity and still better options out there that aren't so scandalous.

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