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Email Address Changed

Email Address Changed

Hey guys!


So I recieved an email that my email address had changed to someone that I obviously do not know. I responded to their email at - telling them that I didn't change it and I don't know that email address. My Spotify Family Premium account has been playing music that I don't recognize on a device I don't recognize either.


I use Facebook to login to Spotify and I've since changed that password, however I'm unable to change the email address on my account because it asks for a password. How would someone be able to change it without my knowledge yet I can't change it back, even though I still have access to my account?


So far I haven't recieved any responses from Spotify - I've emailed the, I've emailed the account team, and used the anonymous help request form. Every time I submit a request Spotify website tells me it will respond to the other email address. How does that help me?


What options do I have here, I'd like to avoid cancelling my account and creating a new one, considering I had custom play lists and many songs, but if I have to I will - it's not that big of a deal. Please help ๐Ÿ™‚

5 Replies

Hey @stoneric


I'll escalate this thread to staff to see what they recommend.


I'll let you know when I hear back.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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It looks like support has replied to your emails. Are you still having trouble with your account?

MattSudaSpotify Star
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I got it all taken care of, thank you!

You're welcome!

MattSudaSpotify Star
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This happened to me just today too.  Someone changed the email address to nadir and a bunch of numbers @ gmail.  I'm able to login through Facebook as well, but since whoever hacked my account changed the password, I'm unable to reset the email address back to the original. 

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