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[Autoplay] not working

[Autoplay] not working






Samsung galaxy s8

Operating System

Android Pie 

My Question or Issue

Autoplay not working. 

Sometimes it does and most of the times not.

Autoplay is turned on in settings

64 Replies

This happens when I directly use the phone.

And also, due to this issue it does not work with Alexa.

With PC, I do not have the issue.

Autoplay neither works for individual songs nor playlists. However I have the ability to start radios for both.

I have found that it sometimes helps to free space from the device I’m using.

Hi @EllieGG,


Thank you for sharing your post.


Could you let us know which troubleshooting steps you have tried so far? This way we can avoid repeating them. 


Also, please confirm if this issue is happening only on one device or if it happens on multiple ones.


Keep us posted. 

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This is a really serious issue.


Really wonder why this has not been solved.


I am using a PC version on my Mac pro 15 inch, and mobile app on my Android device.


Both have the same issue: when I search a song and play it, it does not automatically play a random song after the song ends.


I tried to hit next multiple times, it doesn't work.


Tried to reinstall the app multiple times, no luck.


How come this automatic play does not work and has not been solved.


I am seriously thinking of moving to a different music player other than Spotify due to this issue.


Really annoying.

Hey @9607,


Thanks for the reply.


You can try toggling between Wi-Fi and mobile data and see if that makes a difference.


It's worth double checking it's turned on under your settings and that shuffle and repeat are turned off to make sure you're listening to the last track on a playlist or album - the track before auto-play should kick in. 


If none of that helps, and you've already run a clean reinstall of the app, like described here, try logging in with a different account to see if you experience the same issues. You can create a free account for test purposes or ask a friend/ family member to log in with theirs.


Keep us posted on how you get on.

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Very disappointed with this customer service.

I did everything mentioned and none of them worked.

Play next button literally does not work when I listen to a song I searched.

How come the company working for solely on music player only cannot even
deal with this simple bug?

Im getting out of spotify.


Hello, here is a video I would like to share about the autoplay problem in my app.

I hope you can fix this asap.


By the way, I tried reinstall this app multiple times with/without clearing cache, toggle wifi/data on/off, autoplay on/off etc.

And, let's admit that these suggestions shouldn't be the solution for this problem as it does not root cause the problem and eradicate it.


I see there have been lots of similar issues since several years, and I don't know why the engineering team is not working on this issue despite this issue is crucial in a music player.

Hi @9607,


Thanks for the video and for going through this troubleshooting with us. 


We've sent this info to the team investigating the issue. We can't say exactly when this will be fixed.


In the meantime you can try to create a free account for test purposes, and check if autoplay is working there.



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Here is another video which shows that Alexa cannot play the next song automatically.


Settings are all the same.


Also, I tried with my friend's phone which is iphone. It has the same issue.

Here is another video showing this autoplay bug even if I hit the next button multiple times.



I am pretty sure I am not the only one having this issue. 


Hope the engineering team fix this asap which has been quite long time here.




Hi @9607,


Thank you for your reply with this info.


We appreciate the extra info, we've passed the video to the team in charge of investigating it. Right now we don't have a timeframe for a fix, but please make sure to keep your app updated. 


We'll get back as soon as we have more info to share.


Until then. 

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Hola amigos del área de Soporte nos dan una respuesta donde dice:

  • En este momento no tenemos un plazo para una solución, pero asegúrese de mantener su aplicación actualizada.

Por Dios yo solicite la corrección del bug de Autoplay desde hace más de un año y aún no le han podido dar solución, presenta la siguiente falla: termina la playlist y debería seguir reproduciendo canciones similares, pero lo que hace es reproducir las mismas canciones que ya tengo en mi playlist.


Les dejo un video donde se demuestra la falla:


Y soporte lo único que sabe decir es instale la aplicación en limpio, revise los datos o conexión al Internet, verifique en otra cuenta si sucede lo mismo, 🤔 es decir creen y uno no sabe manejar un celular, en más de un año que reporte esta falla he cambiado de celular dos veces y reiniciado de fabrica los celulares más de 5 veces, mire muchísimas cuentas donde sucede lo mismo, esto no es problema de la cuenta ni de cual es el equipado que con el que uno cuenta, la culpa es que no escuchan a los usuarios y con decir lo pasaremos al equipo encargado y no nos pregunten cuando le podremos dar solución ya que nunca la dan la solución, lo único que les interesa mes a mes recibir dinero,  pero nunca solucionan un problema, desde que realice la solicitud por ese falla he recibido muchas actualizaciones de la aplicación con la esperanza que lo hubieran solucionado pero con cada actualización no vine ninguna mejora, es más ni se toman la molestia de especificar que trae de nuevo la actualización solo dicen: SOLO PREOCUPENSE POR TENER ACTULIZADA LA APLICACIÓN 

La verdad estoy muy disgustado por que no le prestan atención a los usuarios.les 





Spotify Version





iPhone X

Operating System

iOS 14.8


Hey, everyone.


Following one of the Community moderator's instructions, I'm posting my issue here as well, along with all the necessary information for the right team to analyse. See my original post below.


Please, fix this as soon as possible. It's really annoying and it invalidates Spotify's "non-stop music" concept. 😞


P.S.: I've tried quite literally every troubleshooting out there.



Hey, folks! So, here's the issue plain and simple: the Autoplay feature is not working*. I'll search for a song**, play it, and no similar songs start playing when it ends (i.e., the app doesn't go into the song's radio). The song just goes back to 0:00 and pauses. I've performed the clean reinstall numerous times, but it was no help. This has been happening for sometime now, even after the latest updates. It's a real nuisance, since I can't enjoy nonstop music. Can you give a hand, please?


* If I toggle it off and back on, it works for some time. But as soon as I close the app, it stops working again. So I'm being forced to do this every time I open the app.

** The songs are not in a playlist or album, they're just search results.

Hi folks,


thanks for the info you've submitted.


Have you tried this with not only searching a track and expecting autoplay to start, but also add 4-5 tracks in a playlist and see if works better this way? Let us know how the app behaves on your end.


We'll be on the lookout for your replies.

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El problema no es si se agrega 4 o 5 pistas en una lista de reproducción, el problema viene de los desarrolladores de Spotify ya que no encuentran una solución de raíz por que son muchos los usuarios que viene reportando fallas con el autoplay nuevamente les dejo el video del bus

Hi there @Walter715,


Thank you for your reply.


It would be great if you can try what @Alex mentioned above as we're reporting this to the right team.


Let us know how it works.


Take care!

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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

Hola @Jeremy y @Alex
ya intente lo que dice @Alex hasta cree una playlis nueva pero sigue igual apenas termina la playlis me recomiendan canciones que ya están incluidas en playlis creada y sigo pasando las canciones y resulta recomendando música de otros géneros que no tiene nada que ver con lo que se reproduce en la playlis 

Hey @Walter715,


Thanks for the reply.


Can you clarify if the app is showing you song recommendations under the songs in the playlist or it starts Autoplay with songs already in the playlist?



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Hora @Alex


Si me muestra recomendaciones debajo de la playlis pero no las inicia a reproducir, lo que hace es reproducir aleatorio canciones de la misma playlis y si no es así reproduce canciones de otro género distinto a la playlis

Hi @Walter715,


Thank you for your reply. 


In order to see how the issue is developing, please send us a video showing what happens when you reach the end of a playlist and how the queue looks. This will help us keep investigating.


Keep us posted!

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