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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
Hi,no matter what I do, spotiy keeps re-downloading all my offline
albums every few days. I made sure download is complete. I re-installed
spotify and the problem continues. it is annoying me so much that I am
close to cancelling my account. Today I ...
Hi, no matter what I do, spotiy keeps re-downloading all my offline albums every few days. I made sure download is complete. I re-installed spotify and the problem continues. it is annoying me so mu...
I can't seem to connect to my philips spotify connect speakers. Connect
works between devices but when I try to connect to the speakers
connection fails
I can't seem to connect to my philips spotify connect speakers. Connect works between devices but when I try to connect to the speakers connection fails
It's a shame i can't browse all my music on Android Auto like Apple Car
Play...I can only browse trought vocal input, who works 1 on 10....
Until i can't browse ALL my music library on my car i will not renew
spotify premium....i will use apple music...
It's a shame i can't browse all my music on Android Auto like Apple Car Play... I can only browse trought vocal input, who works 1 on 10.... Until i can't browse ALL my music library on my ...
My desktop and my phone are connected to the same internet and
everything, but my local files won't play on my phone. I see them in my
playslit but when i try to play them nothing happens. Please help
My desktop and my phone are connected to the same internet and everything, but my local files won't play on my phone. I see them in my playslit but when i try to play them nothing happens. Please help
Hello,i changed my mobil phone. All songs were downloaded on my
sd-card.I put the sd-card on my new phone and started spotify. But the
songs wont be found on spotify.Must i download all songs once again ?
and what is with the space on the card, can o...
Hello, i changed my mobil phone. All songs were downloaded on my sd-card. I put the sd-card on my new phone and started spotify. But the songs wont be found on spotify. Must i download all songs o...
Spotify crashes within seconds of opening the app every time. Is there a
way you could compile a version with a target of Android N and post it
here for people running the Developer Preview?
Spotify crashes within seconds of opening the app every time. Is there a way you could compile a version with a target of Android N and post it here for people running the Developer Preview?
Can't find the album of maximum balloon although it is given in the web
version. So if I search for the song "tiger" maximum balloon feat aku in
Google, I can see the song. If I touch on "open with the app" , the app
opens but the song is not played....
Can't find the album of maximum balloon although it is given in the web version. So if I search for the song "tiger" maximum balloon feat aku in Google, I can see the song. If I touch on "open with t...
So I downloaded spotify on my new galaxy grand prime and as I was
looking in the settings I saw an equilizer option so I clicked on it and
I was given a message saying it may mess with the sound and that if u
have problems I should disable it so it d...
So I downloaded spotify on my new galaxy grand prime and as I was looking in the settings I saw an equilizer option so I clicked on it and I was given a message saying it may mess with the sound and ...
Hi guys. For the last week or so a problem started happening. I'm
listening to Spotify a few songs will play normally and then the next
won't have any sound. If i skip the next song will be fine. If i close
and reopen, the song will play fine also. I...
Hi guys. For the last week or so a problem started happening. I'm listening to Spotify a few songs will play normally and then the next won't have any sound. If i skip the next song will be fine. If ...
I and my wife each have a samsung note 3 phone. While I am driving to
work in the car and she is at the gym miles away she always starts
playing music on my phone. And from what She tells me she can't hear any
music on her phone. This morning I say a...
I and my wife each have a samsung note 3 phone. While I am driving to work in the car and she is at the gym miles away she always starts playing music on my phone. And from what She tells me she can'...
So i upgraded my OS to windows 10, and got a new cellphone, samsung
galaxy S7. i thought there would be no problems seeing as installing the
software to my PC and getting spotify again on my phone was a breeze.
there's the problem though LOCAL FILES ...
So i upgraded my OS to windows 10, and got a new cellphone, samsung galaxy S7. i thought there would be no problems seeing as installing the software to my PC and getting spotify again on my phone wa...
Ok, so I've had spotify for 4 months now. I used to listen to alot of
stuff, but now some of the songs I listen to are marked as "unplayable".
They were playable a month or two ago. What happened?? Please help me
because it has confused me for the lo...
Ok, so I've had spotify for 4 months now. I used to listen to alot of stuff, but now some of the songs I listen to are marked as "unplayable". They were playable a month or two ago. What happened?? P...
When I am running it pops up while I am trying to change songs and
register clicks without giving me time to read it. It started playing
music at my job while I was running at the gym a mile away. Yesterday it
popped up while I was trying to run next...
When I am running it pops up while I am trying to change songs and register clicks without giving me time to read it. It started playing music at my job while I was running at the gym a mile away. Ye...
Hello! I have a problem on my Android Nexus 6 running 6.0.1 Marshmallow
and fully updated Spotify client. When I play a playlist from my
Android, the song will stop playing 1-3 seconds before it ends. It does
not pause, I cannot toggle the pause/play...
Hello! I have a problem on my Android Nexus 6 running 6.0.1 Marshmallow and fully updated Spotify client. When I play a playlist from my Android, the song will stop playing 1-3 seconds before it ends...
hi guys, new to this wear thing ...just found about the next song ok
goolge command for skipping trackgreat! i thought - gave it a try on my
360 sport, but it seems to try to launch some other app rather than just
skip spotift track pixempire url hav...
hi guys, new to this wear thing 🙂 ...just found about the next song ok goolge command for skipping track great! i thought - gave it a try on my 360 sport, but it seems to try to launch som...
I have tried everything. I've been emailing support but they could not
fix it. The problem is that a while ago Spotify had a star system where
if you Starred a song it got added to a playlist called "Starred". For
whatever reason they removed stars f...
I have tried everything. I've been emailing support but they could not fix it. The problem is that a while ago Spotify had a star system where if you Starred a song it got added to a playlist called ...
I have a problem with songs being autoplayed at moments I paused my
music. This is both on my mobile phone as my desktop and are songs I've
never listened to. I have this for about a week now and I don't know
what is giving this problem, I never gave...
I have a problem with songs being autoplayed at moments I paused my music. This is both on my mobile phone as my desktop and are songs I've never listened to. I have this for about a week now ...
Hello. My wife and I both purchased a ZTE Obsidian with Android 5.1.1 a
couple of weeks ago. They work great, no problems at all - except for
Spotify. Pretty randomly (sometimes when I open spotify, sometimes in
the middle of a song, sometimes when s...
Hello. My wife and I both purchased a ZTE Obsidian with Android 5.1.1 a couple of weeks ago. They work great, no problems at all - except for Spotify. Pretty randomly (sometimes when I open spotify, ...