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Same song keeps playing.


Same song keeps playing.



I have a frustrating problem. It started a few weeks ago. I listened to Spotify on my app (iphoneX iOS12.1.2) and suddenly another song started playing. A song that I haven't played before or heard about. If I tried to switch back to the original song, then it interrupted and began over. I can't change songs. It continues to start. I closed the app. the same thing happened when I opened them again. Now it happens regularly that the same song starts. It's always the same song. The same thing happens when I listen to the Webplayer. What happens? I'm a premium subscriber - and if I can't find a solution then I have to find another streaming service - because it is untenable. Anyone with that same problem?








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42 Replies

This did not work for me. Actually I chatted with Spotify support twice and went through this process - they even thought that this account wasn’t mine and signed me out and made me prove that I was the owner - 2x! It took about 2 hours in total. The issue isn’t still not solved and Spotify hasn’t been able to propose a solution except to start over with a brand new account. 

This didn’t work for so many people so why should it be marked a solution?!?!

Hey there @elise__,


Thanks for posting about this here in the Community!


You mention when you reached out to our support teams, you tried to reproduce this on a test account. Just to confirm, did this behavior persist on that test account?


If it didn't, it's sounds like an issue with your original account. In that case, it'd be a good idea making sure to revoke access to any third-party apps you don't recognize or no longer need. You can find how to do so here


If the issue persisted when using a different account, it'd be helpful if you could let us know some additional information on the device this is happening on. We'd also recommend trying connecting to a different network connection to see if the issue persists, especially if you're using a shared or public network.


On another note, as @Pao13 's post was helpful for some users, we've marked it as solution to make it easier to find for other users with similar issues. If something different worked out for you, you can always share it here in the Community so more users can find help 🙂


Let us know how you get on! We'll be right here if you need more help.


Have a lovely day 🙂

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It does not work. At least not for me.

This hasn’t fixed it for me. I’ve tried every combination of offloading, deleting and restraint. I clicked a Twitter link from Spotify and now randomly whenever I open Spotify, it auto plays a **bleep** Lana Del Ray song. 

Hey @user-removed, 


Thanks for reaching out about this. 


If your music is still being interrupted, we'd recommend checking this article where you'll find a few tips on how to secure your account.


In case you think someone has gained access to your account, we'd recommend following all the steps in this article. If this doesn't do the trick, you can reach out to our Support team here. They'll be happy to assist you further and check if everything is in order with your account.


Hope this helps. If anything else comes up, we'll be right here. 


Have a nice day. 

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Thanks. It only happens on iPhone, not my iPad so must be app based, no account based. 

I’ve deleted the app, but reinstalling it has me logged in immediately. I think something is on the phone that’s saving my preferences, and is corrupted somehow, that’s not being removed when I delete the app. 

it’s especially annoying if Spotify is playing on a speaker or other device, I open it on my phone to control and it cuts in with the same song again and again. 

Hi again @user-removed, 


Thanks for getting back to us and sending this info. 


In this case, we'd recommend performing a clean reinstall of the app, as this can help clearing any cache that might be causing issues and it's different than simply reinstalling. It will also get you the latest app version.


If this doesn't do the trick, would you mind attaching a screen recording where we can take a better look at what's happening? 


We'll keep an eye out for your reply.  



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Update. So I was listening to Spotify on my xbox, opened the app on my iPad to change song, and it went back and randomly started playing this Lana Del Ray song. Never had this issue on either of these devices, therefore it must be an account issue.


Tried to capture a screen recording but hard to do when it randomly happens. Will keep trying. 

Stand corrected. Just opened it on my phone and it flicks back to the Lana Del Ray song. Video below as too big to attach

Done the sign out of everywhere thing. Deleted all linked apps. About 4th song and it reverts again, as I’m listening to a song and swapping apps. This is ridiculous. 

Hey @user-removed, 


Thanks for sending us this information. 


In case that you're still having this issue and it occurs on different devices, we suggest that you follow these specific steps which you can find in the Lost anything? section.


If you have any questions, just let us know 🙂 


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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

Has this been solved?

I experience the same thing.

I've logged out from all device, change my password, done those 2 steps for countless times, and it's still not working!!

Found something...

I swiched of the 'Allow Explicit Content' in setting, then the random song stop playing.

Result: the song I choose is on for couple of seconds, then it stops without playing random stuff.

Solve the problem? NOOOO

Marked as solution

Hey there @widag,

Thank you for your reply in this thread.


On your account page, go to Apps to review what’s connected to your account. It’s best to select REMOVE ACCESS on all of them to ensure your account’s security (you can reconnect them later).


Also, go to the Spotify desktop app's settings to review any connected Facebook accounts under Social. If there is one, click DISCONNECT FROM FACEBOOK to remove it. If it’s your own Facebook, change your Facebook password before you reconnect it.


If that doesn't do the trick, can you perform a clean reinstall of the app? This will make sure there's no old cache files causing this.


Let us know how everything goes so that we can continue to assist you if you need us to.


Take care!

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Hi @Jeremy,

I've done removing all access, dont have a facebook account, had spotify removed & reinstalled. All of those wasn't working.


What's working is the action I mentioned: switch off the 'Allow Explicit Content' in setting.

Direct effect after that is it stopped playing random songs. So the song I played just stopped after few seconds.

After that I close the app, leave it sometime to do some other activities, and curiously start it again. Then whoala, until now it's running well!! 😊

So I have to make a new account to fix this problem? because I have tried everything to a uninstall to signing out of my account and making a new password

So, is there no fix? Do I have to create another account?

nvm fixed it idk how


I have the same issue for a few weeks now and it is driving me INSANE! I tried all the solutions that were discussed here, but I still have the same issue. However, now there has been some development because the random playlist that the random song is in, is now on my home screen.

As you can see in the attachment, it seems like a ghost playlist without any name or information. It keeps switching back to that annoying playlist. 

It would be weird if all of us, that are complaining here, have the same hacker or security issues, and since the solution works for some, but not all of us, it would be nice if this can be taken more seriously. Especially, since I have had Premium for years and I would like the app I am paying for, to work and not annoy me. And I think others agree. 


I would love to hear a real solution for this problem and maybe a check on where these random playlists and songs are coming from since neither of us has clicked on or even heard these songs before. And it's also weird that all of us seem to have the same problem, but with different songs. Can it maybe be a problem with playlists that are bugging? 


I have an android, updated to the newest version. A Samsung Phone and I use it on my desktop with windows 10. It happens on both devices. I also have a family package, but none of my other family members have noticed this problem. They don't listen to Spotify every day though like I do. I have downloaded playlists and other playlists, and after playing in my own playlist for 2 to 3 songs, it switches automatically to this random playlist and this random first song in that playlist. 

It does it whether I have my own playlist on shuffle or not on shuffle. 


I would really love a working solution now. Since we have been having struggles for a long time now. 


Kind regards! 





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