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[All Platforms] Customize Start Screen

This is not a new idea, but I haven't found any practical reply to it, so I think it needs to be repeated. I completely agree with Rennestein (screen capture below), we need to stop seeing irrelevant suggestions because it is annoying. Why can't it be possible to decide what we first see when we open Spotify on any device? (playlists, recently played, artists we're following, etc), and enjoy better our Spotify experience?
Please Spotify, let us have the home screen as we'd like. :)) Thank you!
SPOTIFY customize screen.JPG

Updated on 2023-02-23

Hey folks,

We appreciate you sharing your feedback on the Community and showing your support to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Update from the 23rd of Feb 2023:
A new feature was recently introduced in the mobile app which you may find interesting as it allows users to remove content recommendations from the subfeeds (Music and Podcasts & Shows) of their Home screen, thus expanding upon the current customization options and offering a improved, more personalized experience. You can find more info about it in the Status update here.

Clear all, what a simple feature, ahahahahah!


I've always thought it was the kids and fake woke crowd that needed 'bad words' to get their point across.

I appreciate the removal of them as a nod of respect for others.

But, anyhow, back to the topic of needing this high-demand request becoming reality. 


Seems like it's just a waste of time for all of us. Spotify, please, close this topic. 


It’s cool that you just link people to this dead thread for an idea that will never be implemented so you can just wash your hands of the entire situation and pat yourself on the back for being helpful. Great customer service. 


this is now becoming a f*king joke, I've now got 3 rows of podcasts on my Home page, because of one I listened to once, I don't give a 2 flying f**ks about podcasts.  They're like recorded radio shows, I have never like them.  It's like for oldies listening to talk shows that they missed.  I have never liked talk shows, listening to peoples unqualified opinions talking about sh*t I don't care about  

I signed up to Spotify for the MUSIC, stop shoving podcasts on my plate.  I heard recently that you paid some stupid money for the exclusive rights to the duke and duchess of f*cking Sussex, and also that stupid money to Joe "who da fck really cares" Rogen, so you need to justify your investments.

I use Spotify for the MUSIC, not the recorded radio talk shows that you call podcasts


Really hoping we can get something like this. Massively disappointed that you chose to platform Joe Rogan at all. It makes me question subscribing to your service. Seeing his damn face when opening this app makes me regret opening the app. I want to make it really clear to you how little Joe Rogan I want in my day. Please help.

Getting pretty fed up with their lack of development in the apps


It's been quite a while since I posted my say in this topic and many of you have like my comment and I think we all agree the Spotify has a different agenda and it's not what their customers want. There only agenda is what makes them secured profit, not fancying there current users but means to bring in more and more. We have to step back and think logically about this, unless the masses step up and stop giving the company money by paying for its services they have no real reason to listen. So in thought if you were to hurt their wallet, they would most likely listen much like any money hungry company out there today. You can also look into reporting the company to BBB or the FTC for taking money for services and ignoring its consumer demand; mistreating them in some fashion. Though, the general society is to easily native and influenced to even have to will to and alternative means of music to stand up against Spotify for misreading their customers; people just let it happen. Makes you think. 


This is unacceptable.  I constantly have items pop up that either was clicked on by someone who didn't mean to or somehow it was suggested to me.  I don't speak Spanish, though I get ads constantly in Spanish (though I would like to learn).  I'm not LGBTQ+, but I am an Ally.  Though I do support the Black Lives Matter movement completely, I don't listen to a lot of music by rappers because, it's not my thing, like Country Music is not my thing either.  Also, I think it's absolutely ludicrous that you can't change the programming or the algorithm of the site to allow the user to have shortcuts as an option or the ability to change them.  It is a privacy item and it really does your company a disservice if you have people who can use iTunes to listen.


Thank you for reconsidering this issue.



 Yes definitely agree with this post. If we’re paying for Premium we expect a quality product, not lots of algorithm-driven junk. Music is so important as a mood-booster/enhancer - please give us more control!  If Spotify is getting paid to promote stuff on premium account home pages it’s really not acceptable. I will think about moving my account elsewhere if this carries on.


Spotify should be a quality product – I thought it was, but now I’m beginning to wonder!