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[Desktop][Playlists] Have both "make collaborative" and "invite collaborator" features

Myself and many other Spotify users were evidently upset last month when Spotify changed their collaborative feature.


While some users may prefer the newer option of inviting select people, others of us loved the old feature and are finding this change to negatively impact our Spotify experience. After all - if it's not broken, don't fix it, right?

We liked being able to set and forget - allowing whoever may be following or stumbling across our account to add/change our playlists. That's why we had them public!


SO instead of removing the feature to collaborate and only allowing us to invite, why not incorporate BOTH features?  A "make collaborative" and an "invite collaborators" feature.  To satisfy both parties - please bring back the Make Collaborative feature!!!

Updated on 2025-03-03

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2022-04-24

Hello @danicajenner,

Thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes. Also, we've updated the title of your idea so that other users can find it easier.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




This change has effectively killed my group's use of Spotify for playlist contests and genre-of-the-week type challenges. We used to be able to mark a playlist globally collaborative, which was ideal for people discovering the playlist throughout the week. The new system requires the creator to manually refresh their link every 24 hours, and inevitably that becomes a bottleneck in using said playlist.


There is value in being able to send people a 24 hour link, but not at the expense of the old functionality.


Third this! I understand the use case of wanting to keep randos out of your collaborative playlist, but that should be a permission setting and not a rigid one size fits all solution that doesn't address customer needs.

Please add an option for "open to any collaborators" vs "closed to invite link".

Our use case: we run a weekly challenge for 160+ folks in a slack channel for virtual team building and belonging. Monday a new playlist topic is named, everyone has the week to submit songs, and we vote on Friday. The winner picks next week's topic. This becomes impossible to manage if we have to refresh the invite link every 24hrs. ☹️


great idea!


I have to say that I really can't understand what was wrong with the original 'make collaborative' option. I've been creating regular team playlists for people to contribute to for the last 7 years and it has worked perfectly. This expiring link idea is crazy and will basically kill it because lots of people don't join IN THE FIRST 24HRS! It's going to drive me nuts sending out new links every day. I cannot express how much I support this proposal and how much I hate Spotify's decision to unilaterally get rid of 'make collaborative'. Really really dumb.


YouTube has a viable solution to collaborative playlists: 


As others have said, refreshing a share link every 24hrs to collaborate using Spotify isn't manageable, we will have to switch our collaborative playlists to YouTube Music to meet our needs.


This change has negatively impacted me too. 

I created playlist called Sydney's Community Playlist, which is a playlist for people to add songs to, and is stimulated by others aadding songs to it. 

It's not worth it if only friends, family, and people I send my link to can add to my playlist.


+1000 on this.  We have been making great collaborative playlists at work for almost three years; an idea I brought from a previous workplace.  Setting the list to collaborative status made it SUPER EASY to let co-workers add to our weekly lists.  The new "invite collaborators" has killed the fun and killed the participation in these lists because the links expire, or the links don't work for some people and do for others.  It's super frustrating.

The collaborative lists were a way to keep all of us connected and interacting through music each week, especially during quarantine when participation was high.  Since the update for invites, participation has plummeted to almost no participation.  
PLEASE add back the "collaborative playlist" setting!  Keep the invite thing too, if you want to, but setting it as an open collab was more successful for all of us.


Hey guys, thanks so much for supporting this idea!

To try and get this feature back ASAP, feel free to share it with those that you collaborated with. The more votes we get, the better 🙂

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2022-05-09

Hey! Looks like your idea is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.