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[Queue] Queue to Next or Last

Present two options on rightclick, Queue Last and Queue Next. Very easy to implement, and useful. 


The way I been using spotty lately is to keep adding to Play Queue, it has gotten really long and sometimes I want to listen to something right now, then I have to add to queue and then move the songs all the way up to the top.


Mediamonkey have had this implemented since long ago. Mediamonkey is btw the best musicorganizer I've ever owned or tried. 

Updated on 2023-03-28

Hey there,


Thanks for this submission. We had a slight hiccup with moving ideas to different boards, but it's all good now.


We're setting the status of this one as "not right now", but that doesn't mean that your votes don't count.




Have two options on how to add songs

Problem: I click play on an album/playlist, after that album/playlist is finished I already now, that I want to listen to this other album/playlist. The only workaround right now is to create a new playlist beforehand with both albums/playlists and delete it again after listening.


Add to queue: Adds a song to play as the next song (just like the queue behaves right now)

Add at the end: Adds a song (or album) at the end of the currently played playlist or album.


Addiny a play next option would be great. Right now i have to add to queue, then drag it to the top from the bottom of the queue. Which gets boring and sometimes irritating after a while.  So adding a play next option would be greatly appreciated. 


Also that would be very helpful when driving. The other way takes up a lot of time. Which is time spent with your eyes off the road

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-10-04

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a New Suggestion and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


It's hard to believe that this feature still isn't available.



it's time to add a 'Play Next' button. Just like what others mentioned. I don't know if there are legal things in between that this is being ignored. Maybe 'Apple' or 'Google' has patented that button!!!! It's nothing special. Please add it.


Next instead of queue!!!


Ten years without implementing this has created other hiccups in the UX. (Pls save me.)

When you add an item to the queue on mobile (iOS), the snackbar (little notification saying you’ve successfully added it to the queue) immediately covers the queue button.

Yet the only way to move an item to the “up next” position in the queue is manually. As a result, you have to wait for the snackbar to time out to access the queue to move the song(s) you’ve added, which, though the time may seem insignificant, becomes an increasingly annoying recurrence as you build your queue.


It would (obviously) be preferable not to have to wait while creating and managing the queue. It would be even more preferable to be able to immediately queue something up next (I beg), but I’m assuming that’s been shelved this long for development reasons, so maybe a smaller item like the placement and/or behavior of the snackbar could be addressed as a tangential, associated issue.


adding to the thread here; it's infuriating having to scroll through the queue everytime to add one song up next - ADD THIS FEATURE PLEASE 


When I first signed up years ago, there was a Play Next option, followed by Add to queue. It was perfect. I don't know why they removed it, and I don't know why they refuse to bring it back or even acknowledge that dragging a song from the bottom of a long queue to the top is not a solution. Especially when it's so easy to accidentally click on another track while scrolling to the bottom, erasing all the preceeding queued tracks.


But w/e, they already pay artists next to nothing, and now they'll be paying out even less, the home screen is now more interested in being Tiktokify than showing me my music or podcasts... everythinf gets worse instead of better with time.


Might as well just Exportify your library and go elsewhere. I miss my old iTunes library.


Thanks Carlos, but you are completely missing the point. Every other streaming service has a play next button. No one wants to drag a song to the top of a 50-song queue, it takes forever and it doesn’t ever drag smoothly, either. For an app that’s so innovative, they’ve missed the mark on this egregious shortcoming for years now.