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[Queue] Queue to Next or Last

Present two options on rightclick, Queue Last and Queue Next. Very easy to implement, and useful. 


The way I been using spotty lately is to keep adding to Play Queue, it has gotten really long and sometimes I want to listen to something right now, then I have to add to queue and then move the songs all the way up to the top.


Mediamonkey have had this implemented since long ago. Mediamonkey is btw the best musicorganizer I've ever owned or tried. 

Updated on 2023-03-28

Hey there,


Thanks for this submission. We had a slight hiccup with moving ideas to different boards, but it's all good now.


We're setting the status of this one as "not right now", but that doesn't mean that your votes don't count.




split the add to que button into “add at the bottom of the queue” and “add at the top of the queue” or “play next”

Add a button to play a song just next to the song you listening to. Lire à la suite like YT Music


This comments on this issue are now 11 years old - so when you say not right now, when is now exactly? Really poor UX for even a basic media player, let alone a sector leader.


Just define the add to queue option as follows, that's all, rather than auto adding to immediately next in the queue.


Add song/album/playlist to next in queue 

Add song/album/playlist to end of queue.




The lack of this feature kept me away from Spotify for YEARS. This is the only reason I waited until recently to switch, instead of doing it ages ago. Please add a play next button.


Queues as a whole are currently a really bad experience. Since Spotify only allows one feature request per post, I can’t list them all here, but one idea would be a “move song to top” button for queues. 


Im just here to remind Spotify that this feature is years overdue and we still want it. My girlfriend was looking for a fix to an issue that would be solved with a "play next" button. This has been the only feature that makes me consider going to another platform, and I'm getting close. 


An option to add song to top or bottom of queue. Add next (the song added will be the next song played/added to the top of the existing queue) and add for later (the song will be added to the end of the existing queue). I think Apple Music has this feature.


A context menu button that adds a song to the top of the queue instead of at the bottom.




I just want a play next feature!! Sometimes I queue up a bunch of songs but then I realize I want to listen to a particular song or album before those, but I don’t want to clear the queue. Technically I can queue it and then drag it to the top, but if it’s an album that I want to play next, it’s extremely tedious to do that for 10+ songs. A Play Next feature would simply place whatever you select at the front of the queue instead of the end. YouTube Music has this feature and I just wish Spotify had it too. 


An option to add a song to play next after the current song. It adds the song to the TOP of the queue instead of the bottom, which is done with the existing "Add to Queue" button. This will save the step of dragging a song all the way from the bottom of the queue- sometimes queues are so long that dragging isn't easy!