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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi! Me, my dad and my sister are thinking about getting spotify premium
for family. My dad will have the main account. Since we are not sure
about using spotify, we would like to use the three month trial. But
there is one problem: my sister already ...
Hi! Me, my dad and my sister are thinking about getting spotify premium for family. My dad will have the main account. Since we are not sure about using spotify, we would like to use the t...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryItaly My Question or IssueHi,I've been wanting
to add a member of my family to the Family premium plan. I've sent the
invitation link but every time they try to enter our home address they
get the message:"It seems like you'r...
Plan Premium Family Country Italy My Question or Issue Hi, I've been wanting to add a member of my family to the Family premium plan. I've sent the invitation link but every t...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryUnited Kingdom Device(iPhone 8, iPad,
Desktop)Operating System(iOS, Windows 10.) My Question or IssueI have a
premium family account and the "recently played" and "heavy rotation"
list frequently contain all manner of **bleep...
Plan Premium Family Country United Kingdom Device (iPhone 8, iPad, Desktop) Operating System (iOS, Windows 10.) My Question or Issue I have a premium family account a...
Hi there - my husband and I currently live in the UAE. I recently
upgraded to Premium Family and tried to send him an invitation. When he
was unable to accept the invite I did some research to realize that my
original account is set to the US and his...
Hi there - my husband and I currently live in the UAE. I recently upgraded to Premium Family and tried to send him an invitation. When he was unable to accept the invite I did some research to r...
Some time ago I was a family plan administrator, I had to undo the plan
by changing my address, in the new place where I live, we are going to
make a new family plan but, I have a doubt if I will have problems with
my account. When we made the first ...
Some time ago I was a family plan administrator, I had to undo the plan by changing my address, in the new place where I live, we are going to make a new family plan but, I have a doubt if I will h...
PlanPremiumCountryUnited StatesDeviceiPadOperating SystemiOS 12+ My
Question or IssueHi there. I am a music therapist working at Seattle
Children's Hospital in Seattle, WA. I am looking to purchase a
subscription for our inpatient psychiatry and beha...
...am looking to purchase a subscription for our inpatient psychiatry and behavioral medicine unit. At another psychiatric hospital that I worked at, I think we had purchased the family plan to use on 6...
PlanPremiumCountryUKDeviceSamsung Galaxy 9Operating SystemAndroid Oreo,
(I think?) My Question or IssueI pay for Spotify Family for my mum and
me. We both have our own phones and she was gifted an Echo Show for
Christmas. We both have our own profile...
Plan Premium Country UK Device Samsung Galaxy 9 Operating System Android Oreo, (I think?) My Question or Issue I pay for Spotify Family for my mum and me. We both have our own p...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryMalaysiaDevice(iPhone 5s)Operating System(iOS
12) My Question or IssueHi there. I am new to Spotify.I was planning to
get Spotify Premium for Family, but few of my siblings are staying in
their hostel which is like juz a few ...
Plan Premium Family Country Malaysia Device (iPhone 5s) Operating System (iOS 12) My Question or Issue Hi there. I am new to Spotify.I was planning to get Spotify Premium for Family...
Ich habe urspruenglich ueber meinen Mobilfunkanbieter Salt Spotify
abonniert. Ich moechte einem Family-Abo beitreten und habe auch schon
das Salt Abo gekuendigt, allerdings funktioniert der Beitritt zum
Family-Abo immer noch nicht.Muss ich extra ein ...
Ich habe urspruenglich ueber meinen Mobilfunkanbieter Salt Spotify abonniert. Ich moechte einem Family-Abo beitreten und habe auch schon das Salt Abo gekuendigt, allerdings funktioniert der B...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryFrance Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueHiFist I have subscribed a premium individual
subscription 12 months and I have paid 11...
...ssue Hi Fist I have subscribed a premium individual subscription 12 months and I have paid 119.88 €. It was a mistake and I have changed this subscription for a premium family at 14.99&n...
In the UK, in the same house with my wife and son and trying to add them
to the family account. All of Apple devices. Checked the location
settings on the master account and entering the same info when promoted
on their devices. Keeps telling me that...
In the UK, in the same house with my wife and son and trying to add them to the family account. All of Apple devices. Checked the location settings on the master account and entering the same info w...
Hi I upgraded to the family plan to include those people I live with.
However, I was also hoping to have 2 accounts myself within this family
plan. One that will have my general music on and one that will have
music I use more in work on. I tried sen...
Hi I upgraded to the family plan to include those people I live with. However, I was also hoping to have 2 accounts myself within this family plan. One that will have my general m...
PlanPremium (I want to upgrade to family premium)CountryUnited States My
Question or IssueHi, my parents are divorced and live at two different
addresses, they also both have equal custody of my sister and I. Which
means i’m living at both of their h...
Plan Premium (I want to upgrade to family premium) Country United States My Question or Issue Hi, my parents are divorced and live at two different addresses, they also both have equal c...
PlanPremium Family CountryIrelandDeviceAndroid/ PC/ AllOperating
System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issuetrying
to keep this short- have contacted spotify cares a number of times and
have effectively got nowherein short- ( n...
Plan Premium Family Country Ireland Device Android/ PC/ All Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue trying to keep this short- have c...
My QuestionI currently have a premium account and am considering
upgrading to family premium. The goal is to have my kids listen to music
on their google/alexa devices in their own rooms.My question is, do I
need unique accounts for each instance, or...
My Question I currently have a premium account and am considering upgrading to family premium. The goal is to have my kids listen to music on their google/alexa devices in their own rooms....
PlanFree/PremiumCountryNetherlands Device(OnePlus)Operating
System(Android) My Question or IssueI had paid for the free trial for
the Premium Family.But it is not working:1) my account is still under
Free Account, not Premium Family.2) when I tried t...
Plan Free/Premium Country Netherlands Device (OnePlus) Operating System (Android) My Question or Issue I had paid for the free trial for the Premium Family. But it is n...
I have a premium subscription that I'd like to upgrade to a Premium for
Family. PlanPremiumCountryRomaniaDeviceiPhone7, iPhone5s,LGTVOperating
SystemiOS 12, WebOS, Windows 10. My Question or IssueI want to setup a
familly plan. I'm missing the option...
I have a premium subscription that I'd like to upgrade to a Premium for Family. Plan Premium Country Romania Device iPhone7, iPhone5s,LGTV Operating System iOS 12, WebOS, Windows 10....
I used already the 3-months trial for free the beginning of the year and
then cancelled.Now want to get the Premium for Family. It shows as the
only option the Premium Family with the 3 months for free, then tells me
I used it up already but can get ...
I used already the 3-months trial for free the beginning of the year and then cancelled. Now want to get the Premium for Family. It shows as the only option the Premium Family with the 3 months f...