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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry The NetherlandsDeviceiPhone 8Operating
SystemiOs10 My Question or Issue Last week I upgraded my account from
Premium to Premium for Family and I only changed the payment method. Now
I logged into my account and all of my music...
Plan Free/Premium Country The Netherlands Device iPhone 8 Operating System iOs10 My Question or Issue Last week I upgraded my account from Premium to Premium for Family a...
PlanPremiumCountry SPAINDeviceHP Pavilion laptopOperating SystemWindows
10 My Question or Issue Hi everyone,My flatmate can't get the
FamilyPlan. She is now living with me (I invited her to the Fam. Plan
last month, when I started the subscription). ...
Plan Premium Country SPAIN Device HP Pavilion laptop Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue Hi everyone, My flatmate can't get the FamilyPlan. She is now l...
Tengo un Plan Premium Familiar ... pero se cancelo y acabo de
activarlo... cuando envio una invitacion a mi esposa sale que la estan
invitando al plan por otra persona.. que no es la titular... Deberia
aparecer mi Nombre,.. ya que yo cargue la mensua...
Tengo un Plan Premium Familiar ... pero se cancelo y acabo de activarlo... cuando envio una invitacion a mi esposa sale que la estan invitando al plan por otra persona.. que no es la ...
Im trying to get my wife onto my spotify family plan however she keeps
getting a 601 error code "Oops something went wrong, please try again."
I got her to unsubscribe from her premium subscription, tried different
browsers, and tried different email...
Im trying to get my wife onto my spotify family plan however she keeps getting a 601 error code "Oops something went wrong, please try again." I got her to unsubscribe from her premium s...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Sweden My Question or IssueMe and my wife are
currently living together with my parents-in-law and siblings-in-law,
sharing the same adress. Is it okay for us to share Family Premium with
them, although we are a different fami...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry England Operating SystemIOS 10 My Question or
Issue I have the family premium package that I share with my family.
Although recently on a few occasions I’ve got to listen to my Spotify
and my mums done the same on her phone ...
Plan Family Premium Country England Operating System IOS 10 My Question or Issue I have the family premium package that I share with my family. Although r...
PlanPremiumCountry IndonesiaDeviceGalaxy a7 2016Operating SystemAndroid
My Question or Issue I take a family plan and register my son. it was
successful couple months ago, but suddenly being kicked out and I cannot
register him back untilk now even I...
Plan Premium Country Indonesia Device Galaxy a7 2016 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I take a family plan and register my son. it was successful couple m...
PlanPremiumCountry PortugalDeviceHuawei P8 Lite2017Operating System
Android My Question or IssueHi Everyone,I'm user of spotify family,
recently had to re-install the app on my mobile phone and after
downloading the new app can't log in as spotify fa...
Plan Premium Country Portugal Device Huawei P8 Lite2017 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hi Everyone, I'm user of spotify family, recently had to re-i...
Premium FamilyHonduras DeviceiPad mini 3 Operating SystemiOS 11 Hi there
i am having troubles activating my moms premium family account. I sent
her the invite, she opens her email goes to the link and then when she
inputs her name address, etc.. to v...
Premium Family Honduras Device iPad mini 3 Operating System iOS 11 Hi there i am having troubles activating my moms premium family account. I sent her the invite, she o...
My Question or IssueHello, I am trying to add our youngest child (13yrs)
to our premium family account but for some reason the option to remove
explicit content in her settings is absent. The option is available to
everyone else using the account tho...
My Question or Issue Hello, I am trying to add our youngest child (13yrs) to our premium family account but for some reason the option to remove explicit content in her settings is absent. T...
Bonjour à tous!Je voulais savoir si c’etait possible De modifier la page
l’accueil. Avant j’avais Un onglet album sortie récemment et il a
disparu. J’aimerai savoir comment faire? Merci
Bonjour à tous! Je voulais savoir si c’etait possible De modifier la page l’accueil. Avant j’avais Un onglet album sortie récemment et il a disparu. J’aimerai savoir comment faire? Merci
Hello Community,I was in the family plan of spotify but although all my
family got an e-mail from spotify about confirmation of address I did
not get one. My account is now turned to a free one and I can not
receive invitations from family plan. What...
Hello Community, I was in the family plan of spotify but although all my family got an e-mail from spotify about confirmation of address I did not get one. My account is now turned to a free one a...
I already tried the solutions such as logging out, changing passwords
but I still cant use my premium account even though it was charged. I
have to log in my payment details again. I dont wanna be charged twice.
I already tried the solutions such as logging out, changing passwords but I still cant use my premium account even though it was charged. I have to log in my payment details again. I dont wanna be ch...
PlanFamilyCountry CanadaDevicePC/AndroidOperating SystemWindows 10/Pie
My Question or IssueRidiculous question, but save for just waiting it
out is there a way to say no to a family plan invite? Person emailing me
to join there plan is someone I want...
Plan Family Country Canada Device PC/Android Operating System Windows 10/Pie My Question or Issue Ridiculous question, but save for just waiting it out is there a way t...
Hello. I have already bought my monthly subscription for *snip* but my
account does not recognized it. I see that there is a problem. Also my
monthly subsription expire in 12/03/2018. Could you please help me?
Hello. I have already bought my monthly subscription for *snip* but my account does not recognized it. I see that there is a problem. Also my monthly subsription expire in 12/03/2018. Could you pleas...
I used to use spotify family, and i was the admin. Well, i didnt entry
any kind of street number. I registered with my street name, ZIP code...
Now, i cant add my family member! Because of street number. We haven't
street number, only a street name w...
I used to use spotify family, and i was the admin. Well, i didnt entry any kind of street number. I registered with my street name, ZIP code... Now, i cant add my family member! Because of street n...
Hi! My family has a family subscription, but two of the family members
don't recieve the invite. I've tried resending it several times, and
removing them from the subscription and add them again, but they just
don't recieve the invitation. HELP!
Hi! My family has a family subscription, but two of the family members don't recieve the invite. I've tried resending it several times, and removing them from the subscription and add them a...
Meto la dirección que mi padre puso cuando creó la cuenta familiar y me
da error, no me permite incluirme en el plan familiar a pesar de vivir
en la misma dirección , por qué?
Meto la dirección que mi padre puso cuando creó la cuenta familiar y me da error, no me permite incluirme en el plan familiar a pesar de vivir en la misma dirección , por qué?
Family PlanPremiumCanada iPhone, iPads I have been a premium subscriber
for a number of years. Within the last couple of years I switched to the
family plan and added my 2 kids and wife. For some reason all of their
playlists have been removed and it...
Family Plan Premium Canada iPhone, iPads I have been a premium subscriber for a number of years. Within the last couple of years I switched to the family plan and added my 2 k...