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Offline problem

Offline problem

Hi all!


I am pulling out my hair! I have an Iphone 5S and the latest software for it all downloaded on it. I only use spotify on that and my macbook.


The problem is i CANNOT sync a playlist or anything to use offline on my phone! I have tried deleteing the app and reinstalling. I have treid doing it on wifi and using data.


Nothing seems to be working!


Id love to get the whole service working or there isnt much point of me having it!]


Any help would be fantastic!

2 Replies

As mentioned over in the Android forum please read the support topic here for assistance setting up local file sync: Listen to local files

Make sure that you are on the same WiFi network and Windows & third party firewalls are configured to allow the Spotify connection through.

Another point to note is that sometimes if a track is stored locally & is also available to stream then when you sync to your device it will automatically use the Spotify streaming version but the data from your playlist. If for some reason the metadata such as track length differs this can cause conflict and break the track. In this instance you are best off removing the local file from your playlist on the desktop and adding the track from the Spotify server then re-sync. This should fix this issue.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

I don't understand.
I deleted the tracks from my playlist. then removed them to another folder. Then dragged and dropped them again into my Starred folder, they appeared grey immediatly on my Galaxy Alpha but weren't playable

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