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Shuffle and Repeat not working


Shuffle and Repeat not working

I am pretty sure it's an iOS 11 problem as well. But, I hope Spotify has a fix on this.


I always play songs on shuffle and repeat. I have a playlist on Spotify that has a huge list of songs, more than 500 songs.


I updated my iPhone to iOS 11. And, I am having problems playing Spotify from my phone in my 2015 Mazda6. Every time I connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth, the shuffle and the repeat feature turns off, and when I turn it back on, it's still won't work. i kept repeating the process of turning back the shuffle and repeat on, and it turns off by itself.


I really hope they have a solution for this. 

69 Replies

Doesn't seem like posting here is going to help. I used Twitter (@SpotifyCares) and they respond quite quickly.  Like one of the other users on here said, I think the more people report it the better chances of them actually working with Apple to get the bug fixed! Can you please do us all a favour and send a link to this community topic to @SpotifyCares on Twitter? Without doing that, I don't think we'll get them to urgently look into this. Thanks for the help.

I did mention this on Twitter and @SpotifyCares replied immediately. But I had to point out the Mazda Bluetooth origin. At that point they thanked me and said their engineers are working on it. But I don't think there is a resolution as of now.

I also have this problem. 2015 Mazda CX-5.

Same thing is happening to me 

I've tried tweeting to Spotify, but I'm still having this issue in my 2014 Mazda CX-5.  Anyone having luck with a workaround?  If so, please share it here!

Marked as solution

The one tip that does work is using the (terrible) Mazda voice command “Bluetooth - Shuffle - All.” I even tried to get my 2015 Mazda 6 system updated but Mazda basically abandoned the infotainment systems prior to the 2016 model year.

@Kchorzepa wrote:
The one tip that does work is using the (terrible) Mazda voice command “Bluetooth - Shuffle - All.” I even tried to get my 2015 Mazda 6 system updated but Mazda basically abandoned the infotainment systems prior to the 2016 model year.

This WORKS! Finally! Why on earth is the button on the touchscreen panel disabled but you can shuffle through voice?

No idea. I thought the same thing. Makes no sense. 

what do u have to say??

Its not working for me!!!!... im from Chile, and i cant say shuffle with my voice, because the control doesnt exist

There's no voice control commands in your car?

yes, but shuffle doesn't exist... its a very short list of commands... maybe because of my country, i dont know..

Are the commands in Spanish? If so, have you tried English? Maybe it can recognize all localizations. Probably not, but can't hurt to try.


Just to be very clear, when I use this feature, I press the voice command button on the steering wheel and say, "Shuffle all". After a couple of seconds, the car says "Shuffle All" back to me. Usually, it doesn't work the first couple of times. My car thinks I'm saying "Phone call" or some **bleep**. It's very particular about the enunciation.



Obviously, Mazda's developers suck. Or their managers.

**bleep** huh. I wish I could remember what I wrote. I can't imagine it was a swear.

My car fails with the voice commands all the time. It’s just Mazda putting bad tech into their cars.
Marked as solution

Hi all, for those of you with Mazda cars affected with this issue, and specifically iPhones at least... I have some good/bad news for you.

There was a Mazda technical service bulletin that went out a while ago, which - if you've had it done - by the anecdotal responses in the forum thread in question, the issue would be solved (and the shuffle button right on the touch screen apparently would work, no less).

The gist of it is, the bluetooth receiver component of the old style Mazda head unit (note: if you have the newer Mazda Connect, you won't be experiencing this problem anyway.. this is the older style one in use until 2015-ish), needed to be replaced with a newer version.

More information here:!!!

You'll notice the earliest posts were in 2015 when this was first released, and the latest posts are from recently where people are still stumbling across this.

Extremely disappointing -- in my case, I bought my car used and had no idea that this was not addressed and only found out this evening my BT unit is reporting the old firmware number starting with a 6, instead of the newer one starting with a 7 using the methods detailed in that forum post to figure it out. In the process, I mean, I even found out my car is subject to a recall (!) that never was completed, so, I'm hoping that Mazda will be understanding that the dealer in question didn't do their due diligence...

I'll be calling Mazda Canada tomorrow to try and suss this out, hopefully just by their good will given my situation. I suggest the rest of you do the same and contact your respective country's Mazda customer care if you can at all.

TL;DR Summary: the bluetooth radio component is out of date and needs to be replaced, and is likely the source of this issue. If one had known about this sooner, it could have been easily done under warranty.


I’ve set an appointment with my Mazda dealer next week to look into this. 

I'm seeing my dealer this Thursday but I don't plan on spending too much on the fix. If they say I have to pay for a new bluetooth unit, I will probably get by using the voice command and hope that a future Spotify/iOS update takes care of it.

Probably won’t work..

im watching new Sound systems. like pioneer with new screen and everything to update all.. the problem is that solution will cost 500 usd...


please let us know if you have new solutions

According to Mazda's Bluetooth Handsfree hotline, they only guarantee compatibility up to iPhone 6 (and then only if it has iOS 8). I got a reference number from the Bluetooth folks and gave that to my dealer who is working with Mazda Customer Care. Waiting to find out if they will do anything for me.

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