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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryUSDeviceiPhone 14 Pro MaxOperating SystemWindows 10
Pro My Question or Issue Hello, I have a strange issue. I've "downloaded
a local file" track (MP3) and added it to a Playlist and when I select
the track, all of my Echo devices gr...
Plan Premium Country US Device iPhone 14 Pro Max Operating System Windows 10 Pro My Question or Issue Hello, I have a strange issue. I've "downloaded a local file" tra...
Hello If I were to temporarily remove a family member’s account from our
duo membership, for say two weeks, could I then re-add them at a later
date? It says you can only switch duo membership once in 12 months so I
am not wanting to risk it unecessa...
Hello If I were to temporarily remove a family member’s account from our duo membership, for say two weeks, could I then re-add them at a later date? It says you can only switch duo m...
Hi everybody ! I would like to unsure that playlists of my son (and mine
of course !!) with whom I have a DUO plan will keep his playlists in the
frame of a FAMILY plan so that brother, sister and wife will have also
their own access. Thanks in advan...
Hi everybody ! I would like to unsure that playlists of my son (and mine of course !!) with whom I have a DUO plan will keep his playlists in the frame of a FAMILY plan so that brother, s...
I'm on a Premium Family plan that i joined about 2 years ago, but I no
longer speak/live with the people on said Family Plan and i want to
create my own new Premium Family plan with my new roomates, my question
is, can i do this or do i have to wait ...
I'm on a Premium Family plan that i joined about 2 years ago, but I no longer speak/live with the people on said Family Plan and i want to create my own new Premium Family plan with my new r...
Quiero tener un plan familiar, ya realice el pago, pero no me permite
configurar la dirección, se queda cargando. Actualmente tengo un plan
individual, creo ese puede ser el problema. PlanPremium Individual
CountryMéxico Device(Lenovo)Operating Syste...
Quiero tener un plan familiar, ya realice el pago, pero no me permite configurar la dirección, se queda cargando. Actualmente tengo un plan individual, creo ese puede ser el problema. ...
Good morning. I am a Premium member and I have contracted a Family Plan.
It is very annoying to be changing my password. I ask you to avoid
closing my session. I do not need to be prompted to change my password
unless I request it.
Good morning. I am a Premium member and I have contracted a Family Plan. It is very annoying to be changing my password. I ask you to avoid closing my session. I do not need to be prompted to c...
hi good day, can I have the playlist of the activity of my day on the hp
device, to search for one of the last 15 played songs, I missed a great
one, I guess the buton of like and dislke are so close, an I as
dislexic, I got the worn do. Thank for yo...
hi good day, can I have the playlist of the activity of my day on the hp device, to search for one of the last 15 played songs, I missed a great one, I guess the buton of like and dislke are so close...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDevice(iPhone 13Mini, PC)Operating System(iOS
16, Windows 10) My Question or IssueI was kicked out from Faimly Abo, as
I got the new invitation Link, I had to put the adresse, which in my
case is the same as the Primium owner...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device (iPhone 13Mini, PC) Operating System (iOS 16, Windows 10) My Question or Issue I was kicked out from Faimly Abo, as I got the new invitation Link,...
Hello, I want to add family membres but they live in others adresse, how
ça I do that? I think this is not good to enjoy this plan.... It's my
account and I want to be free adding people who lives in others
places... Thanks to answers
Hello, I want to add family membres but they live in others adresse, how ça I do that? I think this is not good to enjoy this plan.... It's my account and I want to be free adding people who lives i...
I was kicked out of our family subscription even though I'm part of the
family. I got an email to confirm but it still didn't work. Please help
me I can't stand a second without music.
I was kicked out of our family subscription even though I'm part of the family. I got an email to confirm but it still didn't work. Please help me I can't stand a second without music.
PlanPremium / FamilyCountryAustraliaDeviceSamsung galaxy S20 FE, pc
Operating SystemWindows 11 My Question or IssueThis girl I used to be
friends with is taking my taste in music, artists/bands I listen to and
using them to seek for attention and cal...
Plan Premium / Family Country Australia Device Samsung galaxy S20 FE, pc Operating System Windows 11 My Question or Issue This girl I used to be friends with is t...
PlanPremiumCountryFinland DeviceSamsung Galaxy A6Operating SystemAndroid
My Question or IssueHello. After a family member is growing up we
decided to allow explicit content on her device. However, toggling off
the filter for explicit content does not...
Plan Premium Country Finland Device Samsung Galaxy A6 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hello. After a family member is growing up we decided to a...
Hi Spotify-Community, I have a problem since weeks and Spotify support
can’t find the problem!It’s really frustrating. I have Spotify Premium
Family with 6 accounts an my issue is: I login with Account Nr. 1.I’m
searching for a playlist, I can find i...
Hi Spotify-Community, I have a problem since weeks and Spotify support can’t find the problem! It’s really frustrating. I have Spotify Premium Family with 6 accounts an my issue i...
I cant leave my family plan, it keeps saying "Something went wrong. Try
reloading the page."I cant ask the owner of the plan to kick me since we
had an argument. Can anyone help me?
I cant leave my family plan, it keeps saying "Something went wrong. Try reloading the page." I cant ask the owner of the plan to kick me since we had an argument. Can anyone help me?
Hello anyone who can help. My darling husband is the administrator for
our Premium Family plan but he can no longer remember his password and
the recovery email that he should use is also no longer working. So it
seems he can not recover his password...
Hello anyone who can help. My darling husband is the administrator for our Premium Family plan but he can no longer remember his password and the recovery email that he should use is also n...
Hola a todos, tenía un plan familiar y hace unos días nos eliminó a
todos y no nos deja volver a ingresar, es el único plan en el que hemos
estado, ayuda por favor
Hola a todos, tenía un plan familiar y hace unos días nos eliminó a todos y no nos deja volver a ingresar, es el único plan en el que hemos estado, ayuda por favor
I signed up to the Family Plan but I only appeared to be able to give my
children Spotify Kids accounts, which doesn't have all their music on,
so I cancelled it. Has this now changed or is there any plan to change
this? I found there was no point us...
I signed up to the Family Plan but I only appeared to be able to give my children Spotify Kids accounts, which doesn't have all their music on, so I cancelled it. Has this now changed or is there a...
Hello, I have just opened a Premium account so that my daughter (age 8,
almost 9) can have an account of her own. First I started with Premium
Duo but her registration was not possible. That was because of her age.
So I deleted the Premium Duo and no...
...as not possible. That was because of her age. So I deleted the Premium Duo and now opened Family account for us, even if we don't need more than two accounts (definitely not six). Still she cannot r...
PlanFamily CountryCyprus My Question or IssueBought the family plan but
my son who used to have a student account in UK and later continued to
pay the normal fee but didn't change address, is not allowed to change
his address back to home. He no long...
Plan Family Country Cyprus My Question or Issue Bought the family plan but my son who used to have a student account in UK and later continued to pay the normal fee but d...