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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Plan - Premium for FamilyCountry - Australia My Question or IssueI have
Premium for Family with 3 members.Adding my son is not working.I sent
him an invite. He clicks Accept Invite, at the next screen he is asked
to log in, he tries to use his @hotma...
Plan - Premium for Family Country - Australia My Question or Issue I have Premium for Family with 3 members. Adding my son is not working. I sent him an invite. He clicks A...
I wish to use spotify for my son´s lullabies for bed while being able to
listen to my own music as well, and therefore subscribed to the premium
family plan. how can i create an account for him without having an
email-adress, as mine is already regis...
I wish to use spotify for my son´s lullabies for bed while being able to listen to my own music as well, and therefore subscribed to the premium family plan. how can i create an account for h...
I purchased a premium family plan in India but after changing my
location to Canada and then trying to add my wife onto the family plan,
I’m not allowed to add her. Anyone has any clue on what I’ve got to do
to make this work. I’ve followed the instr...
I purchased a premium family plan in India but after changing my location to Canada and then trying to add my wife onto the family plan, I’m not allowed to add her. Anyone has any clue on what I’ve g...
Hi, My wife (iPhone) and me (Android) do not have access to the family
mix. We tried all the knowledge base articles and reinstalled the
app.When we go here: https://www.spotify.com/nl/account/family/ the page
loads perpetually (3 dots ...) Can you f...
Hi, My wife (iPhone) and me (Android) do not have access to the family mix. We tried all the knowledge base articles and reinstalled the app. When we go here: https://www.spotify.com/n...
I have the following question because I can't find my answer at the top
of the community page. I am currently a spotify premium user and my
billing cycle is on the 3rd of every month. If I upgrade it to spotify
Premium for Family today, the 10th, am ...
...pgrade it to spotify Premium for Family today, the 10th, am I going to be charged instantly and be able to add my family member? If yes, I am effectively lossing my personal premium period (f...
Hi, I am thinking about an upgrade to Spotify Family. But to do so,
there is one use case I need to have answered. We have a Sonos
environment in several rooms (living room, kitchen, children's rooms,
office and so on) and there are two smartphones f...
Hi, I am thinking about an upgrade to Spotify Family. But to do so, there is one use case I need to have answered. We have a Sonos environment in several rooms (living r...
Planfamili planCountrySpainSamsung Galaxy j5Operating System My Question
or IssueHi, I've got a new family plan.I did install it on my dads phone
and i he did get my invitation all good, but when i get his phone and
try to download his playlists i ca...
Plan famili plan Country Spain Samsung Galaxy j5 Operating System My Question or Issue Hi, I've got a new family plan.I did install it on my dads phone and i he did get my i...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryHonduras DeviceIphone 11 My Question or Issue I
was trying to access my family's plan but it doesn't let me because it
believes I live in another country. My family is paying for this
subscription and I don't understand why i...
Plan Family Premium Country Honduras Device Iphone 11 My Question or Issue I was trying to access my family's plan but it doesn't let me because it b...
have been a spotify premium user for years. decided over the weekend to
upgrade to a family premium plan, so my kids can listen to their own
music instead of bombarding my playlists with songs about bananas and
toilets! i have attempted to sign them ...
have been a spotify premium user for years. decided over the weekend to upgrade to a family premium plan, so my kids can listen to their own music instead of bombarding my playlists with songs a...
Not clear to me the maximum number of members for the family plan,
including the moderator. Which option is correct from the title? Thanks.
PlanPremiumCountry Device(iPhone 6)Operating System(iOS 10, Windows 10)
Not clear to me the maximum number of members for the family plan, including the moderator. Which option is correct from the title? Thanks. Plan Premium Country Device (i...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryUS My Question or IssueMy wife and I want to
switch ownership of our Family Plan. Here's what we did. She canceled
her family plan. She's told her premium membership ends at the end of
May. I then upgraded my personal premium...
Plan Family Premium Country US My Question or Issue My wife and I want to switch ownership of our Family Plan. Here's what we did. She canceled her family plan. She's t...
Can you disable the feature in Spotify Kids that automatically downloads
anything saved to Favorites? I would prefer to keep the function of
having a favorites list for my kids but do not want the space taken up
unnecessarily on the device
Can you disable the feature in Spotify Kids that automatically downloads anything saved to Favorites? I would prefer to keep the function of having a favorites list for my kids but do not want...
I just paid for Spotify Family but the family manager doesn’t load. Now
I can’t even reach the page to cancel the plan. Can anyone offer
assistance to get to the family manager or get my damn money back? Just
dropped $130 on some **bleep** system and...
I just paid for Spotify Family but the family manager doesn’t load. Now I can’t even reach the page to cancel the plan. Can anyone offer assistance to get to the family manager or get my damn money b...
Hello, I have a family account and I would like to change the frequency
of payments. I am now paying every month €15 and I would like to pay
directly for a year and then to have a yearly payment (€180), is it
possible? many thanks
Hello, I have a family account and I would like to change the frequency of payments. I am now paying every month €15 and I would like to pay directly for a year and then to have a y...
My Question or Issue Hi! I've been on a Family Premium subscription with
my brother etc. for years now but need to start my "own" Family
subscription to share with my partner. Do I cancel the old one first
(and if yes, where?) and then sign up for a ...
My Question or Issue Hi! I've been on a Family Premium subscription with my brother etc. for years now but need to start my "own" Family subscription to share with my partner. &n...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryNL My Question or IssueMy daughter accepted
premium family but the app in her Android phone is not changed
accordingly. So she stil cant use the family spotify. In My account she
is listed as a member so that part of the proces...
Plan Free/Premium Country NL My Question or Issue My daughter accepted premium family but the app in her Android phone is not changed accordingly. So she stil cant use the family...
Hi,I have been getting crazy trying to add my daughter to my family
plan. I moved my plan from uk to france updating credit card (using a
french one now). I updated the address for the family plan (my profile
though keep showing UK as residence)in an...
Hi, I have been getting crazy trying to add my daughter to my family plan. I moved my plan from uk to france updating credit card (using a french one now). I updated the address for the family p...
Is there anyone that can help? I have a family premium account and have
tried multiple times to "add" my son using the invite address provided
by Spotify on the account page. However, every time he uses the link he
is getting a message saying "You ca...
Is there anyone that can help? I have a family premium account and have tried multiple times to "add" my son using the invite address provided by Spotify on the account page. However, every time he u...
Family PlanMexico All devicesDevice Today I was removed from my family
plan for not being able to verify my address, I checked and the
confirmation mail was in my junk mail, Is there a way to be part of the
plan again or to receive the confirmation m...
Family Plan Mexico All devices Device Today I was removed from my family plan for not being able to verify my address, I checked and the confirmation mail was in my junk mail, I...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryMéxico Device(iPhone 6 ) Operating System(iOS
12.4.6 ) My Question or IssueMe and my family created a family plan but
I can’t join it. When I enter the address it says “ seems you’re trying
to join a plan in another country, yo...
Plan Free/Premium Country México Device (iPhone 6 ) Operating System (iOS 12.4.6 ) My Question or Issue Me and my family created a family plan but I can’t join it. When I...