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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlPlanFamily Premium Country HnDeviceLG k8 Hi I've been trying to get
the family plan but I receive the error that a problem has occur with
the method payment, isn't the first time I use this card for this and
already called the bank and there's no I...
PlPlan Family Premium Country Hn Device LG k8 Hi I've been trying to get the family plan but I receive the error that a problem has occur with the method payment, i...
PlanFamilyCountry DeviceIphone XS MaxOperating SystemiOs 10 I requested
for my google home in November. I got the link in my email to purchase
and did and everything went through. However its been about a month and
I never got a confirmation email th...
Plan Family Country Device Iphone XS Max Operating System iOs 10 I requested for my google home in November. I got the link in my email to purchase and did and everything w...
My Question or IssueI submitted my order through the link provided by
Spotify for the google home mini promotion. When I submitted the order,
I did it via a guest account and not my personal google account, which
is required for the promotion order t...
My Question or Issue I submitted my order through the link provided by Spotify for the google home mini promotion. When I submitted the order, I did it via a guest account and not my persona...
I'm in a family plan. I am planning on leaving to join another family
plan set up. Every time I cancel my premium plan, Spotify tells me the
plan will cancel that day. Each day I check and see I'm still part of
that family plan and not the one I want...
I'm in a family plan. I am planning on leaving to join another family plan set up. Every time I cancel my premium plan, Spotify tells me the plan will cancel that day. Each day I check and s...
PlanPremiumCountry IndonesiaDeviceiPhone XOperating SystemiOS 11 My
Question or IssueHello, how to join my family subscription again? I got
limit once per year.. please help me
Plan Premium Country Indonesia Device iPhone X Operating System iOS 11 My Question or Issue Hello, how to join my family subscription again? I got limit once per year.. p...
PlanPremiumCountry BrazilDeviceiPhone 7, Android J7Operating System(iOS
12, Android Oreo) My Question or Issue My wife was removed from my
Primium family plan, we leave in the same house/address. I resent
another inviation, but it is saying she canno...
Plan Premium Country Brazil Device iPhone 7, Android J7 Operating System (iOS 12, Android Oreo) My Question or Issue My wife was removed from my Primium family p...
Hi,I was invited by my sister to Spotify Family, joined in and all went
well for couple weeks. Then I received an email to verify my postal code
and I filled it in, but there must have been some typo in it because I
was kicked out of my Family in few...
Hi, I was invited by my sister to Spotify Family, joined in and all went well for couple weeks. Then I received an email to verify my postal code and I filled it in, but there must have b...
Shame on you Spotify! You promote free Google Mini for Subscribers. Only
to find out you MUST share credit card information to get a FREE (repeat
FREE) gift. In a world where data privacy is a MUST and Data theft is
rampant, you FAIL Spotify. You sho...
Shame on you Spotify! You promote free Google Mini for Subscribers. Only to find out you MUST share credit card information to get a FREE (repeat FREE) gift. In a world where data privacy is a ...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 6s, pc)Operating System(iOS 12,
Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I got kicked from my family, and
when the leader invites me, I can't join again. it says: your unable to
join this family plan.
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 6s, pc) Operating System (iOS 12, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I got kicked from my family, and when t...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easier it will be for us to try and helpprepremium familyCountry
italyDevice(notebook Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or Issue Hello ther...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide the easier it will be for us to try and helppre premium family Country italy Device (notebook Operating S...
I have a question. I have an normal account on spotify but now i want to
upgrade to a family account. I've read you can still be able to listen
to your own music. But i want to know how this works with a new account.
How do i end my old and start a n...
I have a question. I have an normal account on spotify but now i want to upgrade to a family account. I've read you can still be able to listen to your own music. But i want to know how this works w...
Plan Premium Country Israel My Question or Issue Where do you register to Family plan? Is the reason you are not providing it in IL is related to BDS? &n...
PlanFamilyCountry Germany My Question or Issue Ich habe versucht meine
Frau mit drei verschiedenen Emailadressen einzuladen.Bei keiner Adresse
kam eine Einladung an, trotz mehrmaligem senden.Gibt es noch die
Möglichkeit Leute manuell einzuladen? I´ve...
PlanFamily Subscription Country DeviceiPhone 8 Operating System(iOS 10,
emui) My Question or IssueMy dad, sister and I have been kicked out of
the Family Plan my mom set up for all of us. When we try to sign up for
it again using a different invitati...
Plan Family Subscription Country Device iPhone 8 Operating System (iOS 10, emui) My Question or Issue My dad, sister and I have been kicked out of the Family...
PlanPremiumCountry EcuadorDeviceHTCOperating SystemAndorid Oreo My
Question or Issue My father lives with me and he can't be part of the
family subcription due to an error. I've tried to invite him many times
but it always shows an error. I had a cha...
Plan Premium Country Ecuador Device HTC Operating System Andorid Oreo My Question or Issue My father lives with me and he can't be part of the family subcription due to a...
Hola buenas tardes, ultimamente he tenido problemas para unirme a un
plan familiar, lo que pasa es que yo ya habia entrado al plan familiar,
y despues se me notifico que debia de corregir algo dentro de 7 dias, lo
cual no lo pude hacer y me sacaron d...
Hola buenas tardes, ultimamente he tenido problemas para unirme a un plan familiar, lo que pasa es que yo ya habia entrado al plan familiar, y despues se me notifico que debia de corregir algo dentro...
Hello all, Hoping for some help with this issue -- it's probably come up
before for other users. I have a google home at home that I set up for
my mother, who is joined as a Spotify member on my family plan. I linked
her Spotify account to the google...
...potify member on my family plan. I linked her Spotify account to the google home but when she tries to play music via the google home (i.e. "okay google, play [x] from spotify"), for some i...