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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
My Question or IssueCurrently living in Taiwan with family, originally
lived in Singapore, and lost my old account, my father bought Spotify
premium family in Singapore. Tried to add me in Taiwan and to no aval,
even after i tried inputting the addre...
My Question or Issue Currently living in Taiwan with family, originally lived in Singapore, and lost my old account, my father bought Spotify premium family in Singapore. Tried to add me i...
Today (27.01.24), Spotify will not play more the 3 seconds of any song.
This happens on all of my platforms (Windows App, Web App, Android App,
Google Home). I have tried reinstalling the Windows App, deleting
caches, and logging out of all Apps seve...
Today (27.01.24), Spotify will not play more the 3 seconds of any song. This happens on all of my platforms (Windows App, Web App, Android App, Google Home). I have tried reinstalling the Windows App...
I want my 9 yr old to be able to use Spotify on their fire tablets, but
I can't invite them to join on that device. The app won't let him create
an account because he's too young. Any help would be great.
I want my 9 yr old to be able to use Spotify on their fire tablets, but I can't invite them to join on that device. The app won't let him create an account because he's too young. Any help would b...
Mi cuenta tiene desde el 2022 y en estos 3 años solo he estado en 2
planes familiares ya habiando pasado 12 meses y por lo cual ahora que
quiero unirme no me deja y quisiera que arreglen eso ya que estaria
perdiendo toda la musica que me gusta y mis ...
Mi cuenta tiene desde el 2022 y en estos 3 años solo he estado en 2 planes familiares ya habiando pasado 12 meses y por lo cual ahora que quiero unirme no me deja y quisiera que arreglen eso ya que e...
I have been trying to add my mom, who lives with me, for a year now and
keep running into the same problem. I have the account, I've tried to
add her to a Duo, when that didn't work I upgraded to Family and edited
my address at the same time we set h...
I have been trying to add my mom, who lives with me, for a year now and keep running into the same problem. I have the account, I've tried to add her to a Duo, when that didn't work I upgraded to Family...
Trying to get the random button beside the play button on my wife’s
phone and even trying to delete app and turning phone off did not fix
the problem. Please help
Trying to get the random button beside the play button on my wife’s phone and even trying to delete app and turning phone off did not fix the problem. Please help
Criei o plano família e não houve problemas para adicionar meu pai,
porém ao tentar adicionar minha mãe não é possível concluir a ação. Ela
recebe o convite, entra e coloca o endereço, porém ao confirmar aparece
uma mensagem de que “Houve um erro” e ...
Criei o plano família e não houve problemas para adicionar meu pai, porém ao tentar adicionar minha mãe não é possível concluir a ação. Ela recebe o convite, entra e coloca o endereço, porém ao confi...
Al aceptar la invitación en el dispositivo del otro miembro, sale que ya
se unió, pero el spotify sigue teniendo anuncios, sigue como si tuviera
el plan gratis.
Al aceptar la invitación en el dispositivo del otro miembro, sale que ya se unió, pero el spotify sigue teniendo anuncios, sigue como si tuviera el plan gratis.
PlanFamily PremiumCountryUSADeviceiphoneOperating Systemios 10 My
Question or IssueI pay for family premium and have for many months.
Everyone else on my plan has access but I can only access the free
account even though it says I am the manager of t...
Plan Family Premium Country USA Device iphone Operating System ios 10 My Question or Issue I pay for family premium and have for many months. Everyone else on my plan has a...
We have a premium family account but I fail to enter the group. I have
recieved several invitations but when I try to follow the link a pink
page appears on the screen that says "this page cannot be found" or
something like that. What should I do? Ma...
We have a premium family account but I fail to enter the group. I have recieved several invitations but when I try to follow the link a pink page appears on the screen that says "this page c...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry DeviceAllOperating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI left a family plan in
December, the only family plan I've ever been in, and now have arranged
to join a new one at the new house I've mov...
Plan Family Premium Country Device All Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I left a family plan in December, the only family p...
PlanPremiumCountryUKDeviceMultiple iPhones + MacOS desktop
clientOperating SystemMultiple iOS versions and multiple MacOS versions
My Question or IssueThe three of us in my family have shared the same
Spotify Premium account for a long time, meaning ...
Plan Premium Country UK Device Multiple iPhones + MacOS desktop client Operating System Multiple iOS versions and multiple MacOS versions My Question or Issue The three of us in my family...
Premium family CountryUkDeviceSamsung A5 Samsung s22 and others
Operating android My Question or IssueHello can someone please help.I
have had a family premium account for the last three years but due to a
bank issue (not funds) my direct debit faile...
Premium family Country Uk Device Samsung A5 Samsung s22 and others Operating android My Question or Issue Hello can someone please help. I have had a family premium a...
We are having the same problem. Members on the extended family plan
can't acgtually play songs. For exampe you search for 'Padam Padam' and
when you click on it, it justtakes you to a play list? Anyone able to
We are having the same problem. Members on the extended family plan can't acgtually play songs. For exampe you search for 'Padam Padam' and when you click on it, it justtakes you to a p...