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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceOnePlus 6Operating SystemAndroid Oreo I don't
use the "download" feature but Spotify is forcing it on me.When I launch
the app, a random album or playlist I recently played will attempt to be
downloaded. It only occurs when...
Plan Premium Country USA Device OnePlus 6 Operating System Android Oreo I don't use the "download" feature but Spotify is forcing it on me. When I launch the app, a random album or p...
I'm trying to get my spotify in full screen mode the way that it'd hide
my android notification bar it worked for a few time (see below) but
then it reappeared again PlanPrenium CountryFrance DeviceHuawei p30
Operating SystemAndroid 9.1.0 My Question...
I'm trying to get my spotify in full screen mode the way that it'd hide my android notification bar it worked for a few time (see below) but then it reappeared again Plan Prenium Count...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceSamsung galaxy S9Operating
SystemWhatever the latest update one is. Sorry, not sure how to check.My
Question or IssueSo I got a soundtrack filled with some songs from one
of my favourite movies. None of the songs are ...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device Samsung galaxy S9 Operating System Whatever the latest update one is. Sorry, not sure how to check. My Question or Issue So I got a soundtrack filled wi...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceSamsung Note 8Operating SystemAndroid 9
My Question or IssueThe equaliser in Spotify will not work if the device
is paired when the lock screen is engaged. It only works when I open the
phone with my fingerprint. This...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device Samsung Note 8 Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue The equaliser in Spotify will not work if the device is paired when the lock scre...
PlanPremiumCountryCanadaDevicePixel 2XLOperating SystemAndroid 10.0 My
Question or IssueWhen listening to a downloaded playlist in offline
mode, the song title and cover art do not get updated on the Android
Auto screen as the songs change. This was ...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device Pixel 2XL Operating System Android 10.0 My Question or Issue When listening to a downloaded playlist in offline mode, the song title and cover art ...
Hi, For some reason my offline playlists keep redownloading each
day.Actions taken on 31/10/2019:- Turned offline off for all playlists-
Deleted cache- Uninstalled Spotify App- Removed all offline devices from
the web portal- Reset my password- Reins...
Hi, For some reason my offline playlists keep redownloading each day. Actions taken on 31/10/2019: - Turned offline off for all playlists - Deleted cache - Uninstalled Spotify App - Rem...
PlanPremium DeviceSamsung Galaxy S10Operating SystemAndroid My Question
or IssueI Am having an issue mainly when I am playing music through a
device. There will be a song playing and I want to pick another. I go
into the library and find the song, cl...
Plan Premium Device Samsung Galaxy S10 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I Am having an issue mainly when I am playing music through a device. There will b...
PlanPremiumCountryThe NetherlandsDeviceSamsung Galaxy 9Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueSince a week or so Spotify on Android
won't play most of the songs (mp3s) that I imported on my laptop. They
are greyed out in the playlists, even thou...
Plan Premium Country The Netherlands Device Samsung Galaxy 9 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Since a week or so Spotify on Android won't play most of the songs ...
Can I play local files from my phone ? Meaning - play songs that I saved
on my phone from the spotify app player, like you can do from the
desktop app?
Can I play local files from my phone ? Meaning - play songs that I saved on my phone from the spotify app player, like you can do from the desktop app?
I have downloaded a mass amount of songs but some of them lose their
album arts, but at the same time, albums load up very slow and for
albums i've never looked at before, the album art doesn't load up. And I
really like the album art so can anyone t...
I have downloaded a mass amount of songs but some of them lose their album arts, but at the same time, albums load up very slow and for albums i've never looked at before, the album art doesn't load ...
Hello, any support from Spotify ?Did they know that people gives bads
review at the google play since Spotify is bug for everything : Widget
crashAutostop musicSpotify close without crashSpotify Auto stop songs
Since 2 months, they dont read comments...
Hello, any support from Spotify ? Did they know that people gives bads review at the google play since Spotify is bug for everything : Widget crash Autostop music Spotify close without cr...
I have Spotify Premium. Whenever I cast/connect to another device (all
through the Spotify app, so no mirroring), I can't select a specific
song. This only occurs in one of my playlists, but all of the others are
not affected. In the other playlists,...
I have Spotify Premium. Whenever I cast/connect to another device (all through the Spotify app, so no mirroring), I can't select a specific song. This only occurs in one of my playlists, but all of t...
PlanPremiumCountryBrasil/BrazilDeviceSamsung galaxy a50Operating System
Android 9 PIE My Question or IssueMeu spotify simplesmente não funciona,
não conecta ao wifi ou 4g, não consigo abrir as configurações nem as
playlists já baixadas. Já tentei lim...
Plan Premium Country Brasil/Brazil Device Samsung galaxy a50 Operating System Android 9 PIE My Question or Issue Meu spotify simplesmente não funciona, não conecta ao wifi ou 4...
Premium user here. I'm using Google Fi and have a limit of 1gb per month
since I'm on Wifi nearly all day between work & home. I'm only a couple
of days into the current months plan and Google warns me that I've blown
through over 350mb of my plan al...
Premium user here. I'm using Google Fi and have a limit of 1gb per month since I'm on Wifi nearly all day between work & home. I'm only a couple of days into the current months plan a...
As per the request in the other thread, this problem has been going for
me for a while now: Music will stop playing but the app thinks it's
still playing (i.e. the icon says it's still playing and not paused) -
see attachmentThe only way to get the m...
As per the request in the other thread, this problem has been going for me for a while now: Music will stop playing but the app thinks it's still playing (i.e. the icon says it's still play...
PlanPremiumCountry UK Device(Moto g5s)Operating System(Android 8.1.0) My
Question or IssueI am able to play songs from my phone via spotify
connect on my alexa speaker so long as I have not got them downloaded to
my phone. Any song I have downloaded ...
Plan Premium Country UK Device (Moto g5s) Operating System (Android 8.1.0) My Question or Issue I am able to play songs from my phone via spotify connect on my alexa speaker s...
PlanPremiumCountryEnglandDeviceSamsung Galaxy 8Operating SystemAndroid
OreoMy Question or Issue(This only happens on my phone). When I'm
looking at the queue, the wrong song name is quite often displayed. 90%
of the time it shows the name of a song n...
Plan Premium Country England Device Samsung Galaxy 8 Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue (This only happens on my phone). When I'm looking at the queue, the wrong song name is...
Plan: Family PremiumCountry USA DeviceSamsung Galaxy s9Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueU gave several playlist radio stations
in development that I can no longer access. All I get is the attached
error message. For about 2 weeks now. Supe...
Plan: Family Premium Country USA Device Samsung Galaxy s9 Operating System Android My Question or Issue U gave several playlist radio stations in development that I can no...
PlanPremiumCountryCanadaDeviceSamsung Galaxy j3, or Samsung
tabletOperating SystemAndroid My Question or Issue When I'm using
Spotify connected to my WiFi, I will randomly get disconnected from my
modem and internet. Sometimes after a listening to se...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device Samsung Galaxy j3, or Samsung tablet Operating System Android My Question or Issue When I'm using Spotify connected to my WiFi, I w...
PlanFreeCountryUKDeviceSamsun Galaxy A50Operating SystemAndroid 9 My
Question or IssueI can't get my phone to find my (new) speaker through
spotify connect, I've tried both my account (free) and my daughters
(premium) on the same phone, nothingMy dau...
Plan Free Country UK Device Samsun Galaxy A50 Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue I can't get my phone to find my (new) speaker through spotify connect, I've tried both m...