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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi my payment failed via Paypal because there was an issue with the
linked debet card. I've solved the issue and I've transferred money to
my paypal account to update the outstanding payment. Now I need to wait
until 30/01 for Paypal to book the tran...
...eed to wait until 30/01 for Paypal to book the transferred money. But in the meanwhile my Family premium is paused. My question is, if the money is fully transferred in Paypal, will my Spotify p...
I changed plans from duo to family and I can't add my previous partner
from duo and the rest of my family to the plan. It's been over a week.
Do I have to wait till the next billing cycle to add them? The link can
not be copied. Plus my husband can't...
I changed plans from duo to family and I can't add my previous partner from duo and the rest of my family to the plan. It's been over a week. Do I have to wait till the next billing cycle to add t...
HiWe have a Premium Family account which currently only hosts me and my
husband. The children use my account to listen to songs and podcasts but
my husband's Discover Weekly is now full of children's stuff and mine is
not. We had briefly set up a Spo...
Hi We have a Premium Family account which currently only hosts me and my husband. The children use my account to listen to songs and podcasts but my husband's Discover Weekly is now full of c...
Hi there, My daughter is a plan member in my family group. But she cant
access the premium benefits.On her spotify app on her iPhone SE the app
states that she has only a free account!? I've deleted her app twice,
and added her back twice with the sa...
Hi there, My daughter is a plan member in my family group. But she cant access the premium benefits. On her spotify app on her iPhone SE the app states that she has only a free a...
Hi all, I have a spotify family account and would like to remove my
expartner so that my new partner can join instead. I do find
explanations of how to remove a family member (e.g.
Hi all, I have a spotify family account and would like to remove my expartner so that my new partner can join instead. I do find explanations of how to remove a family member (e.g. h...
Activé yo el plan dúo y al invitar a mi pareja salía que él tenía que
darse de baja de su premium, cancelé yo la cuenta y se dió de alta él y
ahora me invita y cuando meto la dirección, me sale que ha habido un
problema que intente más tarde.
Activé yo el plan dúo y al invitar a mi pareja salía que él tenía que darse de baja de su premium, cancelé yo la cuenta y se dió de alta él y ahora me invita y cuando meto la dirección, me sale que h...
Hi, I'm apart of a family plan with my parents and my siblings. For some
reason every two days when I open spotify I get a pop-up that reads that
"Your last payment didn't work" and it forces me to downgrade to a free
account. The family plan owner k...
Hi, I'm apart of a family plan with my parents and my siblings. For some reason every two days when I open spotify I get a pop-up that reads that "Your last payment didn't work" and it forces me t...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue: We have Premium Family. I listen with my husband’s
account on my IPhone. I want to listen w...
...ave Premium Family. I listen with my husband’s account on my IPhone. I want to listen with my own account, but I can’t change the user. I deinstalled the app, but by reinstalling it it’s again my h...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI have the family plan for 6 and it doesnt let me add
my family mom brother and sister we all...
...ave the family plan for 6 and it doesnt let me add my family mom brother and sister we all live in there same house I had them already in this plan but one day it changed without me knowing what can I do?
Im on the page where it lists all the members but there is nothing to
click onto to remove or add them. it just lists who they are but i cant
do anything with them.
Im on the page where it lists all the members but there is nothing to click onto to remove or add them. it just lists who they are but i cant do anything with them.
Hello!There ist a difficulty to add my family members, even tough we
have the same adress. I try to solve the problem since 2 month!I would
be very thankful for help from the support team! Could you please check
the problem?Thank you
Hello! There ist a difficulty to add my family members, even tough we have the same adress. I try to solve the problem since 2 month! I would be very thankful for help from the s...
PlanPremiumCountryUSADeviceComputerOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or Issue I followed all of the instructions for adding members
to the family plan I get as far as manage members and the button for
adding members doesn't work.
Plan Premium Country USA Device Computer Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I followed all of the instructions for adding members to the family plan I get as f...