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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hello everybody,I'm a new Premium Family Member and I'm having some
troubles to configure Spotifyi on Imac and iPhone about my old iTunes
Library.iTunes runs on my old iMac (2009) El Capitan 10.11.6 and I can
see and play all the audio files containe...
Hello everybody, I'm a new Premium Family Member and I'm having some troubles to configure Spotifyi on Imac and iPhone about my old iTunes Library. iTunes runs on my old iMac (2009) El Capitan 1...
PlanPremiumCountryGreeceDevice(OnePlus Operating System(Android) My
Question or IssueI live in Russia, so currently i can't use spotify. But
my sister lives in Greece, she created me a new account and invited to
join the the family by direct link. Bu...
...he created me a new account and invited to join the the family by direct link. But when i try to open the link (i use vpn as if i were in Greece) the white page opens with a text on the t...
i accept the invite i got from the plan manager, log into my account,
enter my address but then it says “there was a problem. try again
later”. I have been trying this many times throughout many hours. Why
cant i join?
i accept the invite i got from the plan manager, log into my account, enter my address but then it says “there was a problem. try again later”. I have been trying this many times throughout many hour...
My family split up and I want to create a family plan with my two kids
who initially had individual plans. If they become a part of the family
plan, will they have access to all the content/playlists/followers like
they had in their individual plan? ...
My family split up and I want to create a family plan with my two kids who initially had individual plans. If they become a part of the family plan, will they have access to all the content/p...
actualmente tengo el plan premium recien realizado a dia de hoy el cobro
9.99 y quiero hacerme del plan familiar tendria que a pagar 15,95 o solo
la diferencia de precio al nuevo plan
actualmente tengo el plan premium recien realizado a dia de hoy el cobro 9.99 y quiero hacerme del plan familiar tendria que a pagar 15,95 o solo la diferencia de precio al nuevo plan
My wife can't connect to my account, I send her the invitation and she
says that she won't be able to connect until 12 months after no
invitation, why? I have more than 3 years with your family plan, I could
cancel it as a result of this.
My wife can't connect to my account, I send her the invitation and she says that she won't be able to connect until 12 months after no invitation, why? I have more than 3 years with your family p...
Despite putting the playlist on shuffle, the same song keeps playing. I
thought it was just that the shuffle was pushing that one song at first
but when I went into the queue it didn't appear in the list despite it
being the only song that it played.
Despite putting the playlist on shuffle, the same song keeps playing. I thought it was just that the shuffle was pushing that one song at first but when I went into the queue it didn't appear in the ...
When I try to upgrade, the app and the web site tell me that I am not
illegible to upgrade to premium plans because you promotions are not
good in Quebec. I dont care about the free try out. I just want the
family plan and there is no way to get it b...
Im the only family premium member having issues whit my account, i ve
already accepted the invite 3 times, but i use premium just for 1 day
and then it says that the payment didnt go trhough, what can i do to hey
to customer service
Im the only family premium member having issues whit my account, i ve already accepted the invite 3 times, but i use premium just for 1 day and then it says that the payment didnt go trhough, what c...
My Question or IssueSpotify is showing "you are offline" and "try again
later" errors even though I'm connected to the internet (WiFi or mobile
network) when I open the app. I've done a clean reinstall several times
and tested different scenarios, wh...
PlanPremium Family Country CanadaDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9,
Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or IssueMy son is the Plan Manager of our Family
Premium account and can’t log in. he has a ...
Plan Premium Family Country Canada Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question o...
Hello, I am now subscribing to Spotify Family and has 5 members. 4 of
them have no issues but one of them cannot use the premium features of
Spotify family. He already joined last week and I got an email "A has
join to your family subscription". He l...
Hello, I am now subscribing to Spotify Family and has 5 members. 4 of them have no issues but one of them cannot use the premium features of Spotify family. He already joined last week and I...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryCanadaDeviceWindows, AndroidOperating
SystemWindows, Android My Question or IssueI recently moved countries to
Canada to be with my wife. I was previously in the USA, and i cant
change the country to Canada. We want to start Du...
Plan Free/Premium Country Canada Device Windows, Android Operating System Windows, Android My Question or Issue I recently moved countries to Canada to be with my wife. I was previou...
Hey, I am a high school student who has been on an individual Premium
plan for a year.My parents would like me to upgrade my account so that
they can join Spotify with us all on a Family Plan together - I don't
believe there are any issues with this....
Hey, I am a high school student who has been on an individual Premium plan for a year. My parents would like me to upgrade my account so that they can join Spotify with us all on a Family Plan t...
Have had a regular premium account for years. Want to upgrade to a
family plan. When I go to plans and try to select Family Plan I get an
error message that says I'm not eligible for a Family plan. A banner
message comes up that says "Sorry, you are ...
Have had a regular premium account for years. Want to upgrade to a family plan. When I go to plans and try to select Family Plan I get an error message that says I'm not eligible for a Family...
Plan Family Country El SalvadorPhones and Google Devices at home. My
Question or IssueWhen I first joined my wife had to be approved by
someone on Spotify.We had no problems until about a month ago when one
of my kids was taken off the family list. B...
Plan Family Country El Salvador Phones and Google Devices at home. My Question or Issue When I first joined my wife had to be approved by someone on Spotify. We had no problems u...
PlanPremiumCountryusa My Question or Issue hi, I am trying to add the
5th person to my family premium account and my account doesn’t even have
the option to add anyone else to it. No link button or invite to family
account. Help!
PlanPremium Countryusa My Question or Issue hi, I am trying to add the 5th person to my family premium account and my account doesn’t even have the option to add a...