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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi! We share a Spotify Family subscription. All was fine, but there was
not enough on my paypal credit the previous month. The difference was
deducted from my bankaccount, so everything was paid for. But now one of
my roommates got kicked out from th...
Hi! We share a Spotify Family subscription. All was fine, but there was not enough on my paypal credit the previous month. The difference was deducted from my bankaccount, so everything w...
I signed up for the premium family plan back in october. I had my fiance
and my brother on the plan. Everything was fine until today when they
both got quicked off and back to the free plan. They went to verify the
address and it keeps telling them t...
I signed up for the premium family plan back in october. I had my fiance and my brother on the plan. Everything was fine until today when they both got quicked off and back to the free plan. They w...
PlanPremium to Premium for family My Question or IssueMy husband and I
are previously subscribed to premium sparately. I have enrolled us to
premium for family. Will my husband still be charged for the Premium he
was previously subscirbed? or will th...
Plan Premium to Premium for family My Question or Issue My husband and I are previously subscribed to premium sparately. I have enrolled us to premium for family. Will my husband still b...
PlanPremium Family CountryCanada DeviceiPhone, Macbook My Question or
Issue I keep getting kicked off of my family plan! I tried emailing
spotify and they told me to post on here...I've tried joining my family
plan 4 times and each time about a week ...
PlanPremiumCountry Ireland My Question or IssueI'm trying to invite
another family member to my family account, but i keep getting "please
refer to the Premium for Family owner to manage your plan." But I am the
owner that's the problem.I tried loggi...
Plan Premium Country Ireland My Question or Issue I'm trying to invite another family member to my family account, but i keep getting "please refer to the Premium for Family...
PlanFamiliarCountryGuatemalaDeviceHuawei P20Operating SystemAndroid My
Question or Issue Durante más de 1 año, tuve el plan familiar asociado a
mi cuenta, sin ningún problema. Todos en la misma dirección, todos
felices. Mi tarjeta de crédito venció y...
Plan Familiar Country Guatemala Device Huawei P20 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Durante más de 1 año, tuve el plan familiar asociado a mi cuenta, sin ningún p...
Hi guys, I would like to ask your advice with my account. The problem is
the following: 1. I was living in NL so the country in my profile was
changed from Hungary to NL at that time and2. Additionally, I had a
premium account2. After I moved home an...
Hi guys, I would like to ask your advice with my account. The problem is the following: 1. I was living in NL so the country in my profile was changed from Hungary to NL at that...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryDenmark My Question or Issue I have sent
several invitations to both my daughters.They do get the invitation
email, after several tries, they are able to click the link to "accept
invite". But they get routed directly to my a...
Plan Family Premium Country Denmark My Question or Issue I have sent several invitations to both my daughters. They do get the invitation email, after several t...
PlanFamily My Question or Issue So recently I realized that my account
looks like this and I do have that option about activity publication on.
Also I'm not able to search anyone from my Family Plan if they accounts
aren't connected to Facebook. The ...
Hi All, Is there currently any problem known, paying the family account
via Klarna. I have done so the past month and now Spotify is telling
that they haven´t received the money for the last month or so, and
pausing my account. Re-Enabling, setting u...
Hi All, Is there currently any problem known, paying the family account via Klarna. I have done so the past month and now Spotify is telling that they haven´t received the money for t...
Dear Spotify Support Community! Unfortlunately, I have been kicked out
of our spotify family plan. I have not checked my emails last week and
therefore missed the 7 weeks deadline to confirm my address. Now, I am
not able to rejoin our family plan an...
Dear Spotify Support Community! Unfortlunately, I have been kicked out of our spotify family plan. I have not checked my emails last week and therefore missed the 7 weeks deadline to c...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry CanadaDeviceMultipleOperating SystemAndroid My
Question or Issue I wish to add my spouse to my account, but he already
has Spotify. I just wanted to confirm that he will not loose his
playlists ect if he comes onto my Family...
Plan Family Premium Country Canada Device Multiple Operating System Android My Question or Issue I wish to add my spouse to my account, but he already has Spotify.&n...
Hey @Gregory2000, du solltest einen Blick auf die Rechnung, die du von
Spotify erhalten hast, werfen.Dort solltest du den Benutzernamen, mit
dem du Spotify Premium abonniert hast, finden. Bitte versuche dich mit
diesem anzumelden.Wenn du eine 10-stel...
Hey @Gregory2000, du solltest einen Blick auf die Rechnung, die du von Spotify erhalten hast, werfen. Dort solltest du den Benutzernamen, mit dem du ...
Hello, i want to switch from premium to family premium. My mother just
invited me to join family premium. But how does it work? And how can i
keep my playlists?Do i first have to stop my current account? please
help me! Thanks in advance!
Hello, i want to switch from premium to family premium. My mother just invited me to join family premium. But how does it work? And how can i keep my playlists? Do i first have to stop my c...
PlanPremiumCountry New ZealandDevicehuawai P10lite and macbook
airOperating Systemmac OS MOjave 10.14 My Question or Issue Hi Hivemind!
My kids and I have moved in together with my new partner, and she has
invited us to be on her spotify acocunt as h...
...n together with my new partner, and she has invited us to be on her spotify acocunt as her family. Before, I was the head of my family, with my two kids and I all on the family account. My partner has s...
I know the family plan will allow you up to five members, all with a
different account so they have their own play lists and each member can
listen on their respective devices simutaniously. I have spotify premium
on my phone and my computer. If I si...
I know the family plan will allow you up to five members, all with a different account so they have their own play lists and each member can listen on their respective devices s...