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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Nessuna delle seguenti informazioni è richiesta. Tuttavia, più fornisci,
più facile sarà per noi provare e aiutare.PianoLibero / PremiumNazione
italiaDispositivohonor 9 Sistema operativoAndroid La mia domanda o
problemaAvevo un piano premium for fami...
...istema operativo Android La mia domanda o problema Avevo un piano premium for family come MEMBRO di una famiglia. Ho cambito casa e ho voluto attivare il premium family DA TITOLARE con i miei n...
PlanPremiumCountry ItalyDeviceiPhone SE My Question or IssueHi
everyone,I had not answered to your email in which I had to confirm my
address.now my account is turned again to free and it’s not “premium”
anymore.i am part of a family premium account....
...urned again to free and it’s not “premium” anymore. i am part of a family premium account. how can i have my premium account back? Thank you very much
PlanFamily premium Country New Zealand Two of my family members have
been removed even though they verified their account after being emailed
about it. It’s ridiculous! How do I stop this from happening?
Plan Family premium Country New Zealand Two of my family members have been removed even though they verified their account after being emailed about it. It’s r...
I added my girlfriend who lives with me to my family plan, but she used
her old address at her parents because it was/is her billing address for
her credit/debit cards and she thought she would be paying for her
usage, which she isn't, I am. Then Spo...
I added my girlfriend who lives with me to my family plan, but she used her old address at her parents because it was/is her billing address for her credit/debit cards and she thought she would be p...
PlanFamilyCountry USADeviceGoogle PixelOperating SystemAndroidMy
Question or IssueMy account was recently hacked. When I'd open it up, it
showed all sorts of music I recently played (but I didn't) that wasn't
even in my language. When I opted to chan...
Plan Family Country USA Device Google Pixel Operating System Android My Question or Issue My account was recently hacked. When I'd open it up, it showed all sorts of music I r...
Yaklaşık 1 ay önce bir aile hesabına katıldım. Adres tamamıyla doğru
girilmişti. Daha sonra bana adresi doğrulamam için bir mail geldi ve
maildeki linke gidince posta kodunu yazmam istendi. Yazdım ve adresimin
doğrulandığı yazdı. bundan tam bir hafta...
Yaklaşık 1 ay önce bir aile hesabına katıldım. Adres tamamıyla doğru girilmişti. Daha sonra bana adresi doğrulamam için bir mail geldi ve maildeki linke gidince posta kodunu yazmam istendi. Yazdım ve...
All the requests for change of address for Family Premium has been
marked as resolved and the solution is simply "suggest in as new idea".
i saw post from as early as 2016 having the issue and till now it has
Not been resolved.I have subscribed to sp...
All the requests for change of address for Family Premium has been marked as resolved and the solution is simply "suggest in as new idea". i saw post from as early as 2016 having the issue a...
PlanFreeCountry INDONESIADeviceSAMSUNGOperating SystemAndroid My
Question or Issueare there any method beside credit card payment method
in indonesia to pay premium for family ?N.B: i dont have any credit card
and i dont like to have any credit card....
PlanFree/PremiumCountry BrazilDeviceGalaxy J2Operating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I got kicked from my
family plan (that my mother created) even tho our address matches
perfectly?!?! What the **bleep**? And wor...
Plan Free/Premium Country Brazil Device Galaxy J2 Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I got kicked from my family plan (t...
My girlfriend has a spotify family subscription with her grandmother and
grandfather who she lives with, now do we have the question if her
grandfather will be able to make use of the subscription. Does anyone
know? if so please tell me
My girlfriend has a spotify family subscription with her grandmother and grandfather who she lives with, now do we have the question if her grandfather will be able to make use of the subscription....
PlanPremiumCountry BrazilDeviceiPhone 5 and computer.Operating SystemiOS
10 and Windows 10. My Question or Issue I changed my payment method,
from a credit card to another, and charged me $ 10 ($ 2.75) for this
simple information update. This situati...
Plan Premium Country Brazil Device iPhone 5 and computer. Operating System iOS 10 and Windows 10. My Question or Issue I changed my payment method, from a credit card to ...
PlanFamilyCountry Ireland My Question or Issue Hey, A member of my
family was removed as they did not verify their account in time as they
were busy / traveling with work. Tried to add them again but I couldn't.
Can you help me add them back. Thanks.
Plan Family Country Ireland My Question or Issue Hey, A member of my family was removed as they did not verify their account in time as they were busy / traveling w...
Dear All, I was invited to Spotify family. I am adding our home address
but system doest accept provided address (street, zip code, etc.). Where
person who invited me can check proper address which was provided
before. Right now, I am with him lookin...
Dear All, I was invited to Spotify family. I am adding our home address but system doest accept provided address (street, zip code, etc.). Where person who invited me can check proper address which w...
PlanFreeCountry Turkey My Question or Issue Hi. I was using Spotify
Premium for Family for 4-5 months. We canceled our first plan and
created another plan with my family. I used it for a month. And Spotify
sent me a mail that said we can't confirm yo...
Plan Free Country Turkey My Question or Issue Hi. I was using Spotify Premium for Family for 4-5 months. We canceled our first plan and created another plan with my family...
PlanPremium familyCountry USA Device(iPhone 8, ihone 7, PC,Operating
System(iOS 10, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I have sent
invitations to my son and daughter, but the invitation link doesn't go
anywhere. It asks to login, which has to be d...
Plan Premium family Country USA Device (iPhone 8, ihone 7, PC, Operating System (iOS 10, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I have sent invitations to my son and d...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry DeviceiPhone 6SOperating SystemiOS 12 My
Question or Issue Hi there! I recently join my new house mate’s Premium
Family plan. After a week of enjoying the awesome Premium features, I
found myself got kicked out of the plan! Wh...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device iPhone 6S Operating System iOS 12 My Question or Issue Hi there! I recently join my new house mate’s Premium Family plan. After a week o...
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceSamsung Galaxy 8+Operating SystemAndroid
OreoMy Question or IssueHallo zusammen, Ich habe für Premium Family
Lastschrift eingerichtet und für folgende Lastschriften einen Haken
gesetzt.Allerdings funktioniert das nicht,...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Samsung Galaxy 8+ Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue Hallo zusammen, Ich habe für Premium Family Lastschrift eingerichtet u...
Hey guys. My family members can't get verify by spotify premium for
family. We live in same adress (as our accounts information shows), but
one of members gets downgraded to free spotify version. Any thougts?
Hey guys. My family members can't get verify by spotify premium for family. We live in same adress (as our accounts information shows), but one of members gets downgraded to free spotify v...
Device(iPhone x) My Question is that my husband is the account holder
for our Family Premium however we can't access his account off the FB
page where our premium account is off of for some reason but his free
one is still accessible though? We are t...
Device (iPhone x) My Question is that my husband is the account holder for our Family Premium however we can't access his account off the FB page where our premium a...