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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryArgentinaDeviceSamsung Galaxy J7 NeoOperating
SystemAndroid Pie My Question or IssueI can't log in on my account with
the spotify app, it says that premium stopped even though I still have
premium on my pc and the lite versio...
Plan Family Premium Country Argentina Device Samsung Galaxy J7 Neo Operating System Android Pie My Question or Issue I can't log in on my account with the spotify app, it says that p...
Tenho plano família e funciona normalmente, com exceção de um usuário,
minha prima Maíra, que o Spotify permanece Free, embora ela já tenha
clicado no link para participar do plano família que eu enviei para
outros membros e funcionara com estes.
Tenho plano família e funciona normalmente, com exceção de um usuário, minha prima Maíra, que o Spotify permanece Free, embora ela já tenha clicado no link para participar do plano família que eu env...
"No pudimos confirmar que vivas con el titular del plan premium. Puedes
volver a unirte a otro plan en 12 meses."Dos miembros de mi familia
fueron eliminados del plan familiar por no verificar que viven en el
mismo domicilio, y este es el mensaje que...
"No pudimos confirmar que vivas con el titular del plan premium. Puedes volver a unirte a otro plan en 12 meses." Dos miembros de mi familia fueron eliminados del plan familiar por no verificar que ...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryEgyptMy Question or IssueIt's not technically
an issue, but I was wondering if I can prepay the entire year using the
prepay one-time payment option without any of my family members kicked
out of my plan, will it result in an...
Plan Family Premium Country Egypt My Question or Issue It's not technically an issue, but I was wondering if I can prepay the entire year using the prepay one-time payment option without any o...
I put in my exact correct home address and it keeps saying it's
incorrect. I go on my other family members Spotify page and it shows the
address that Im trying to put in. any way to fix?
I put in my exact correct home address and it keeps saying it's incorrect. I go on my other family members Spotify page and it shows the address that Im trying to put in. any way to fix?
Ich besitze ein Familien Abo und habe für meinen Sohn die Kids Version
installiert.Nun kam ständig die Meldung "hoppla, da ist etwas schief
gelaufen". Also habe ich es erneut versucht einzurichten. Leider wurde
dadurch ein neues Kids Konto angelegt. ...
Ich besitze ein Familien Abo und habe für meinen Sohn die Kids Version installiert. Nun kam ständig die Meldung "hoppla, da ist etwas schief gelaufen". Also habe ich es erneut versucht einzurichten....
My daughter can’t create her own account. She logged in with a previous
account information. Is that the problem?We are unable to listen
separately at this time
My daughter can’t create her own account. She logged in with a previous account information. Is that the problem? We are unable to listen separately at this time
I want to join Family Premium account and have to verify address. But
the address I find via Google maps has incorrect postal code and Spotify
doesn't allow to manually correct it.If I go to Google maps directly
(not via Spotify), it shows the correc...
I want to join Family Premium account and have to verify address. But the address I find via Google maps has incorrect postal code and Spotify doesn't allow to manually correct it. If I go to G...
You kicked my wife off my family plan and we tried every address but
none would work. And now she cannot join my plan again or another family
plan for 12 months.
You kicked my wife off my family plan and we tried every address but none would work. And now she cannot join my plan again or another family plan for 12 months.
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)My wife
has set up a family plan and every time I join it works fine for a bit
then sends me the message that my l...
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My wife has set up a family plan a...
PlanFamily CountryUSDeviceiPad Operating SystemiOS 10 My Question or
IssueI have a shared playlist with my son. I have over 500 songs on the
playlist but on his Spotify Kids are only like 490. I can’t seem to fix
the issue. Thank you for suggestions.
Plan Family Country US Device iPad Operating System iOS 10 My Question or Issue I have a shared playlist with my son. I have over 500 songs on the playlist but o...
when i try to move from duo to family i get this comment that the 2nd
user will lose acccess 1. what does it means? 2. will it restart the 2nd
account and the user will lose everything? thanks in advanace
when i try to move from duo to family i get this comment that the 2nd user will lose acccess 1. what does it means? 2. will it restart the 2nd account and the user will lose e...
I have family premium but when my sister is playing music at the same
time as me it plays on my device also even when I press listen on this
device or continue.
I have family premium but when my sister is playing music at the same time as me it plays on my device also even when I press listen on this device or continue.