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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi,If I just paid the month of Spotify Premium and I change to familiar
plan, I have to pay all the mensuality or just the difference.Thanksfor
the help.
Hi, If I just paid the month of Spotify Premium and I change to familiar plan, I have to pay all the mensuality or just the difference. Thanksfor the help.
Plan Premium FamilyCountry: Germany (formerly UK) My Question or
IssueI've had a premium family subscription for a number of years. I
recently moved from the UK to Germany. When I moved I had to update my
payment means which meant changing my country...
Plan Premium Family Country: Germany (formerly UK) My Question or Issue I've had a premium family subscription for a number of years. I recently moved from the UK to G...
I was in a family plan a few months ago. However I was by accidentely
kicked out and today I was attemtped to be added back. However I was not
able to join and after looking through the FAQ I realized it was because
I can only join family plans once ...
I was in a family plan a few months ago. However I was by accidentely kicked out and today I was attemtped to be added back. However I was not able to join and after looking through the FAQ I r...
Hi,My account is shut off, because I didn’t pay for the account and the
email that i got from spotify didn’t really tell me how to get my
account to work again. Should i just transfer the money to spotify or
Hi, My account is shut off, because I didn’t pay for the account and the email that i got from spotify didn’t really tell me how to get my account to work again. Should i just transfer the money to ...
PlanFree My Question or Issue I want to apply for premium for family,
but my kids will go to study aboard in next 2 months. Can they still
join the premium for family when they are studing aboard? Thanks.
Plan Free My Question or Issue I want to apply for premium for family, but my kids will go to study aboard in next 2 months. Can they still join the premium for family when t...
PlanPremium/FamilyCountry MéxicoDeviceSamsung J7 PrimeOperating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueI have problems with the users who
register to my family plan, I had already passed this once, I have
almost all the spaces occupied, two of the people ...
Plan Premium/Family Country México Device Samsung J7 Prime Operating System Android My Question or Issue I have problems with the users who register to my family plan, I had a...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry New ZealandDeviceHP Spectre X360, Iphone
6sOperating SystemWindows 10, iOS11 My Question or IssueLogged in to
check the family subscription to add my son. I logged into the Spotify
website > Click Account > Premium for Famil...
Plan Family Premium Country New Zealand Device HP Spectre X360, Iphone 6s Operating System Windows 10, iOS11 My Question or Issue Logged in to check the family subscription t...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easierds it will be for us to try and help.PlanPremiumCountry
SwedenDevice Operating System My Question or Issue I´ve sent a invite to
my daughter to "join" my "family". She...
...bsp; My Question or Issue I´ve sent a invite to my daughter to "join" my "family". She receives the e-mail, but are not allowed to join the family. The reasons are not stated. It just s...
PlanPremium CountryU.S. Device(iPhone 6s, Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8,
Laptop PC) Operating System(iOS 11.4.1, FireOS, Linux Mint, Solus,
Windows 10) My Question or IssueI received an email notification that
said I had to renew my verification within 7 d...
Plan Premium Country U.S. Device (iPhone 6s, Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8, Laptop PC) Operating System (iOS 11.4.1, FireOS, Linux Mint, Solus, Windows 10) My Questi...
Hi,ich habe gerade eben Premium Family für meinen Account gemacht. Jetzt
wurde mir gesagt, es besteht bereits ein Family Account bei uns. Ich
habe dann direkt wieder gekündigt, muss ich diesen Monat trotzdem
zahlen? ich habe Spotify noch nicht genutz...
Hi, ich habe gerade eben Premium Family für meinen Account gemacht. Jetzt wurde mir gesagt, es besteht bereits ein Family Account bei uns. Ich habe dann direkt wieder gekündigt, muss ich diesen M...
PlanSpotify FamilyCountry South Korea (Bank in US)My Question or
IssuePart of my family lives in South Korea but my bank and Spotify
account are based in the US. Will I be able to start a family plan with
the people who live with me in Korea even tho...
Plan Spotify Family Country South Korea (Bank in US) My Question or Issue Part of my family lives in South Korea but my bank and Spotify account are based in the US. Will I be able to s...
Hallo zusammen, habe hier einige Beitraege zu dem Thema gelesen, aber es
hat nicht wirklich eine Antwort gegeben. Ich habe einen Spotify Familly
account mit derzeit einem Zusatzuser/Familienmitglied. Nun wollte ich
vor geraumer Zeit ein weiteres hinz...
Hallo zusammen, habe hier einige Beitraege zu dem Thema gelesen, aber es hat nicht wirklich eine Antwort gegeben. Ich habe einen Spotify Familly account mit derzeit einem Zusatzuser...
PlanPremiumCountryArgentinaDevice Operating System My Question or Issue
Hi, I had the premium family spotify but then the payments wouldn't
continue for some reason, and now I'm trying to pay them and says there
is an error... I tried using multiple ...
Plan Premium Country Argentina Device Operating System My Question or Issue Hi, I had the premium family spotify but then the payments wouldn't continue f...
Nessuna delle informazioni è richiesta. Tuttavia, più fornisci, più
facile sarà per noi provare e aiutare.PianofortepremioNazione
ITDispositivoSamsung Galaxy Note 3Sistema operativo La mia domanda o
problemaQuando completo la pagina di conferma all'i...
Nessuna delle informazioni è richiesta. Tuttavia, più fornisci, più facile sarà per noi provare e aiutare. Pianoforte premio Nazione IT Dispositivo Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Sistema operativ...
PlanPremiumCountryBrazil DeviceVáriosOperating SystemVários My Question
or Issue Olá, eu tenho uma conta premium que paguei até fevereiro/2019.
Agora eu quero fazer a mudança pra um plano familar. Esse saldo é
abatido quando vierem as cobranças do pl...
PlanPremiumCountry Device(iPhone 6s)Operating System(iOS 10) My Question
or Issue Spotify Premium family plan has stopped working after update.
All 6 accounts suddenly stopped working and when the user paying the
plan tries to update the paying infor...
Plan Premium Country Device (iPhone 6s) Operating System (iOS 10) My Question or Issue Spotify Premium family plan has stopped working after update. All 6 accounts s...
Help! 2 of my family member got removed because they did not reply (they
missed to do iit) to to the Spotify email to verify their address. I
re-invite the 2 members but no way for them to be subscribed as before,
spotify denies that! Any ideas other...
Help! 2 of my family member got removed because they did not reply (they missed to do iit) to to the Spotify email to verify their address. I re-invite the 2 members but no way for them to be s...
Hello, i'm trying to upgrade my free account to the premium for family
subscription. but everytime i enter my credit card information and
everything, it keep on saying payment failed. try again, or use a
different payment method. but there's only one...
Hello, i'm trying to upgrade my free account to the premium for family subscription. but everytime i enter my credit card information and everything, it keep on saying payment f...