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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremiumCountryBrazil DeviceVáriosOperating SystemVários My Question
or Issue Olá, eu tenho uma conta premium que paguei até fevereiro/2019.
Agora eu quero fazer a mudança pra um plano familar. Esse saldo é
abatido quando vierem as cobranças do pl...
PlanPremiumCountry Device(iPhone 6s)Operating System(iOS 10) My Question
or Issue Spotify Premium family plan has stopped working after update.
All 6 accounts suddenly stopped working and when the user paying the
plan tries to update the paying infor...
Plan Premium Country Device (iPhone 6s) Operating System (iOS 10) My Question or Issue Spotify Premium family plan has stopped working after update. All 6 accounts s...
Help! 2 of my family member got removed because they did not reply (they
missed to do iit) to to the Spotify email to verify their address. I
re-invite the 2 members but no way for them to be subscribed as before,
spotify denies that! Any ideas other...
Help! 2 of my family member got removed because they did not reply (they missed to do iit) to to the Spotify email to verify their address. I re-invite the 2 members but no way for them to be s...
Hello, i'm trying to upgrade my free account to the premium for family
subscription. but everytime i enter my credit card information and
everything, it keep on saying payment failed. try again, or use a
different payment method. but there's only one...
Hello, i'm trying to upgrade my free account to the premium for family subscription. but everytime i enter my credit card information and everything, it keep on saying payment f...
PlanCurrently one solo premium account.Country GermanyDeviceWe all have
iPhonesOperating SystemIOS10 My Question or IssueMy family members and I
are US Citizens living in Germany and we've been trying to pay for a
premium family account for a while b...
Plan Currently one solo premium account. Country Germany Device We all have iPhones Operating System IOS10 My Question or Issue My family members and I are US Citizens l...
My family is basically a recomposed family and we all live in diffrent
places and all see each other during the holidays. When I got the
premium family plan in France my idea was to also give it to my step
sisters and brothers but they weren't with m...
My family is basically a recomposed family and we all live in diffrent places and all see each other during the holidays. When I got the premium family plan in France my idea was to also give it to m...
I am seeing and hearing ads as a subscribed family member on my wife's
account. It's my understanding that this is still considered a premium
account which would mean no ads. Any insight?
I am seeing and hearing ads as a subscribed family member on my wife's account. It's my understanding that this is still considered a premium account which would mean no ads. Any insight?
PlanFree/PremiumCountryPortugal DeviceOP2Operating SystemAndroid Oreo,
Windows 10 My Question or Issue Hello,Some time I subscribe Account
Family,In this last renewal I became Premium only, without having
requested the change.Can you help me figure o...
Plan Free/Premium Country Portugal Device OP2 Operating System Android Oreo, Windows 10 My Question or Issue Hello, Some time I subscribe Account Family, In t...
Hello, I was previously on my roommate's family plan, but I've since
moved and I just today started my own plan. I've shared the plan with
two people, and they've been able to use Spotify just fine.However, I
was never asked for my address. I'm worri...
Hello, I was previously on my roommate's family plan, but I've since moved and I just today started my own plan. I've shared the plan with two people, and they've been able t...
Country TurkeyDevicePc, PS4, Sony Xperia My Question or Issue I made
family account first month was good but second all members have kicked
automatically. I tried to send family invite again but causes an arror.
I looked frequently asked questions an...
Country Turkey Device Pc, PS4, Sony Xperia My Question or Issue I made family account first month was good but second all members have kicked automatically. I tried to send family...
PlanfamilyCountry EnglandDeviceiphone 6Operating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I joined family yesterday.
My son has received an d set up his account. My other son has not
received email. My daughter has received ...
Plan family Country England Device iphone 6 Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I joined family yesterday. My son has r...
PlanPremiumCountry DeviceiPhonesOperating SystemiOS10 My Question or
Issue I have a family premium account where all 4 of us benefit from
spotify premium. Mine and my dad's accounts keep getting mixed though
and our playlists are not separate. Even t...
Plan Premium Country Device iPhones Operating System iOS10 My Question or Issue I have a family premium account where all 4 of us benefit from spotify premium. Mine a...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry France DeviceiPhone XOperating SystemiOS 11 My
Question or Issue My wife use a different laptop but Spotify says she
can't join my subscription. I don't understand what is wrong. It has
been months we would like to solve thi...
Plan Family Premium Country France Device iPhone X Operating System iOS 11 My Question or Issue My wife use a different laptop but Spotify says she can't join my s...
I have a problem with accepting my spotify family request.The following
thing is what it is supposed to do:'' If you already have a Free or
Spotify.com-created Premium account: the “Redeem token” web page will
open in your browser with a long redeem ...
I have a problem with accepting my spotify family request. The following thing is what it is supposed to do: '' If you already have a Free or Spotify.com-created Premium account: the “R...
I have the spotify family and I cant add my sister on the plan, someone
could help me? I put her email to invite her e she doesnt recive any
email... I dont know what is wrong.
I have the spotify family and I cant add my sister on the plan, someone could help me? I put her email to invite her e she doesnt recive any email... I dont know what is wrong.
Merhaba;23.10.2017, 26.10.2017 ve 27.10.2017(x2) tarihlerinde olmak
uzere toplam 4 kere hesabimdan spotify tarafindan 6,99TL’lik(toplam
26,96TL) ucret cekilmis. Ogrenci oldugum onaylanmadigi icin hesabim
suanda aktifte degil. Bu cekilen ucretlerin he...
Merhaba; 23.10.2017, 26.10.2017 ve 27.10.2017(x2) tarihlerinde olmak uzere toplam 4 kere hesabimdan spotify tarafindan 6,99TL’lik(toplam 26,96TL) ucret cekilmis. Ogrenci oldugum onaylanmadigi icin h...
I have upgraded to family premium and have tried to sign up members.
They can get the invite code but can't find where to log in. When they
try it comes up with my home page. Any ideas?
I have upgraded to family premium and have tried to sign up members. They can get the invite code but can't find where to log in. When they try it comes up with my home page. Any ideas?
PlanPremium Familiar.Country SpainDeviceHuawei P10, Huawei P20, PRO
Macbook Pro)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo.) My Question or
IssueBuenos días,Desde hace unas semanas he tenido problemas con la
cuenta familiar de Spotify de mi pareja, con la...
Plan Premium Familiar. Country Spain Device Huawei P10, Huawei P20, PRO Macbook Pro) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo.) My Question or Issue Buenos días, De...
PlanFreeCountry PolandDeviceallOperating Systemall My Question or
IssueFamily premium account are disabled. Any member of my spotify
family has free account from today. Subscription was paid as usual. I
would be grateful for fixing this problem.
Plan Free Country Poland Device all Operating System all My Question or Issue Family premium account are disabled. Any member of my spotify family has free account from today....