Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Hello,I've just been invited in a duo premium account (as second user), i have the same adress as my wife (of couse), and I doubled checked what was written in her account and what i typed while trying to get the account, but it keeps telling me that...
please refund me and remove yhe spotify premium from my account. i really need the money please
I currently have a Premium Spotify account with Hulu. My husband has mentioned wanting to join Spotify. Is it possible to upgrade to duo and not lose Hulu?
PlanPremiumCountry DevicePixel 7 ProOperating SystemAndroid My Question or IssueWhen I start the app I get an ad for Duo even if I have premium. I dismiss it but it will show up again next day or so. Why? If i habe premium I 9ay for no ads.And, if I ...
Plan didn't started but i have done paying for it.
I gave my child a card and now he has forgotten his password and login and I can't unsubscribe
I recently tried to set up the hulu account that comes with the spotify student plan. I remember being asked if I already had an account or if I wanted to make a new account at one point. I clicked on the new account option, but it proceeded to sign ...
Estoy intentando pasar listas de reproducción de YouTube music a Spotify pero no deja contraté por un mes para probar la app pero si no me puedo traer mi música prefiero quedarme dónde la tengo organizada!
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueI've had premium individual for a while and trying to change my plan to duo, when I go to cha...
I cancelled my monthly premium plan and I’ve been charged £9.99. Can I get a refund?
As the title says, I paid money for spotify premium, the money is no longer in my bank account, but spotify still says im on a free account, and before you say "you're logged into the wrong account" I am not, I do not have multiple spotify accounts, ...
I have free spotify and entered with facebook. I cannot upgrade to spotify premium since I live in Quebec Canada, why??
Quiero ayuda de un asesor
Hello, my partner and I (living under the same roof in Belgium) subscribed a Premium duo. But Spotify keeps telling us that we don't live at the same address (it says 'different countries'). That makes few days now and I am paying a duo for nothing. ...
I am recently being shown a plan of 299rs for which I'll get 12 months of premium individual. Just to get clear can i use Spotify on pc and all other devices.also is this plan stated above correct? Like do i really get 12 months premium at 299 ??
I have had a premium plan on my account for almost a year now and just had two ads come on the app in the player. And no, it was not playing from a podcast, the ads were their own, separate tracks. The whole reason I pay for a premium account is so I...
no me ha dejado poner mi cuenta en estudiante o renovarla por que ya la tenia pero se cancelo e intente reactivarla pero nunca me deja
I want to give a gift of a Spotify premium subscription to a friend who lives in Sweden, (I am in the UK). I want to be the person paying her monthly subscription, is this possible?
I made a playlist of lullaby music while rocking the baby but the ads woke her up. I upgraded to premium because you advertised this wouldn’t happen!!! What’s going on!!
Compre el plan familiar pero recibi el individual y en la seccion de recibos sale mi pago de plan familiarI bought the family plan but I received the individual plan and in the receipt section my family plan payment appears