Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
Why is it that Spotify advertises FREE 30-DAY TRIAL but when I tried to avail it, it proceeded to payment methods?
Hi Guys, I have just relocated from Hong Kong to USA. On the help I am advised to update with USA credit card, when I try I get an error saying the credit card and country don't match. I can't change country and the help says to use a USA credit card...
How many devices can be on a student premium discounted plan? Is it just like the normal premium serivce where you can have mulitple devices?
first off, is this seriously the customer service for spotify, with all the money they make. I almost don't care now if this gets resolved or not, will swap my bank card if I have to, but i cancelled several months ago and I'm still being charged a m...
I cancelled all my premiums but Spotify still taking money from my card . Can ı find which account that spotify still using my card to take payment. Please help . I am paying for an account that i am not using .
My husband recently moved to the Netherlands with me, but because we both move a lot, I had my country as Taiwan and he as Austria before. Now he has changed to family subscription and I cannot join it because the system won't allow us to change the ...
hey, i was using my spotify family account with my mom, and mine says the payment method didnt go trough, but it did charge the money on my mothers card, this already has happened before, im tired of this kinda trouble, ive been using this plataform ...
Spotify is charging me again the student account that i have already paid two days ago, these two days i was waiting for them to verify my documents
Hello,So I recently moved countries and I'm trying to change my form of payment to my new card. When attemp to do so it rejects my new card beacuse it doesn't belong to the country listed in my account's configurations, so I go to settings to change ...
Ho seguito la procedura per effettuare il pagamento dell'abbonamento premium di spotify con 18App (Bonus Cultura). Dopo aver convertito il codice ed averlo quindi riscattato, mi risulta ancora la versione Free nonostante io abbia provato a rieffettua...
I'm on the Yearly Spotify Premium subscription, is it possible to cancel and get a refund, so I can become a Family Premium member?
I bought Spotify Premium Month ago trought psc and they told me there that i'm getting free 1 Month premium, second reason that i get email from them with Theme "Don't forget about your Gratis Premium" After 1 month i didnt get my gratis month, can s...
Hi. I have the premium family subscription a while ago, and recently the application showed me, every time I started it, a red sign at the top of the beginning that said about the methods of payment. When I did not understand it I did not give import...
So my student discount lapsed and now I can't sign back up. Any help?
I have cancel my cards be cause I lost my wallet. So the paiment failed and Spotify ask me to resolve this problem. I dont have my mew cards right now so i cancel my spotify prenium. Who im supposed to know if i have to pay Spotify for the months bef...
Whilst trying to pay for my account by myself as my dad has ordered a new credit card, i tought it would be nice to use the student discharge, i put my credit card information in etc. and they said they wouldn't charge me the money (49 swedish SEK), ...
I have two accounts on my bank cards both my mum and mine, on free trials for premium. But when I went on to both accounts, it stated both are on free when I tried to cancel it a few days before the trial ends. The fact it was on free meant that I co...
I am subscribing Spotify at HK$58 monthly but my account turns up as free account
Spotify charged my card for premium for students before I could attach a photo of my student's doc and now I can't even use the premium account, but my bank already approved it...
I tried to update my phone to the new IOS it went wrong my phone disabled and I lost all my data. I got my Spotify premium via my phone contract. And I have no idea how to log on because I don’t know any details.