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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hi, Ich habe vor ein paar Stunden mein Premium Abo auf Premium Family
umgestellt. Seit dem ist meine Musik weg und mein Account leer. Alles
weg. Kann mir jm helfen ich habe wirklich nur das Premium Abo auf
Premium Family geändert.
Hi, Ich habe vor ein paar Stunden mein Premium Abo auf Premium Family umgestellt. Seit dem ist meine Musik weg und mein Account leer. Alles weg. Kann mir jm helfen ich habe w...
I was kicked out from family plan yesterday. Solution with sending a new
invitation is not working. No one from Spotify tryied to contact me in
the last few weeks in order to confirm my adress. We are using Spotify
with my husband and our son. We liv...
I was kicked out from family plan yesterday. Solution with sending a new invitation is not working. No one from Spotify tryied to contact me in the last few weeks in order to confirm my adress....
When I stop listening and press pause, Spotify starts playing songs in
the background which I never selected. It does so only in the background
while I am actually not using it. It also changes my downloaded songs
selection and switches to Shuffle pl...
When I stop listening and press pause, Spotify starts playing songs in the background which I never selected. It does so only in the background while I am actually not using it. It also changes my do...
Hello I have premium account and my sister is registered living at my
moms adres, My question is since she live's here at my adress in the
weekends can she then still be a member of the family subscription?
since she is my sister in law.
Hello I have premium account and my sister is registered living at my moms adres, My question is since she live's here at my adress in the weekends can she then still be a member of the family...
PlanFree/PremiumCountryBrazilDeviceAsus Zenfone 4 and PCOperating
SystemAndroid Oreo and Windows 10 My Question or IssueRecently i
accepted a invite to a family premium plan, but because of payment issue
i got kicked out. After my brother solving the...
Plan Free/Premium Country Brazil Device Asus Zenfone 4 and PC Operating System Android Oreo and Windows 10 My Question or Issue Recently i accepted a invite to a family...
Plan Premium Country Czech Republic Device (Macbook Air late 2017,
Lenovo B-51, LG G2) Operating System (macOS Mojave, Xubuntu 18.04,
Android 6) My Question or Issue I have recenytly start following podcast
of Software Engineering Daily. But there is...
Czech Republic
(Macbook Air late 2017, Lenovo B-51, LG G2)
Operating System
(macOS Mojave, Xubuntu 18.04, Android 6)
My Question or Issue...
PlanPremium Family PlanCountryScotland, United KingdomDevice - the
devices we're using Spotify on(iPhone 7's, Samsung Galaxy A3's, MacBook
Air, iPad etc.)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)
My Question or Issue Hi, I have recently...
Plan Premium Family Plan Country Scotland, United Kingdom Device - the devices we're using Spotify on (iPhone 7's, Samsung Galaxy A3's, MacBook Air, iPad etc.) Operating System (iOS 10, A...
I’m a long-time user and have had a Premium subscription for a long
time. However, I upgraded to a Family account today and was instantly
charged the £14.99. I was recently charged £9.99 for my usual
subscription, so am confused as to why I have inst...
I’m a long-time user and have had a Premium subscription for a long time. However, I upgraded to a Family account today and was instantly charged the £14.99. I was recently charged £9.99 for my u...
PlanPremiumCountryfranceDevicesamsung pour le compte family et honor
pour ma filleOperating SystemandroidMy Question or IssueHello, I have
spotify family. My daughter can not download music with her account. How
can she do it?
Plan Premium Country france Device samsung pour le compte family et honor pour ma fille Operating System android My Question or Issue Hello, I have spotify family. My daughter can not d...
CountryTurkeyDeviceSamsung Galaxy S5Operating SystemAndroid 6.0.1 My
Question or IssueI want to buy Premium for Family with my homemades but
they're in a trip now. I see on the internet that when you leave home
for a long time, your premium will be e...
Country Turkey Device Samsung Galaxy S5 Operating System Android 6.0.1 My Question or Issue I want to buy Premium for Family with my homemades but they're in a trip now. I see on the i...
PlanPremium (family)CountryUKDeviceMacBook pro My Question or IssueHi
there, I am an active Spotify Family subscriber, have been for the past
few months. I wanted to register to get the Google Home Mini, but when I
click on the link that says "Alread...
Plan Premium (family) Country UK Device MacBook pro My Question or Issue Hi there, I am an active Spotify Family subscriber, have been for the past few months. I wanted to r...
Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Je découvre ce forum et viens chercher un peu
d'aide pour notre souci. Nous venons de souscrire à l'offre "Spotify
Famille", nous avions juste Premium auparavant, et il apparait qu'avec
cette offre nous avons le droit à une "...
PlanPremiumCountry UK Device(iPhone 8 plus)Operating System(iOS 12.12
Hi, i’m on an individual plan. when upgrading to family plan, does it
change billing date? On family plan, how can Spotify tell if they live
in same household? I’m interested in fa...
Plan Premium Country UK Device (iPhone 8 plus) Operating System (iOS 12.12 Hi, i’m on an individual plan. when upgrading to family plan, does it change b...
I live in a place that doesn't use the latin alphabet. I signed up a
while ago. I have no idea how I wrote my address in latin characters,
there are many possibilties as well as abbrevations. I do NOT want to
delete my whole account and lose all my d...
Fiz a compra do serviço no dia cinco de março e o valor foi
contabilizado nesta data, mas agora, dia 28, a conta foi repetida e fui
cobrado novamente.My Question or Issue
Fiz a compra do serviço no dia cinco de março e o valor foi contabilizado nesta data, mas agora, dia 28, a conta foi repetida e fui cobrado novamente. My Question or Issue
PlanFamily PremiumCountryDenmarkDevice(iPhone 7, Macbook Pro late
2016)Operating System(iOS 10) My Question or IssueI wan't to cancel my
premium. I am on a family plan but am not the owner. Every time i wan't
to get off the plan i cancel and it says ...
Plan Family Premium Country Denmark Device (iPhone 7, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10) My Question or Issue I wan't to cancel my premium. I am on a family plan but a...
PlanPremiumCountryUSA Deviceiphone 10, laptopOperating SystemWindows My
Question or IssueI want to switch to Premium Family but my wife
originally signed up for Spotify through Apple. If she cancels her Apple
Spotify account and joins my family accou...
Plan Premium Country USA Device iphone 10, laptop Operating System Windows My Question or Issue I want to switch to Premium Family but my wife originally signed up for S...
Plan: PremiumCountry: UK I have just purchased Premium for Family and
have added my fiancee to the plan. She has an e-mail with a link however
what do we do after this point? Do I get her to login in from her device
with my email and password?If no, ...
Plan: Premium Country: UK I have just purchased Premium for Family and have added my fiancee to the plan. She has an e-mail with a link however what do we do after this p...
Volevo sapere se è possibile pagare l'account premium for family con il
buono 18 appPerché sul sito sembra che si possa fare solo con il premium
Volevo sapere se è possibile pagare l'account premium for family con il buono 18 app Perché sul sito sembra che si possa fare solo con il premium classico
PlanFamily PremiumDeviceSamsung Galaxy S9+Operating SystemAndroid Oreo
My Question or IssueI happened to get a Spotify email verification for
the family plan, but I did not check the mail and they threw me out of
the premium. Now he will not let me v...
Plan Family Premium Device Samsung Galaxy S9+ Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue I happened to get a Spotify email verification for the family plan, but I did not c...