Solved!! Cancel subscription and get a refund
I dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
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Start a topicI dont use Spotify enough to pay for a subscription I'm going to cancel subscription
I am an existing Duo customer, and this evening I got an email from Spotify saying : “ Try Family for the next 2 months (at no extra cost) and go from 2 to 3 or more Premium accounts under one plan.”When I select to accept the offer and upgrade to Fa...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
Hoping Spotify offers discounts for military or low income users like many others do.
Recently ive been experimenting some problems with my alexa, for example, i try order her to play an especific song, instead, she plays the radio of the song, basically, i dont have the Premium features
Hello. I just got an ad but I pay for Premium. I'm logged into my Premium account. I've been paying for Premium for years with no ads. If Spotify is now showing ads on Premium accounts, I'm out. Anyone know what's up?
Assinei por três meses e me bloqueou antes disseram que era tes meses grátis por 19.90
Hoy mismo me han cobrado la cuota PREMIUM de Spotify de 9,99€ pero hoy mismo también he adjuntado los documentos para mi cuenta de estudiante, solicito me devuelvan la diferencia.Además he visto que los 3 primeros meses deberían ser gratisMi correo e...
Its still showing its free account and make payment again for Premium Student Plan
I am trying to change my card details but it is not opening since yesterday
Meu pagamento não foi concluído problema do cartão de crédito como faço pra efetuar pagamento este mes
Hello!Currently I have contracted the individual premium plan but I have joined a family premium. Do I have to unsubscribe from the individual premium or when I join the family premium is the individual automatically canceled? How can I cancel my pre...
My husband is getting charged for his own Spotify account even though he is on my family account? Any suggestion? Does he delete his own account?
Please refund my $9.99. I must have hit something by mistake. So, please refund asap!
So I already paid for the spotify service and the money already went through but I'm still getting ads. I've tried speaking to the customer care guys but they've done nothing to help me. Is there anything I can do?
what happens to my 1 week premium mini if i buy a premium individual? will it the premium mini disappear or it'll take a week until the premium mini ends for my premium individual to apply?
Kann ich als Arbeitgeber meinen Mitarbeitern Spotify anbieten zur privaten Nutzung?
I used to live in Ireland and had a subscription from there. Now I've moved back to Denmark and want to renew my membership with a Danish credit card. When I select Denmark as my current country it says that I am no longer eligible for Spotify Premiu...
I pay for duo the invite linked I send my husband expired So I tried to get a new invite link and when I tap invite nothing happens??
I have the 3 month premium plan right now. But I recently got a gift card for the plan. Is there any way I can add the gift card to my payment I already paid?
Hello, I have been subscribed to Spotify Premium, but my Premium membership expired months ago. I would like to access my old liked songs or playlists, but when I log into my account I keep seeing "Get Spotify Premium" advertisement. I cannot click a...